Chapter 9
Jungkook's pov~
I was absolutely livid.
This is what you get for being nice to people. I shouldn't have helped that girl, Tzuyu. Though I knew it wasn't her fault either, I couldn't help but get irritated at every mention of her name.
"I was just trying not to be rude. If whoever took the picture had seen me walking away from her, they would have captured that as well and labelled me a standoffish asshole."
Our manager sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. The poor guy had not had any sleep for two days straight. At first because we'd just won the Billboard Music Awards and he had to handle all the PR, and now this.
We too were riding off the high of our win. Infact, we'd just landed back home a few hours ago. Also, a press conference with the Korean media was scheduled for us tomorrow.
And now I was certain they were going to bring up this whole rumour tomorrow. We were at the peak of our careers, we couldn't afford any controversy right now. Our celebration over the BBMA win shouldn't have been interrupted by something so stupid.
Currently, the whole group was present in the dorm living room and everyone was looking at me with worry. They knew how seriously I took my job and the image that I have to uphold because of it.
"Look", manager hyung sat down at the chair opposite me." It's not that big of a problem. Just write an official explanation about what actually was going on at the time. But of course we would have to contact JYP first, to make sure that both sides of the story match."
"But will that be enough?", Namjoon hyung chimed in.
Manager hyung frowned, "Maybe not. Many people will still think you're dating her but that's all we can do now."
The phone he had been holding in his hand all this time started ringing.
He swallowed." I have to take this."
Must be Bang pdnim.
After he walked out, I stood up from the couch.
"I'm going out for some fresh air. I need to think."
"Don't forget your mask and cap.", J-hope shouted from behind me.
I felt better after escaping the concerned stares of my hyungs.
My mask was up and my cap pulled low. I took the back alleys, purposefully avoiding the crowded main roads as I jogged towards the direction of the nearest park.
When I reached it, I consciously made my way to the isolated benches at the far side.
The evening breeze ruffled my hair as I inhaled deeply. I closed my eyes, tried to sort out my jumbled thoughts.
In a short amount of time a lot of things had happened that my mind needed to process. The sheer excitement of the last two days, the breathtaking moment when we held the award, the countless interviews and then landing back home, the shock and then anger after finding out about the picture and the rumour.
And between all this, my mind kept coming back to a certain cute blonde with huge eyes and her lavender and fresh water fragrance.
Unexpectedly, my mood lifted when I thought of her.
Then I remembered the tears in her eyes the last time I saw her. The tears I had put there.
My mood darkened once again.
Oh the irony.
I had been telling her not to cause a scandal for Jimin and now I was myself in the middle of one. She must be laughing at my hypocrisy right now.
My phone chimed from my pocket as I sat down at the bench facing a small koi pond.
It was the 97 liner group chat. They had all already congratulated me for the award. So I knew what they had to say this time. I took out my phone anyway.
Better get this over with.
*Yugyeom: Jungkook, are you okay?*
*Th8: Why wouldn't he be okay?*
*DK: Dumbass, don't you read the news.*
*Th8: Oh I just saw it.*
*Yugyeom: Twice has been summoned by Sajangnim. Probably for an explanation from Tzuyu-ssi.*
Funny, I didn't think about Twice at all. Now I felt pity for the group. I could imagine the hate Tzuyu and her group must be receiving right now. It was unfair, but they would be the one getting out worse off from this whole situation.
I was about to reply when another message popped up.
*Bambam: You've been quite the playboy recently, Jungkook. First Lisa during the stage rehearsals and now Tzuyu at the awards.*
Scowling at my phone, I personal messaged him.
*Jungkook: Were you there that day? At the stage rehearsals?*
*Bambam: Yes. I saw your superhero skills with my own eyes.*
*Jungkook: Believe me or not, I was trying to be the good guy this time as well. Helping your labelmate pick up her stuff.*
*Bambam: I don't care what you were doing. Just don't hurt Lisa*
Now I was thoroughly confused.
*Jungkook: What?*
*Bambam: Lisa is my childhood friend, Jungkook. She's like a sister to me. I saw the look in your eyes when she was in your arms that day after you saved her. You wanted her.*
I stared at his message. He was delusional. I didn't want anybody. She just always happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
And sometimes I seek her out myself...
I shoved that thought away.
I was about to type out a sarcastic retort when a sudden flash blinded me.
I looked up. It was already dark. Two people hiding behind the nearby trees were trying to take my picture.
Standing up from the bench, I put my phone in my pocket.
I was slowly walking to the park exit, trying not to attract attention when one of them loudly shouted.
"It's Jungkook!"
Oh fuck no...
When I heard commotion and several shrieks from behind me I broke into a run. Those were the screams of fangirls. I could recognise them anywhere.
I looked back. More than 20 girls were chasing me, screaming my name.
Exiting the park, I turned right towards the market area. Hopefully I could blend in with the crowd and escape the mob behind me.
"Jungkookie! Tell me you're not dating that bitch.",one of them screamed.
I increased my speed.
The market was bustling with people out and about, the crowded streets making a good camouflage.
I slowed down as I entered a throng of people walking on the sidewalk. Trying to appear as discrete as possible, I pulled my mask all the way up.
"Where is he?!", a girl shouted from not too far away.
Fuck, still not in the clear..
For twenty minutes I kept on walking with my head down, trying to reach an exit or an alleyway from where I could escape completely.
I was walking past several restaurants, thinking I had lost them, when suddenly sharp nails dug into my forearm.
"Jungkook, it is you. I'm your biggest fan, I could recognise you anywhere..."
Several people were starting to look my way.
"I'm sorry.", I said as I pryed her hand away.
She tried to grab my shirt but I made a run for it again.
I was dashing in and out between the crowd at lightning speed. Suddenly, a darkened alley ahead caught my attention.
Maybe it'll be a shortcut out of here.
I was running like a crazed person, adrenaline coursing through me.
Almost there.
Out of nowhere, a hooded figure wearing all black came directly into my path.
I couldn't slow down in time.
My front collided with their side. Both of us went down, landing on the hard side walk with a thump.
"Oww.", a feminine voice sounded from beneath me.
I knew that voice.
The new BP teasers got me Jungshook. I can't wait for the new songs.
And I can't wait for more btsxblackpink interactions in 4-6 months time to feed my thirsty soul.
Hope you guys like this chapter. More liskook moments coming your way in the next one. :)
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