Chapter 20
Jungkook's pov~
"You could at least try to look interested.", Tzuyu whispered as she moved my arm from my side to around her waist surreptitiously. "There are cameras you know."
I barely paid attention to her, staring with unseeing eyes at what looked like paint randomly splattered on canvas in front of me. Just a white background with a few colourful blots. The tag below the painting stated it's starting price.
50 million won.
I know what I'm doing if this idol thing goes into the gutter.
And chances of that were looking really good as I spied another guy with a huge camera lurking around the corner. I've never wanted to smash a camera so badly before.
"Let's move on.", I said and led her by the waist to the other side of the gallery, the row of paintings passing by us.
It hadn't been long since we got here and I already had no idea where my hyungs had wandered off too. Last I'd seen of them was Tae fanboying over the expensive art and Jin hyung heading straight for the dessert table. No idea where the rest were.
We passed another corner and a familiar face greeted me.
"Hey, Kookie.", Yugyeom came forward with a huge smile and opened his arms for a hug. I let go of Tzuyu.
"It's been ages, Gyeomie." I called him by the nickname he hated, and he instantly gave me the evil stare. I laughed, dodging his playful attempt to put me in a headlock.
Tzuyu cleared her throat behind me. "Hello, Yugyeom oppa."
"Uh yeah." Yugyeom stuttered. "Tzuyu-ssi, sorry I didn't see you there." He looked flustered for a second, eyeing me from the corner of his eyes.
Apart from Bangtan and Twice and a few other company executives nobody knew the truth. He likely thought we were dating for real. And I understood his confusion, seeing as he knew me pretty well. I wasn't a relationship type of guy.
"Um, congratulations you both. It was a surprise but I wish you guys happiness.", he continued.
"Thank you, oppa. You're very kind."
"Yeah um, where's Bambam?", I changed the subject, looking around for their rapper and another 97 liner.
"He's talking up his childhood friend." Yugyeom pointed behind me and I turned to look.
My breath left me.
The first thing I saw were legs a mile long, then her tiny waist showcased perfectly by her snug dress, finally upto her beautiful face smiling in amusement at a man who wasn't me.
That dress. I clenched my jaw, wanting to burn it. It showed too much of her skin.
She threw her head back, laughing at something Bambam said. Her head unconsciously turned in my direction and she did a double take, her smile fading.
I didn't realise I started to move towards her until a hand on my arm stopped me. "Jungkook oppa."
"Yeah.", I reflexively answered, still looking at Lisa.
"Kookie oppa." This time my head snapped back when I felt a warm hand on my chest. Tzuyu inched closer to me.
"What are you doing?", I asked through my teeth.
She innocently pouted at me, then turned around, showing me her back. She proceeded to move all her hair to the front.
My eyes widened. I hadn't known she was wearing a backless dress since her hair covered her up. Now she looked at me with hooded eyes over her bare shoulder.
"Oppa, can you please take off my choker? It's really tight."
"Tzuyu, what the-"
The sound of shutter and several camera clicks made me stop. Fucking hell.
I reached up to her nape, making quick work of removing the choker, trying to make as little skin to skin contact as possible.
She extended her hand and I shoved it into her palm. "Do not pull this shit ever again.", I warned, turning to look back at Lisa.
But she wasn't there.
I raked a hand through my hair. Growling an "I need a break." under my breath, I walked away. Leaving Tzuyu and Yugyeom standing in the same spot.
Lisa's pov~
My eyes stung and I hated myself for it. When they had showed up arm in arm, I made a vow right then and there that I would never let him know how much it hurt. I would paste a fake smile on until my cheeks hurt.
Easier said than done.
He had lied to me, he was infact dating her. Good. Now I could make serious efforts to get over him. At least that's what I thought.
Until I saw her hands on his chest...his hands on her neck.
Making my excuses to Bambam, I hightailed it out of there. Reaching for a champagne glass from a server's tray along the way, I made my way to what looked like a quiet unpopulated corner of the huge gallery.
We weren't allowed to drink alcohol. It was in our contracts. So I looked left and right for anyone from yg before taking a sip from the flute glass. One drink won't hurt right?
My face scrunched at the weird sour but sweet taste.
Okay, so champagne won't be my drink of choice. Good to know.
"Aww, look who's trying to drink away her sorrows." Tzuyu stepped beside me out of nowhere, hands behind her back as she made a show of looking at the paintings on the wall.
My fingers tightened on the stem of the glass until I thought I would break it. "Did I ask for your company?"
She smiled her signature angelic smile. If I didn't know better I would've been fooled by it too. "I see the way you look at him." She turned to face me fully. "He's taken. So please move on. Besides he would never be with the likes of you."
I smirked. "Oh yeah? I don't think he got the memo though. Seeing he's had his tongue down my throat before."
Her face turned an angry red so quick, it was almost comical. "Stop lying, you bitch."
And before I could comprehend her next move, she reached for the champagne glass in my hand and turned it over on my chest.
The cold liquid stuck to me immediately as I gasped in shock. "You-"
"Oops." She started backing away. "I think the restroom's just around the corner." She ran away in her heels. "Good luck."
I stared at the mirror above the washbasin. My dress was ruined and my whole chest felt sticky no matter how many times I splattered water over myself. A shower sounded like heaven right now.
But more than that, the already translucent dress was now completely transparent, the outline of my breasts clearly visible.
I closed my eyes in defeat, restraining myself from banging my head on the wall. I couldn't go out until my dress was dry and I didn't have my phone with me, so I couldn't call anyone.
My distracted brain registered that the music playing inside the restroom was different from the soothing jazz outside. BTOB's Toy was ending and then BTS' War Of Harmones started.
"...Girls wear things that make me cough cough, see right through, see right through..."
I laughed out loud like a maniac. The irony.
My deep contemplation on why God hated me was interrupted when I heard footsteps outside. My brows furrowed, I made my way towards the door, opening it. I stuck my head out to see what was going on.
And made eye contact with Jungkook as he casually walked in my direction.
Two girls who looked like they were older than him stopped him for a moment, giggling like little girls.
"Um, sorry but do you know where the restrooms are?", the redheaded one asked, looking at him from under her lashes.
He smiled. "Yeah, go out the exit of the building and continue walking straight."
I covered my mouth as sudden laughter burst out of me when I spied their smiles vanishing. They could clearly see the restroom sign a few feet away in front of them.
Girls, this is why you should never act dumb to flirt with a guy.
They politely thanked him as they rushed past like their nonexistent pants were on fire
"Don't cover your mouth. I love your giggle."
He had moved closer and I didn't even realise.
I ducked my head back in and pushed the door.
But he was too fast. Before I knew what happened he was inside the restroom and I heard the click of the lock.
I gulped nervously.
"Now, what shall I do with you?"
People who wanted a warning for the next chapter. Get ready.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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