Chapter 24
[ unedited ]
Jungkook's pov~
She was trembling, both her arms wrapped tightly around my neck. She buried her face near my shoulder, almost as if she was afraid to face reality. I clutched her tighter to me.
Wading through the crowd of rabid fans, my two bodyguards clearing the way for us, I carried Lisa to the private entrance of the stadium. As soon as we passed the VIP barricades I breathed a sigh of relief, thanking the staff for their assistance.
"You know this is not going to go well with BangPD right?", my personal bodyguard said.
They'd agreed to help me save Lisa when they'd seen the seriousness of the situation outside. But I guess they hadn't anticipated me carrying her in my arms.
"I know. Don't worry though, he won't blame you two. I'll make sure of it.", I reassured, looking down at Lisa with a frown.
She had multiple injuries.
A burning rage coursed through me and I slowly counted to ten in my head. Can't go berserk mode on a crowd full of fans.
"What about your girlfriend, that twice girl?", the other one asked.
I rolled my eyes, ignoring his question as I passed by them and towards my waiting room. "Tell someone to get me a first aid kit, will ya? Thanks."
Our backstage staff all had matching dumbstruck expressions as I passed by them. No one dared to stop me as I pushed through the door of my waiting room with a female idol in my arms.
I carried Lisa to the only empty table top in the room, the rest full of makeup, hair products and random accessories. She still hadn't looked up from her safe spot on my shoulder, reminding me of a turtle hiding inside it's shell.
Bending down, I put my cheek beside hers, nuzzling her exposed ear. "Baby, open your eyes."
She did, blinking in disorientation as I set her atop the table. I pulled back to examine her, looking for more wounds and scratches I hadn't noticed earlier.
"Jungkook." Her soft whisper made me look up. "Why did you do that?"
I pursed my lips, not answering her question. Her knees were bleeding profusely. So I took off my white T-shirt instead of waiting for the first aid kit. A loud tearing sound echoed through the room as I ripped it straight down the middle. Tearing off two pieces of white cloth from it, I wrapped them tightly around her knees, stopping the blood flow.
The blood flow that now headed straight for her face apparently. She was blushing fire engine red. And staring at my bare chest.
I grinned. "Enjoying yourself, doll?"
"What?!" She cleared her throat, looking away. "No. And you didn't answer my question. I thought you didn't trust me anymore. On the phone call you said-"
"I punched him."
She blinked in surprise. "What?"
"I punched Mark hyung." I sighed, throwing what remained of my shirt across the room. It landed right inside the trash bin. "After I saw those pictures I headed straight to their place. And let's just say he won't be getting out of his bed anytime soon."
Her jaw dropped to the floor. "But you said-"
"I know what I said. I was angry. At those pictures, at the fact that I had just potentially destroyed any friendship we had with Got7."
I looked her straight in the eyes, letting out all my doubts at once. "And I admit the thought of you cheating on me did cross my mind."
Taking her hand in mine, I placed it right above my heart. "But I trust you, just as you trusted me."
She was staring at me with her beautiful doe eyes. It hadn't been all that long but I'd missed those eyes so much.
"Cheating on you? Does that mean...?", she gulped, her hand moving down on my chest. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
I smirked, stopping her hand on it's dangerous trail down my abs. "What am I saying?"
Lisa pulled my head down to hers, tangling her hand in my hair. "That I'm your girlfriend."
Instead of replying to her silly query, I just kissed the living daylights out of her.
She was surprised at first but soon responded with equal fervour, the kiss moving towards dangerous grounds when she wrapped her legs around my waist.
"Are you sure you want to start something you can't finish, doll?", I asked against her lips, sliding her blouse off one of her shoulders for more of my bruising kisses.
Her nails dug into my back when I bit her neck. "You started it.", she moaned.
"True.", I grunted, kissing her sexy collarbones.
"Here's your first ai- Woah. Nice view."
Lisa shrieked and I cursed under my breath at the interruption. We broke apart and Lisa rushed to tug up her blouse. I moved in front of her as I turned around.
And glared at Taehyung.
"Hyung, you have the worst timing."
He snickered. "I can tell." Putting the box he carried on the side table, he wiggled his eyebrows. "I'm proud of you, maknae."
"Okay, I'm going." He pushed through the doors yelling "Just use protection kids!" for the whole building to hear.
Great. I can already hear him telling everyone about how I'm the real Energiser Bunny.
Lisa looked like she wanted the earth to open up and swallow her.
But her pity party was cut off when her phone rang inside her pocket. I was surprised she hadn't dropped it amongst the crowd outside.
I moved to bandage her up as she took the call.
Kneeling before her, I removed the shirt cloth from around her knees before cleaning the wounds with antiseptic. I was feeling a sense of déjà vu to the time she had tended to my scratches in a restaurant after fans had almost mobbed me.
I smiled. Coming full circle, are we?
"Yes, I'm alright. Jung-Jungkook saved me." She paused. "I don't know what would have happened if he wasn't there at the right time."
I kissed her thigh in reply to her indirect gratitude. Finished with one knee, I started on the other.
"In 3 minutes? Okay I'll be there, unnie. Yes I know the way." Pause. "Tell Chaeng I'm alright. I can hear her crying."
The knees done, I rubbed antiseptic on the numerous scratches I saw on her arms and legs, sighing when I saw the purplish bruises already forming in other places. Can't do much about them.
She sniffled as she ended the call. "I know, unnie. I love you too."
Closing the kit I pushed it to the side as I stood up, making sure I didn't miss any other mark on her body. "Ice the bruises as soon as you can okay?", I said as I looked up.
She had the softest smile on her face. "Thank you, Jagiya."
She chuckled. "I'm sorry. Was that too cringy?"
She hopped off the table and made her way to the door, still facing me with a mischievous smile.
I cleared my throat. "I'm not sure. You might have to say that again."
She laughed. "Nuh huh. I have to go, I have a performance in 3 minutes."
My good mood dropped. "Lisa, you're not performing in this condition-"
She was out the door before I could finish.
She did perform though. The bandages visible for all the world to see, as she perfectly executed every move of her choreo. Not a flinch visible on her face.
I was proud of her. And pissed beyond belief. But her stubbornness was one of the many things I loved about her.
We were on the stage now, my group beside me on one side and Twice on the other. No doubt the positioning had been orchestrated beforehand. All the other groups who had performed were also present for the ending ceremony. I could see Lisa across the stage with the other BlackPink members clearly.
The MCs were wrapping up the festival with their final words.
"Stop staring at her and put your arm around my waist.", a low feminine growl sounded from beside me. I looked down at Tzuyu in surprise.
I had never heard her speak in such a way.
"Do it." Her eyes were burning with fury as she glared at me. "Or I will kiss you. On national television." She smirked. "I know you don't like that kind of attention on yourself."
My mind spun as I slowly put my arm around her waist, the audience going crazy at the action. She smiled in satisfaction when ear splitting screams yelling Tzukook reached us.
I frowned in confusion. She had always seemed like the victim in this charade, just like me. But now I questioned myself.
Later, in my dorm I decided to do a little research. I didn't like to be taken for a fool by anyone.
Hoping that he would help me even after everything I had done to his groupmate, I dialed a number.
I'm sorry I didn't update for a while. I got food poisoning (idek what the heck I ate 😖).
Is my writing weird in this chapter? I always find it difficult to write if I take a break from it, even if it's a short one.
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