Chapter 6
Lisa's pov~
"Lisa, don't be stubborn. You'll hurt yourself.", manager oppa scolded.
Our performance was about to start, the unnies already in their positions. I was held back because I didn't want to perform wearing the splint. I didn't want to show any weakness on national television. Besides it was just a matter of 5 minutes, nothing could happen in such a short amount of time.
"Oppa, I'm going. Don't worry, I'll be okay."
I hurried to the stage, manager oppa shouting for me to wait. I didn't listen. I took my position on the darkened stage just as the opening instrumental for whistle started to play.
"Make 'em whistle, like a missile bomb bomb."
I sang, the familiar thrill of performing in front of so many people filling me up. It was during these times that I felt that all the training and hard work we had done for years had been worth it.
Jennie started her rap, while we danced behind her. Suddenly, a sharp pain in my wrist made me falter.
Oh no.
I was not going to fail this time. I pulled my face into a jovial expression matching the tone of the song. Despite the pain I powered through the performance without a mistake, determined not to mess up.
The crowd cheered wildly when we finished.
Unconsciously, my gaze went to the side table where BTS was sitting.
Jungkook was looking at me, frowning.
Why is he staring at me like that?
I turned away, telling myself I didn't care.
Backstage our manager and team congratulated us, though manager oppa did give me a scolding about not caring for my safety. I appropriately apologised.
I was in pain but I didn't say anything, not wanting to hear an "I told you so".
"Umm, oppa where are our bags?" I asked nonchalantly.
"In the green room.", he replied, handing Rosé a bottle of water.
"Okay, I'll be right back."
Our green room was situated at the back of the building. The front ones, which were bigger, had been allotted to senior groups like EXO and BTS.
I opened the door, immediately going for my grey backpack.
Pulling the zipper open, I took out my wrist splint.
I was contemplating wether to put it on or not seeing as the pain had gone down and I found it quite itchy, when a voice behind me made me jump in surprise.
"Wear it."
I turned around. Jungkook was leaning on the door frame, his arms folded on his chest.
How long had he been watching me?
"What are you doing here?", I asked.
The room felt smaller than it already was.
He ignored me. Pushing away from the door he slowly walked forward. He took the splint from me and grabbed my right hand.
"Your tough girl act might cost you, you know. I thought you were a professional. Why are you putting yourself and your group at risk by trying to worsen your injury?, he said quietly, firmly securing the splint around my wrist.
I didn't want to listen to another lecture.
" I didn't wear it because I am a professional.", I argued, taking my hand back.
He shook his head.
"No you're not. Though I don't know who'd take you seriously in that dress anyway.". He looked me up and down.
The nerve on this man.
"It's a jacket actually and there's nothing wrong with it. It's eye catching."
"Oh yes, it is eye catching. You look like an expensive feather duster.", he laughed loudly.
I put my hand over his mouth, shushing him.
"Shut up."
He caught my hand, bringing it down.
"So touchy-feely. I knew you wanted to be close to me when you fell over me during the stage rehearsals but please calm yourself. Someone might see us and mistake your obsession with me for something mutual."
Murder never sounded as good as right now.
"You are the one stalking me. And I did not fall over you, you appeared out of nowhere beneath me."
"Tsk. Such ungratefulness. Remind me never to save you ever again.", he said. His index finger was drawing small circles on my palm.
Shame washed over me. Where were my manners? He had infact saved me from a very dangerous fall and I hadn't thanked him once.
I looked at my shoes.
"Thank you for saving me.", I muttered in a contrite voice.
"What was that?"
"I said thanks. Don't act deaf.", I snapped.
He looked at me weirdly.
"You know you look like the angry emoji when you're pissed. Just with fake hair.", he commented, reaching upto touch my hair.
I gasped in outrage.
How did he know?
"How do you know? About my hair."
It wasn't that obvious, was it?
He blinked.
"It's obvious."
What the hell? Is he reading my mind now?
"I want to see you with short hair. I can already imagine you looking like a small boy. Hell, you barely look like an adult now.", he continued, his voice contemplative.
"Did you come here just to insult me?", I asked.
"What is going on here?"
We both turned around.
Oh no. Manager oppa.
Jungkook's pov~
I returned to my seat. I had quietly escaped while Lisa was getting an earful from her manager. I felt sorry for her but not enough to stay and get a lecture too.
"What are you smiling about?, Rapmon hyung asked as I sat beside him."And where were you?"
"Oh just the restrooms.", I lied.
He looked at me suspiciously.
"What? I drink a lot of water okay."
He narrowed his eyes but let it go.
Just then the nominees for Song of the year-November came on screen.
BlackPink won. Again. They were doing extremely well for a rookie group.
We stood up and clapped. I noticed a smiling Lisa making her way to the mic, the others standing beside her.
This I have to see.
"Thank you for loving Playing With Fire. Thank you Teddy oppa for writing great songs. Oppa, the colour of your heart is black..."
She was so damn cute. Giggling with genuine glee and being adorable without even trying. I could tell this wasn't forced aegyo some idols liked to do and it made her that much more loveable. Apparently, the audience felt so too. I heard several "awwws" coming from the seating area.
I couldn't control my smile when she started speaking Thai. Unconsciously, she was winning the hearts of many.
My hyungs were also smiling.
I heard a loud sigh.
I looked at Jimin. He was staring at Lisa as if he was hypnotised, his gaze following her every move.
What the....
Woooohoooo they officially announced the comeback date. See you guys at my funeral on 22 June, 2017.
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