Chapter 17
A/n: Twice's comeback was way before BP's but in this story Signal and Aiiyl were released closer together.
Lisa's pov~
Three days after he first texted me, things between me and Jungkook were still up in the air. Whenever I tried to bring up anything serious between us he would either reply with a sexual innuendo or change the topic altogether. I got the message loud and clear.
I'd never thought I would fall for someone with commitment phobia.
But the thing was, he didn't like it when I talked about other guys. Wether it be Jimin or someone else. When I mentioned getting my sunbae Jinhwan oppa's help for the Onstyle's attractive tv which I was going to be featured on, he didn't reply for a whole day. When I asked what was up with him, he just went-
"Oh, you're back from your session with your "Oppa". I was just trying not to disturb you two."
I could feel the sarcasm radiating off the phone screen.
Currently I lounged on a comfy chair in the green room, about an hour before our Show Music Core performance. Jennie and Jisoo were doing an Insta live outside and I had no clue where Chaeng was. My stylist unnie was straightening my hair as I looked down at my phone.
*Lisa: How was your concert last night?*
His reply came a minute later.
*Jungkook: Japanese crowds are always stunning. The fans go the extra mile too. One guy serenaded Jimin hyung during the fansign after. He got so shy...we were trying hard not to burst out laughing.*
I smiled, imagining the whole thing in my head, hoping our Japan debut next month would be successful too. But then my smile faded.
*Lisa: Is he still not talking to you?*
*Jungkook: No. It's really frustrating. We share a room and there's this awkward silence that hangs between us half the time. I don't know what to do.*
Guilt gnawed at me. I knew theirs was a tight knit group, they were like brothers just like Rosé, Jisoo and Jennie were my sisters. I hated being the reason for their fight.
*Lisa: When you guys get back, I'm going to personally apologise to him. It wasn't right, what we did. Especially when he was the one who invited me.*
*Jungkook: He isn't mad at you, Lisa. He blames me for something that happened in the past and he thinks I broke his trust again. When that's the farthest thing from the truth.*
What could he be talking about? I was confused but I knew he wouldn't tell me if I asked. My phone buzzed again.
*Jungkook: Anyways, I have to go now, we have a photoshoot. And what we did that day was so right, I still get turned on thinking about it.*
I hurriedly pressed the power button, hoping no one noticed my suddenly flushed face.
"All done.", stylist unnie chimed, turning me to face the mirror.
"Thanks, unnie." I smiled at her as I got up and walked out of the green room.
Jennie and Jisoo were just finishing up the live as me and Chaeng joined in to say hi to the blinks. When Jennie stopped the broadcast, Jisoo turned on Rosé.
"Where did you get that and where is mine?" She pointed to the jelly Chaeng was eating.
Rosé smirked as she ate another spoonful.
"Some blinks who came to watch us perform gave it to me outside."
"Wait for me, blinks.", Jisoo exclaimed, running towards the exit as if her life depended on it, no doubt to show some love to blinks in exchange for jelly.
We got so excited dancing to our new song in front of our fans. The new choreography was refreshing, I would never admit it out loud but as much as I loved our previous songs, performing them repeatedly for eight months straight was not an easy task.
The cheers and fan chants of blinks grew louder as I sang the last "majimak choreom" and we ended the song with a flying kiss.
The show got over when the week's winner was declared to be Twice's Signal. They were doing really good with their comeback and I was happy for them.
We made our way outside, ready to personally greet the fans who didn't get a chance to watch the performance live and waited for us. Apparently Twice had the same plan as they walked a few steps ahead of us. Cameras flashed and people screamed when we all emerged from the building. Me and my members immediately turned left towards the people holding BlackPink signs and merchandise. We signed everything thrusted at us, posed for endless selcas and accepted the small gifts blinks brought for us.
I moved down the line to my right and stretched out my hand for the cap one fan wanted me to sign. Sensing someone beside me, I turned to see Tzuyu smiling at a school aged girl. Snapping my neck forward, I tried to appear as nonchalant as possible.
We'd never been close with her as we'd been with some of the other Twice members like Jihyo, Momo and Nayeon. And with the recent media coverage of her and Jungkook plus the kiss I had witnessed, I really didn't feel like being anywhere near her.
"Unnie, is it true that you're dating Bangtan's maknae?", I overheard the girl in the school uniform question.
I pursed my lips, signing more stuff handed to me.
She laughed shyly, the sound echoing like a wind chime. Compared to hers my laugh sounded like a windshield wiper.
"You shouldn't ask such personal questions.", she mockingly whispered, though I could hear her from four feet away.
Why isn't she denying the rumour?
I saw the schoolgirl smile teasingly out of the corner of my eyes. "Bangtan's in Japan right now and you girls will be there in a few days too. Will you two meet each other there?"
"Maybe.", Tzuyu winked, smiling just as mischievously. I saw several fansite masters recording their conversation on camera.
My hackles rose. She's doing this purposefully.
"Just so you know.", the schoolgirl continued. "I'm an army too and you two have my full support. I would like Jungkook oppa to date a fan like you, since I'm his fan too."
"Thank you. That means a lot to me.", Tzuyu replied, posing for a selca with the girl.
My hands slipped from the plastic toy I was holding and it landed on the ground with a loud clack. I bent down to pick it up. I noticed Tzuyu eyeing me as I stood back up.
"Be careful, you could hurt the fans.", she said, looking down her nose at me. Before I could reply, she turned away.
A familiar hand landed on my shoulder. "C'mon let's go pack our stuff inside and then we'll leave.", Jennie whispered in my ear.
I nodded and followed the girls and staff inside after one last wave at the blinks.
My mind whirled with questions, an unsettling feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. Did Jungkook know about what Tzuyu was doing? I hadn't exactly asked but he had voluntarily shared that he had no contact with Tzuyu or anyone from Twice whatsoever. That could only mean she'd just misled a lot of people outside. Anger mounted inside me on behalf of Jungkook, he didn't deserve being played like that, especially when the public was involved.
I stepped out of the green room to cool off. I only brought a small bag with me so I didn't need to pack anything. I leaned against the side wall and put my head back, closing my eyes.
The sound of heels clicking on the floor disturbed my thoughts and I opened my eyes to see Tzuyu and Dahyun walking down the hallway, carrying their handbags with them.
And before I could control myself a question slipped out of my mouth. "Why are you doing this?"
Both of them stopped to look at me. My eyes were focused on Tzuyu, so there was no doubt as to who the question was directed at.
"Are you talking to me?", Tzuyu placed a hand on her chest. "Doing what? What did I do?"
"Lying. To the media. About you and Jungkook." My brain had no control over my mouth anymore.
Her jaw dropped in shock before she recovered herself and looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Excuse me. That's Jungkook-ssi to you. Learn to address people properly. And I wasn't lying to no one."
I noticed Dahyun staring at us nervously, wringing her hands. "Tzu, maybe we should-"
Tzuyu cut her off. "Are you jealous?", she asked, looking at me up and down with a sneer, her good girl aura long gone."He's way out of your league, so please stop dreaming."
I growled, "You should stop scheming. Stop playing games with another idol's reputation."
She chuckled. "Oh I can assure you Jungkook oppa loves to play games with me." She licked her lips before continuing. "You should know, you saw us kissing already, didn't you?"
I'm sorry Tzuyu fans but you gotta do what you have to do for drama.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, my college is reopening soon but I'll still try to update as regularly as possible. Fingers crossed.
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