The thing about going out with your girls on one of your best friends' bachelorette party, Lisa couldn't help but now noticing, was that hardly anyone would dare to chat you up.
It's probably because the rest of the girls walked in with their 'forever-after rings' on their fourth fingers or something to do with the fact that they had booked an entire private room of the club just for themselves. Both of which are conflicting with the practically-forced-into-showing-up remark given to her by the bachelorette herself, Chaeyoung, that it will be a good opportunity for Lisa to meet new people. And by 'new people' - Lisa understood that it's definitely 'men'.
Or did she miss the memo that one the housewives here is suddenly coming out of the closet and Chaeyoung decided that Lisa would be the best fit since she'd been single for almost three years now? Fuck, did she think I'm switching my sex preference? Aishh...
She took another gulp of the drink even though her head is already spinning lightly. She can't even remember the name of drinks Hyeri keeps ordering but she knows it's delicious! The room is buzzed with blasting house music and loud chats and laughter from the girls - cheering and bouncing with the sound. Chaeyoung looks like she's having the time of her life - dancing on the sofa with Irene, Tzuyu and Yeri.
"When's the stripper coming?" Ashley shouts, looking at her with a grin. Her blond hair looks darker in the low light and her brown eyes are twinkling devilishly.
"What?" Lisa began to feel nervous. Ashley - as she had gotten to know tonight - is as wild and outspoken as how Chaeyoung always said in her stories.
"You're the one who's supposed to order the stripper right? You're the single one,"
What?? How does being single puts me instantly in charge of strippers?? "I'm the balloon girl - no one said anything about me ordering a stripper?"
"No way - so we're not gonna have a stripper tonight??" Ashley's eyes grew larger and Lisa scoots back a little - worried that the lioness will make a show. I just bought this dress - swear to God if it's ruined just for a damn stripper -
"What are you two whispering about?" Jennie came in between them.
"Who's ordering the stripper? Lisa said it wasn't her -"
"Oh I did!" Oh, the relief!! Damn, that was such a pressure! "I spoke to the manager and asked if he has any connections,"
Just on time, all 8 heads turn towards the door when it opens. The girls immediately start laughing and catcalling while Lisa takes another sip of her drink - still thankful that she won't be scratched by the wild.
"Okay, Chae! Time to strip your single life the right way!" Ashley drags the hand from the door further into the room and stopped only a few feet away from her seat. Lisa looks up and caught the face of chiseled perfection.
He's got to be the most incredibly handsome guy I've ever seen in real life! Looking like in his early twenties, he stood tall with a built either like a sportsman or a gangster - she can't tell which with the all black attire. His hair is neither short or long, somewhere in between. His face is beautiful and Lisa can't help but scans down to his wide chest and shoulders.
She can't tell what color are his eyes from this profile but she can see that it's shining in its dark as he scans the room. He opens his mouth to speak when his gaze finally lands on her. The orbs look nearly black and they twinkle when he cocks his head to a side and stares. It makes her nervous and she's not sure why. They're like pools of ink, inviting her to jump in and drown.
"No - are you crazy?! I told you, no strippers! Chim's gonna freak out if he finds out about this!"
Lisa shakes her head slightly and the sounds, squeals, and cheers came back into her ears. What the hell just happened??
"Oh come on! We swear - what happens in the VIP room stays in the VIP room," Ashley slurs and giggles maniacally. Oh hell, she's a mess! Still, Lisa can't help but sigh a laugh.
"We promised a half-naked stripper by the time he leaves the room so you have to do it!" Jennie continued cheering her on.
Personally, Lisa felt a little out of place - annoyed even. Of course Chae wouldn't do it - do they not know her enough? She's a sweetheart, especially when it comes to Jimin. She won't do anything that might cause a problem, even more when it's so close to the wedding!
"No, no, I don't wanna! One of you can do it - Jen, you do it!"
"Are you crazy? I promised Tae I won't go anywhere near a man tonight,"
Chaeyoung laughed hard. "Ashley, go on,"
"Girl, look at him! If I do it, I'll be thinking bout him when I go home later! I already promised my man he'll get lucky tonight,"
"Ladies, I -" Lisa was going to pay attention to his voice when she heard her name being called. She turned to Chaeyoung immediately.
"You do it! You're the single one,"
Wow...way to sell me out like that - just...wow! As all eyes falls on her, she slowly raised her own to meet the Hot Stripper Guy's eyes again. There's a hint of smile on his lips as he continues staring at her. How did I get tangled in this - I've never stripped a stripper before!
"Strip him! Strip him!" She heard the excited cheering and the guy turns to face her fully.
He then crosses his arms over the chest...waiting...probably curious if she would have the guts to do it. His stare is unnerving and challenging. When Lisa stood up, she saw the rise of an eyebrow.
As if caught back into his earlier dark, mesmerizing gaze, she takes a step closer to him. He smirked and heat washes over her. Had everyone left the room? It seems a little quiet in here... She took another step. Must be the drinks...it has to be... She feels a little breathless when his lips began curving a small smile, but she takes another step anyway. There's something that forced her into invading his personal space. A forest...a universe...what was it?
"Sorry, I...I've never done this before," She breathed when she reached him, inches apart. Up close, she can finally see that it's smoky brown...no, dark brown...that's the color!
"Then I guess you should do your best," His voice sounds sinfully sweet. A corner of his mouth twitches as his expression is filled with challenge. Slowly, he spreads his arms away from his body.
Lisa wasn't always one to jump straight into a risky situation but at this moment, with his eyes bore into hers, she wanted to take the leap. A smile curved up on her lips as she felt the rippling muscles underneath his chest and all the way to the waist of his jeans. She paused for a second to be met with a flashing grin, then untucks his shirt. When it's free, she starts pulling it up.
When it reaches his ribs, she had to tiptoe a little - leaning slightly forward to get the shirt over his shoulders and head, taking it fully off. He smells like a sexy vanilla!
"His pants!" The cheering got echoed, sounding like they came from a far away distance.
Shyly, she looks down to the button of his jeans. The structure, everything on his body, is as perfect as it gets!
"Is that all you got?" He whispered close and she felt more heat.
Lisa looks up just in time to see the flick of his tongue on his upper lip. Why the hell is it so hot in here?? She took a deep breath and her fingers reached the button. Just as she released to unleash it, the door flung open and an intrusive voice snaps her back to reality.
"Sorry sir, there's a bit of an issue in Room 3. I called for the medics,"
"Wait, what?" She heard Jennie's voice before the whole room fell silent as Hot Stripper Guy turns to a buffed-looking guy and back at her. Lisa watched confused as he takes a deep breath and sighed. For the first time since he stepped into the room, she saw a friendly smile.
"Sorry ladies, but duty calls," He grabs the shirt from her hand slowly and puts in on.
"What the hell's going on?" Now it's Ashley.
He doesn't answer right away but when he does, Lisa felt like crawling down under the sofa and stay there for a lifetime. Maybe with the jug of cocktail in her hand. "I'm Jeon Jungkook. I own the club." Another fading echo.
Lisa zoned out in the midst of high laughter and loud heartfelt compliments given to the bride in this room. Her eyes are fixed on two pairs of trainers, flashing in changing colors with each small steps. Chaeyoung's relatives and friends have been coming and going but as one of her loyal bridesmaids, Lisa are not allowed to go out until it's time to send the bride.
It would be the most beautiful sight later. She already glimpsed at the fourteenth-century hall next door on her way in. Having stood for a good 10 minutes outside gave ample of time for her to recollect what happened three years ago. She almost ditched the wedding but thankfully, Jennie's arrival caught her in time. Staring at Chaeyoung's glowing face in her beautiful white dress earlier reminded of her own happiness back then.
"I just got a call...he's not coming," The 3 seconds of words whispered to her by her mother in a similar room had ultimately changed the life as she knew it.
She still remembers how she couldn't find any words. Not even a one-word question of 'why?'. Instead Lisa turns back to the mirror - to the reflection of the beautifully embroidered dress and veil, to the face she hardly recognized underneath the heavy layers of make-up, and the flower bouquet that was prepared by her aunt in her right hand. All she could think of at that moment was how much she hated the bouquet.
It was too big and round, with too many roses for her liking to be honest. It wasn't her. She wanted wildflowers, preferably with some Lily of the Valleys but it was laughed off by both sides of the family. Come to think of it, most of the decisions made during her wedding preparations were never hers. From where she comes from, wedding are meant for the families - not much for the bride and groom.
The groom...he would've looked ridiculous in the white tux he had chosen to walk beside her but wore to his next wedding ceremony, 6 months after his missing-in-action incident. His face was as dashing as always...but somehow the white tux made him looked like an amateur comedian on his first stage. It's probably the bitterness that planted it in her memory but the more she thought about it, the more reasons she found as to why it didn't happen for them. That was one hell-of-an-ugly tux!
It was a messed-up environment to be in after, so she packed her bags and moved to Seoul. She changed her job to her passion. She met amazing women along the way and some of them became the best people she ever knew in her life. Some of which are in the same room as her now, along with the bride. Lisa's not going to deny that she's still a little shy and reserved - particularly when it comes to men! - but she's not in any rush. Some might not understand why -
"Ji Hoon, stop teasing your little sister!" Ashley's scolding to her son snaps her back into present. "Jen, can you help with my ribbon? It's too tight, I'm struggling to breathe,"
When it's obvious that Jennie hadn't heard her, Lisa stood and took the satin ribbon of Ashley's dress herself.
"Ahh..." The woman sighed in relief. "Thanks Lisa-ya...I got nervous like it's my own wedding! This brings so much memories,"
Indeed it does... Lisa smiled to herself.
"You're such a sweetie, you know that? The first time I met you, I remember I asked Chae if you're shy or you're just really quiet. You know...before we went to the club?" Oh yes...been trying hard to forget 'the club'! "But I watched you and I think you're both...not that there's anything wrong with that," Lisa wasn't sure whether Ashley's sharing an observation or a criticism. "I think there's more to you than just a pretty, shy girl,"
Once she's done with the ribbon, Ashley turns to her with a smile. "Chae told me something about you. You know...being silent about things doesn't mean you're not brave," She gave a quick wink and Lisa blushed a bit like a little girl. She certainly sounds different than the wild woman with the big mouth the other night!
The atmosphere during the service was elegant and classic. The arrangements - from decorations and florals to seating and table settings - are decked with pearl whites and gold. It was a beautiful celebratory event for the upper class, in her opinion. Jimin and Chaeyoung looked like a pair of soulmates - looking so in love and so good together.
"Why are you here? Chae's looking for you!" Jisoo grabs her hand - pulling her out the chair she's been sitting on and out of the room she's been hiding in. The evening was too lovely and it kept reminding her of the past so yes...she's hiding. "She wants to take a picture with the bridesmaids,"
"Oh...I thought we've done that earlier,"
"We did but do you wanna say no to the bride?" Jisoo's casual remark made her chuckle.
After dodging seats and shoulders, they reached the yard's balcony where the girls are readily in place. Lisa was then seized by the photographer and ushered into her position. After a few plastered smiles and happy freestyles, the clicks are over. She already planned to go back into hiding before she felt a hand grazing her shoulder. She turned and froze.
Hot Stripper Guy a.k.a Club Owner is standing a feet away from her with a wide grin. "Remember me?"
"Um..." What - what is he doing here?? What should I say?! "I uh..." Nervously, she peeked behind her to find all the girls staring at them. They must be in shock too if they remember who he is! "I don't think so,"
"No?" Those eyes hid a certain wickedness. "Tuesday night?"
Aishh...this is so embarrassing!! "No, I'm sure I've never seen you before,"
Was she a bad liar? Could he tell? "Mm...maybe I should let you take my clothes off to refresh your memory -" He definitely, most-certainly could! How could he just say that with all these people around us??
Lisa gasped before grabbing his wrist, leading him fast and farther away from the crowds towards the back of the building. When she finally stopped and turned, the mesmerizing pair of eyes as she remembered is on her. He's suited up and she thought his hair looks sleeker than she could recall but those eyes...yes, those eyes are still very fresh in her memory. Oh, he's even more beautiful in daylight! Wait, what am I thinking??
"What are you...what are you doing here?" She had to gather her thoughts and calm her breathing.
"I'm with the groom,"
How...what...why - "You know Jimin??"
He nods excitedly and she wasn't sure why she finds it adorable. "You do remember me,"
Lisa turned and starts pacing around. This can't be real - he can't be here! "Did you tell Jimin...you know...about us being at your club? And that misunderstanding with you..."
"Should I?"
"You definitely shouldn't!" It came out faster than thunder and she saw a smirk. "I mean...as a good friend...which I'm sure you are - you wouldn't wanna stir anything up...right?"
He placed his hands in his pockets and looks up, as if he's contemplating the idea. "Well, I don't normally tell my friends the list of guests I have at my own club so that's nothing to worry about," Lisa sighed in relief. "Though I must say...the 'misunderstanding' was quite a story. Would be a waste not to share it -"
"You can't!" Was I shouting? "He knew that we all went out for Chae's bridal shower and he'll know that it's us,"
"Technically, it was only you so...unless you're afraid a certain someone might find out,"
"There's no one!" Why am I shouting again?? "I mean..." Ah hell, what do I even say?! "He'll put two-and-two together and Chae'll get in trouble,"
"Yeah...okay, let's make a deal. I promise I won't tell if you do something for me,"
Those eyes hid a certain wickedness...do I even dare to ask? "What thing?"
"I'll make my request simple...spend the evening with me,"
"What? We're at a wedding -"
"I know...and you look like you'd rather be elsewhere while I'm not quite in the mood to socialize,"
"You've been watching me?"
"I saw you heading into one of the rooms earlier. Thought you had something to do so I waited to talk to you. Then I saw your friend going in, realized that you were actually doing nothing,"
"Wait - you...just cus you saw me doing nothing, you thought spending the evening with me won't require you to socialize?"
"Not in the way that gets me bored to death, no,"
Lisa can't help her sarcastic laugh. "I was doing nothing - I could be the most boring person here -"
"Oh, I highly doubt it. The 'misunderstanding' was the least in my boring list,"
Lisa felt the rising warmth on her cheeks. Okay, let's weigh this out...if I say no, there's a chance he might tell Jimin on us. If it's yes...he might take advantage over the situation - but he doesn't look the type and he's too charming. Those eyes and lips could be dangerous - "I um...I don't even know your name,"
"Jeon Jungkook...the club owner - was I really so forgettable?" He laughed and she thought he looked cute so she laughed along, shaking her head slightly. She wasn't going to admit that his face had been haunting in her dreams for the past 3 nights!
"I'm Lisa,"
So she knew a couple or more things about him now...which is not at all bad. The past 2 hours of walking and sitting and walking and loafing by the balcony made that happen.
Jeon Jungkook is the second son of a couple of bakers from a small town in Busan. He has 2 other siblings, came to Seoul when he just turned 17 and got into sound engineering. He worked with a production agency and sold demos on his free time. When his savings made through, he quits his job and bought the club - which used to be an old and abandoned printing factory. He flipped the place and it's now running successfully for 2 years.
His mornings are spent on running or hitting the gym, which Lisa concluded explains his firm built. He likes sweet savories but tries hard not to - this she found out when she took a spoonful of the wedding cake and saw Jungkook eyeing on it, even as she already had it in her mouth. Well she offered but he refused. Good cakes are not to waste!
He's currently single - in his own words, that is - but of course Lisa had doubts. When he genuinely laughs about something funny, he'll throw his head back and lets out a high-pitch sound. It makes him look like a cute little boy, she thinks. He really likes banana milk which further confirms that he is, indeed, a cute little boy. And he doesn't drink alcohol when he's at work...which got her flustered to know that he was completely sober when she harassed him that night.
He can be extremely funny at the most random timing. And when he speaks, she can hear that it comes from a place of knowledge. They definitely laughed and talked a lot. There are some moments where she ultimately forgot that there are people around. Jungkook seems to be taking her mind off the fact that they're still at the wedding reception!
"So tell me, why do you hate weddings?" He cocks his head to a side.
"I never said I hate weddings,"
"You're not in love with it, that's for sure,"
Lisa laughed a little, her index finger slowly running along the tip of her wine glass. "Should all women love weddings? Is it engineered in us since birth that we'll love it?"
"I don't know any women who doesn't,"
"You must know a lot then," She answered while casually sipping the wine.
Jungkook squints his eyes and pursed his lips. "It can't be the pretty drapes and dresses cus it's definitely pretty,"
"Nope, they're super pretty,"
"Can't be the food either cus you enjoyed it too much,"
"They got a good caterer, have you tried the steak?"
"And the cake,"
Lisa threw her head back with a small moan. "It was to die for! I'm telling you - you're really missing out. You can really taste the vanilla bean -" He laughed, flashing his perfect rows of teeth. "I can still get you a plate, you know...I'll tell no one...I promise," She leaned forward and slyly whispered.
He opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Instead, he just stares at her with that secretive smile on his face...or more precisely, at her lips. This is another thing that's been happening for the past 2 hours. She wasn't sure what it meant but she knew what they've been doing is called 'flirting'. There have been countless moments where they'd be in this spot - being caught in a trance of each other's gaze. She was sure her heart's been cursing internally for the amount of work it did to calm down.
"Must be a man," He breathed. Lisa sighed and leaned back, a small smile curving on her lips bearing the story she'd never tell.
Jimin and Chaeyoung had already left the grounds with the fancy happily-ever-after mobile and one after another, the guests started leaving. Lisa and Jungkook continued to linger around each other's sides and by the time she saw Jisoo waving to her from a far, the sky's already turned violet. Lisa hadn't notice how fast 3 hours went and she can't help the sick, melancholic feeling of parting from her 'evening date'.
Jungkook came back to her with a serious frown after saying his goodbyes to the family. "So," He loosened his tie and undo the top two buttons of his shirt. The sight made her mouth dry. "Was I a good entertainer or did you still wish you were elsewhere?"
Lisa rolled her eyes but can't seem to stop from smiling. So good looking, it's almost illegal...damn charming, cleverly funny, and humbly smart - he really is the definition of every girl's ideal man! "The former...thank you,"
"Ahh that's so nice to hear! Otherwise I might resort to letting you strip me again,"
"Yahh!" Her voice came out louder than intended. "I told you I'm sorry! And you could've said something before it happened!" She toned it down and pouts.
"Where's the fun in that?" She's still unsure whether she wants to kick his knee as hard as she can whenever he smirks like this...or kiss him just as hard - "And trust me, with the way you looked that night, I'm glad I didn't,"
What? What does he mean by that? Lisa cleared her throat for the umpteenth time, annoyed that her cheeks will go red again.
"So...are you gonna leave me with your glass shoe or are you still up for a walk in the park?" He ducks down a little to meet at her level.
"That feels like a trick question. If I say I'm leaving, I'll be admitting that you're Prince Charming - which I can honestly say you're not," White lies don't count! "There are no parks around here, Jungkook-ssi,"
"I'll have one for you,"
"What? Where?"
"Just trust me," Why does those 3 words from him sounded so beautiful?
"Really? This is a bit too cliché, don't you think?" Lisa braved her trembling heart, climbing the small steps to the porch of Jungkook's house.
"How so? You get brought back to a guy's house many times after a wedding before?"
"No!" Why does he have to be so bold at calling me out on things?? "I was just...it's in the movies..."
There's that charming grin again. He unlocks the door and opens it wide, gesturing for her to go in. Lisa swallowed hard, mustering her courage before letting her feet move. The lights are switched on and the first thing she noticed are the wooden staircase leading upstairs. There are 2 doors at each end, both are closed shut. Under the stairs are a short hallway. On her right opens a space that looks like a living room, only less cozy with just one sofa facing the high-tech-looking television set. On her left is an empty space, with boxes still wrapped laying on the floor.
"You live here alone?"
He nods, placing a few stuff from his pocket on a high table behind the door. "I just bought it...still renovating the place so this is a temporary setup,"
"Ahh I see...to be honest, it doesn't look anything like a park,"
"Where's the trust, Lisa-ssi?"
Cocky. I think I prefer the you in my mind...
Shit. Did I just said it out loud? "Nothing!"
He smiled with a frown and steps closer to her front. "You know...by the end of this night, I'll make sure I know what's playing in your mind," He leans down to her face and Lisa's heart began to speed. "Your eyes speaks a lot...but I can't understand a word of it. Do you realize that?"
"No..." Can her voice be any smaller?
"I'm waiting for it to translate to here," He lightly taps on her bottom lip with a finger and she hopes he didn't hear the slight gasp. "It's too pretty for you not to use it,"
Help...me...from jumping onto him right this second! Why the hell is it so hot in this place?? Lisa cleared her throat before stepping away, purposely heading towards the living room. "You should switch on the fan or something...at least offer me a drink,"
She heard the chuckle. "I thought you wanted to see the park?"
After grabbing 2 bottles of beer from the fridge, he led her through the hallway and opens a sliding door to the backyard. Lisa can't help but gasp at the beautiful open space - lighted with industrial fairy lights that hangs around the branches of trees. Surrounded by black, wooden gates, the grass holds a spectacular scene of a meandering path and meadow-like florals - white, yellow and blue, they stood and danced gracefully with the night's wind.
"You made this?"
"The trees and some plants were here when I bought it. They told me the house used to belong to an old ahjumma. The bank sold it cus she passed away. I figured she must've taken quite a good care of it before she passed, so I restored it. It wasn't much work...went to the store and asked for some wildflowers..."
Wildflowers...my favorites...
"It's really pretty," She breathed, still mesmerized by the enchanting display. She's never seen such a beautiful, sculpted sight of a wild garden. It's like a postcard...but real.
There are a few seconds of silence before she heard Jungkook's low voice, "Really pretty." Lisa turns and found his eyes already on her. A light breeze teased the hair across her shoulders to her neck, and she shivered a little.
With sleeves pulled up to the elbows, Jungkook sat back beside her - looking like a calm and manly knight while Lisa tries hard to convince herself that he isn't. No good man would ever look this good! His fingers ran across the corner of his lips, wiping traces of the beer he just sipped. Oh, come on! What is he looking so hot for?? With every topic of conversations, she felt her mind slowly losing the battle.
"You said you knew Chaeyoung for only a year. How did you get to be her bridesmaid?" He asked casually, seemingly oblivious to the effect he caused by that simple action.
"I um...I moved here two years ago. Hardly knew anyone...been jumping from one house to another cus I always felt uncomfortable renting just a room,"
"Oh yeah, I spent 13 months sleeping in an eight-by-twelve foot when I first got here. They do a lot of room rentals in Seoul," He chuckled and she nodded.
"One day I got a job to shoot for a student paper. Chae was the model so I worked closely with her for a whole day and I don't know...we just clicked I guess. She said she's looking for a housemate and I told her my budget. I think it's supposed to costs more but she immediately asked me to move in. I'm eternally grateful for it cus otherwise I might have to move back home,"
"And where is that?"
He nods carefully, as if processing that one word is really hard. "You traveled almost four-thousand kilometers to do photography...that's brave,"
She can't help but laugh. "Stupid, I know...I just needed to get away,"
"From who?"
Lisa kept her silence in the form of a smile.
"You killed someone?" He leaned forward, resting both elbows on his knees while staring at her with a serious frown. For a second there, she laughed. "Or someone killed you?"
Lisa wasn't sure why but for some reason, she felt like crying. She hadn't cried for two years since she left everything behind but the question and it's owner seems to be so genuine in understanding that her heart's starting to sob. "The latter,"
The answer slipped past her mouth without any force. Gazing into his deep, brown eyes made her do things...say things that she vowed to never let out. Not to just any man, that is...
"We were together for five years. I thought he was everything I could ever dreamed of...and he asked me to marry him. On our wedding day, while watching my little cousins running around with their flower baskets, he decided that he never loved me as much," She took a deep breath to push back the tears, looking up to the empty night sky.
"He didn't even bother to show up and say it to my face. I had to find out from my mom. She began crying hysterically...come to think of it, everyone started acting crazy so I did what I had to do. I went in by myself...looked at everyone with a smile...and gave my thanks. I asked them to enjoy the food. I calmed my mom and aunts cus they're too embarrassed to show their faces."
"It's kinda funny when I think about it...how you thought you had your life planned out and for the longest time, you believed that it's the right path for you. Just three seconds, I guess...that's all it took to change a lifetime. And three weeks. I couldn't stand the way everyone looked at me, as if I've been struck by an arrow and they're just gathering around...waiting for me to bleed out - crying while checking if I'm okay."
"Asking me questions no one knew the answers to...pity looks and petty gifts - none of it made sense. You ever feel hopeless? Like in a way...that puts you out of touch from the world? I didn't know what to do in that world...where I stood, where to go. I didn't know how to make my parents feel better with me and the people around us...so I ran...in hopes that they'll see I'm fine. Maybe that way, I can see myself doing fine too. Most days I hardly think about it anymore but today...today I felt like running again,"
She blinked and a tear fell. Lisa quickly brushed her cheek but then felt his hand on hers, pulling it away. "But you didn't," He whispered.
"Thanks to you,"
More tears started falling. There are no sobs in her chest and shoulders. Just pure tears that's been waiting to be let out. A minute or two later, the numbness started disappearing. She began to feel the warmth on the palm of her hand. She wiped her cheeks with the other and looked up. His face reflects a lot of emotions, but none that she could feel are of pity.
"My ex left me cus I worked too much and paid too little. I was gonna use the money I bought this house with to propose to her...I thought I'd get a nice apartment, big enough for the both of us. But she couldn't wait for it...and when she packed her stuff from my small studio, I couldn't find a reason why I should ask her to stay. So I bought this house instead, make it a home for myself. That's my way of running, I guess," His voice sounded whimsical in this quiet night. "It's nothing compared to your story but let's agree that exes have always been jack-asses and we'd only be stupid if we fall for it twice, yeah?"
It made her laugh, shaking her head slightly at the calmness of her heart. This is ridiculous...how can I be cured by this Hot-Stripper-Guy slash Club-Owner slash Jeon Jungkook - who, let me remind myself, I just spend one evening with??
She looks up and caught his twinkling eyes. His lips curved up in a small, meaningful smile. The longer she kept staring at him, the more intense the effect has on her. It's making her feel things - things she'd sworn off to never fall for. He looks like he's gonna break my heart. The potential is there...these are dangerous grounds...
The voices started disappearing as he leans closer. "The first time I saw you that night...I thought you had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen...then you had to be brave too," She shuts her eyes when a palm reached her neck, caressing her skin softly. "A little shy...but mostly brave. And this..." He grazed a thumb on her lower lip and she gasped. "This smart mouth I can get addicted to,"
If she ever stood a chance of resisting him, it definitely evaporates the moment his lips touched hers. Time seems to be standing still and no other sounds could be heard aside from their own breathing. The first taste of his tongue brought her to a different world...claiming her wild and free. Feeling his slight groan made her feel capable, powerful even.
Why? Why do I want him so bad? These are dangerous grounds I'm stepping on... No other answers came into mind aside from he managed to bring me elsewhere... Please...let me not regret this tomorrow...
It was pitch-black in his room and beneath the blankets, Lisa was warm and toasty - still half-asleep when Jungkook's hand curled over her hips.
She sighed her good morning before snuggling into his chest as he slipped into bed beside her. "I missed you."
"I'm sorry, baby," He whispered against her shoulder. "There was a fight at the club and we had to call the cops,"
"Are you okay?"
"All good now that you're with me,"
She smiled into the dark. "Corny,"
It's amazing how he still managed to still be this sweet after 14 months of dating. Multiple arguments and her constant 'running' moments hadn't stopped him from chasing after her - from their first kiss and again and again. She can't lie that she had her doubts when they first started going out. The man owns a freaking night club for God's sake - he meets pretty, sexy girls 6 days a week!
But after the countless tears shed and begging, she finally accepted that it might not be a second mistake. Not when he cried with an 'I'm so in love with you, please stay with me' - reminding her of his own past and resembling too close to the overwhelming feelings she has for him. He'd become more than just a love story after a heavy heartbreak...Jungkook had also become her best friend...a soulmate.
"Only with you."
"Good." She snuggled tighter and felt a kiss on her bare shoulder.
"With this kinda enthusiasm, I'm surprised you haven't said 'yes' to me yet," She giggled as she heard the sulky tone. It's most definitely not a 'no' but she wanted him to meet her parents first. They made the plan to visit in another 2 weeks. She already knew when to give him the answer.
"I'm still thinking about it," She can feel the sigh on his chest and it made her heart all warm and cozy.
"It was in Room 2...where the fight started. You know...where I first laid eyes on you," She laughed at the official way he said it. "And it got me chasing home...cus I can't stand being there with that picture of you when you're at home. I swear one of these days I'll get you to come over again. Just like the first time...and the second...third...it'll always be my favorite,"
"You get a lot of me here," She laughed coyly.
"It's never enough, baby. You always drive me so crazy."
His teeth pressed on her neck and she was suddenly woken fully up by the sliding of his hand, grabbing up her hips and turning her to sit on top of his body. Now aware of the glimpse of light coming in from the window and onto his beautiful face, she stares into his dark eyes again as if it was the first time.
Slowly, she eased her knees open. His hands roamed on her thighs...his fingers grazing at all the right spots as if he memorized it in his mind. "You're fully clothed...I don't think I like it," Her lips itched to reach his but she managed to tease with a sly smile.
The corner of his mouth twitches, knowing full well what she expects to hear. "Then I guess you should do your best," He still sounds so sinfully sweet. Slowly, Jungkook spreads his arms away from his body...and Lisa's hands began exploring the universe that is her love.
P/S: Wait for my announcement and vote for Elsewhere in the comment section later if you want a full story!
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