Chapter 1
Lisa's pov ~
I realised too late that I had forgotten my phone back at the dorms. Staying up late was not a good idea. Rushing through my morning routine on such an important day was bad enough.
When I found out I had been chosen as the dancer from BlackPink for the opening of SBS Gayo Daejun I was simultaneously nervous and over the moon. This was a huge opportunity for me to prove myself and establish a good reputation of BlackPink for my unnies. We were only rookies after all. Dancing was my passion and I knew I could blow everyone's minds.
But so far this day was not going well for me.
I rushed through the SBS building's entrance and reception, hurriedly showing my ID to the guards. I didn't want to be late.
I took the elevator up. Luckily no one got in except for me as I tried to fix my haphazard appearance in the mirrors.
I noticed the ancient looking buttons and floor indicator. The elevator seemed to be moving at a snails pace. It seriously needed an upgrade.
The doors opened at floor 9. The interior of the building was old and new at the same time. I liked the feeling of walking down the same hallways many of my sunbaenims had walked as well. And now I was about to collaborate with some of them.
My nervousness was through the roof.
I stepped through room 909 and immediately noticed the many idols chosen for the opening set as well. Luckily not all of them seemed to be present yet.
Phew... I wasn't the last one.
Unconsciously, my eyes gravitated towards a person in the corner. Dressed in an all black outfit, the figure exuded confidence and strength. Jimin sunbaenim....
I would never admit this out loud but I was a fan of his dancing, along with his hyung j-hope's. The maknae of BTS was also just as good but for some reason I always found myself focusing on Jimin during award shows.
Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.
"Hey, Lisa!"
Momo appeared in front of me. We were good friends with all of Twice.
"Ready to charm everyone with those moves?"
I laughed "As ready as you are."
" The choreographer is sooo hot, you won't believe your eyes.", Momo whispered.
I was kind of surprised she still noticed such things, seeing as encountering hot guys in this industry was an everyday occurrence. But of course we could only look and do nothing else. The same went for male idols.
I wasn't particularly bothered by the dating restrictions idols had to follow. Though I had never had a boyfriend, I wasn't really eager to be in a relationship. It sounded like too much hassle and no real benefit. I'd rather focus on my career.
The instructor clapped his hands, calling us to attention.
"So there are going to be many parts to this opening. And each set would have only some idols in it. In the last set all of you would be dancing together. "
I was chosen for the first set. Street dance. Oh yes, I could do this.
The choreography was relatively easy. And I found myself enjoying the practice very much. After an hour we had all basically memorised our moves. Just few more practices and we would perfect this.
After another hour, our instructor stopped us for a drinks break.
"Whoo. That was amazing", Momo said swinging an arm around my shoulder.
"Yeah, this is fun" I said, as I noticed the door opening and the idols who had gone to another room to practice their set filing in.
My eyes again tracked Jimin sunbaenims every movement.
Momo noticed my gaze.
"Oooooh, someone's in love." , she laughed.
"Shhhh" I put my hand over her mouth.
Jimin's head turned towards us and I went tomato red.
He couldn't have heard her right?
He looked at me and smiled a cute charming smile before looking away.
Oh damn, his smiling eyes could be the death of anyone. I wasn't sure my heart was beating anymore.
My fangirling was interrupted when the instructor loudly told us to gather close.
"The last set you'll all be dancing together. Me and the other instructors have decided the formations already based on the skills that you've shown so far."
Was it silly that I was kinda proud of myself for being chosen to dance in the front line? I knew it was definitely silly to be happy to be placed in the same line as Jimin.
Damn it, Lisa. Stop being a little girl.
Three hours passed as we learned the moves and polished the choreography. Around lunch, the instructor dismissed us, telling us to be here at the same time tomorrow morning for more practice.
I headed towards the benches in the corner for a drink. I was untying my shoelaces when I saw a shadow over me.
I looked up and froze.
"You were really good out there. Keep it up and you'll go far.", Jimin said smiling.
I knew I should have closed my mouth and thanked him for his words but before I could get my brain to function he had turned away. I saw him heading out the doors, my heart beating fast.
I didn't know how long I sat there repeating his words in my head over and over and berating myself for acting like a guppy.
By the time I came to my senses everyone else had left the room already.
I hurriedly picked up my backpack and rushed out the door. There was no one in the hallway.
My intuition told me to take the stairs instead of the slow as hell elevator but I was tired and not in the mood to go down 9 floors on foot.
I stepped in and pressed the button for the ground floor.
His smooth voice complimenting me again flashed through my brain and I shut my eyes.
He's gonna remember me as the dumb, mute girl.
Suddenly the elevator opened and I looked up.
My eyes met a pair of warm brown ones. But even though their colour was warm, I couldn't help but notice the coldness in them.
For the second time that day, my heart stopped.
Bangtan Sonyeondan's Maknae.
This is my first time writing a fanfic on wattpad. Please let me know your thoughts on it. :)
I took some inspiration from riicecake 's story.
Please check it out, it's amazing so far.
Next update, the promised elevator scenes coming in ;)
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