Chapter 30
3 weeks later
Lisa's pov~
Vibrations above my head woke me up from a deep dreamless sleep.
Cracking one eye open, I saw the darkened bedroom. Dim lighting came from a nightlight I had gifted Jungkook because I could never sleep in total darkness.
The first time I had spent the night at this apartment Jungkook owned in south Seoul, just 2 days after I had returned from Thailand, he had teased me about my silly fear.
Then set up several Army Bombs around the room, until it looked like we were having our own little concert on the bed.
When I had asked why he had so many, he had muttered something about Seokjin hyung spending too much time at his apartment.
Now, strong arms wrapped around me as I stretched my own above my head. A hard bare chest pressed against my back and Jungkook buried his head in the crook of my neck. The moan that escaped me was involuntary, his touch never failing to fire up my nerves.
My period had come and gone and we had both heaved a big sigh of relief, promising to never go unprotected again even though I was on birth control.
We were idols, one slip up could ruin our lives. Suffice it to say, the extra large box of condoms Jungkook had bought was being put to good use.
Bunnies, indeed.
Another vibration above my head made me flinch. With bleary eyesight I stretched my hand out to reach for the culprit, Jungkook's phone on the side table.
The time vaguely registered in my mind as I saw the home screen. 5:03 am. Oh crap! I had to leave before the sun came up. Sneaking out in the dark was much safer.
Then the text notifications below caught my attention.
*Tzuyu: Oppa can we meet today?*
*Tzuyu: I need to talk to you, it's urgent.*
*Tzuyu: It's about our relationship. Please reply as soon as you can.*
Irritation flared up in me, as well as an urge to reply a middle finger to her.
I could have done it too, I knew Jungkook's passcode. But I didn't want to be that type of a girlfriend. So I let it go, making a mental note to talk to Jungkook about her.
I really did need to leave before sunrise.
But as soon as I made to get up, his arms tightened around me.
"Stay.", he grumbled adorably, making me smile.
I turned my head to peck his nose. "You have a full day of practice ahead and I have a fan signing to attend." I wiggled in his arms. "So let me up."
He grumbled again but eased his hold on me.
I had barely placed my foot on the floor when suddenly he pulled me back. I squealed in surprise when he hopped on top of me, feathering his hands over my ticklish ribs.
Uncontrollable laughter ensued.
"Jungkook, stop it!" I managed to get out in between giggles.
"Promise me that you'll have dinner with me tomorrow." He continued tormenting me, his hands moving down to my sensitive abdomen.
I had agreed to go on a dinner with Bambam tomorrow and the jerk knew it. He didn't want me to go.
"Okay, okay. Fine!", I screamed.
He stopped immediately, bending down to peck my lips. "Good girl."
This guy...
Jungkook's pov~
Blood pumped my muscles and sweat dripped off every inch of my body.
I moved as one with every beat of our new song, DNA. And so did the rest of my members.
We finished with perfect synchronisation and the choreographer did a double thumbs up, indicating that we hadn't made a single mistake.
"Finally!", Hoseok hyung exclaimed. "Jin hyung didn't fuck up this time."
Jin hit the back of Hoseok's head. "Yah, it was you who messed up last time. And don't swear." He made for the exit. "I need food."
Poor Hobi hyung always took the bait. "I did not mess up! I'm the main dancer...", his voice trailed off as he followed Jin out.
Then Jimin."I'm hungry too. See you guys in a bit."
I sat down to wipe the sweat off me, spying Suga hyung lying face down on the dance floor.
The guy looked like he was dead. But it was his way of power napping.
My phone vibrated on the table beside me and I cursed under my breath. Tzuyu had been messaging me since morning.
I glanced at the screen, immediately picking it up when I saw it was Lisa instead.
She had sent me a picture of her in a restaurant holding chopsticks. I smiled. She looked so damn cute.
"Is it the Lisa girl?"
Namjoon hyung's voice made me snap my head up. "How did you know?"
A smug grin spread across his face. "You have a funny look on your face whenever she texts."
I narrowed my eyes. "A funny look?"
"Yeah. Like you're already imagining the next time you'll be with her."
My face turned red.
Taehyung, who had been silently observing till now, snickered. "Look at his face, hyung. I need to take a picture."
Before I could shove his hand away, he had whipped out his phone, snapping a close up picture of me.
"Yah, hyung. What are you doing?"
He ran out the room, yelling, "This is going on twitter!"
I would have run after him but another message popped up on my phone screen. My breath catched when I saw who it was.
*Bambam: Meet me outside JYP at 6 pm.*
It had been 20 minutes after 6 already and there was still no sign of Bambam.
I didn't know if he was taking a revenge for what I'd done to Mark by giving me false hope or just trying to get on my nerves by making me wait.
The latter was working. I was not a patient person.
At exactly 6:30 I saw him strolling out the JYP building. He recognised my car and made his way across, opening the door and getting in beside me.
I spoke first.
"Certainly took your time."
He ignored my comment, turning to face me with a hard, angry expression. "Give me one good reason why I should help you. After everything you did to my hyung."
I looked him straight in the eyes, coldness seeping in my voice. "You are well aware that your hyung was in the wrong. He shouldn't have touched Lisa."
He looked away because he knew I was right.
I continued. "And that's exactly the one reason why you should help me. I know you care about her."
That's why I had persuaded Lisa to not meet him tomorrow, his feelings for her didn't sit right with me. But he didn't need to know that.
He took a deep breath.
After a minute he spoke, seeming to come to a decision.
"I did some digging. From what I found, JYP was not the one behind your fake relationship with Tzuyu. Infact, he seemed to be against it. Initially atleast.The board members backed the whole set up because they risked losing the funding of an influential member among them. The member who initiated this whole facade."
He pursed his lips. "Tzuyu's mother."
Earlier than usual update. I was feeling inspired.
Does anybody have any idea about BlackPink's cb date? I miss them so much.
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