Chapter 13
(Your POV)
Oops, guess he's pretty tired. Aaah, why is he so heavy?!
"Gh..." You groaned, trying again to pick up the surprisingly heavy detective. At last you succeeded and you had to hold him like a toddler, walking to his room.
I hope he doesn't mind me barging in like this... but I don't wanna just leave him on the couch... You thought, opening the door. It was a very neat room that smelled like books, making you smile at the bookshelf and recliner in the corner. His bed was made and it smelled like peppermint, making you chuckle as you carefully placed him in his bed and tucked him in, kissing his forehead.
"Sleep well, cutie~" You whispered, leaving him a note for when he woke up. Then you took the cake because that shit's delicious and went back to your home.
You opened up the cake box and cut yourself a slice, enjoying every bite. As you were eating it you mindlessly looked out your kitchen window at the stars. The stars are so pretty... I wonder why white dots look so nice? I don't think I know a single person who doesn't like looking at the stars...
You were startled from your thoughts when you heard a creak from your back porch. Is that a cat or something? You thought, looking out your window to find the source of disturbance. Nothing was there, and you figured it was a cat that ran away.
That is, until you heard voices.
"Is she sleeping?"
"Shhh! We can't give away our position!"
Immediately you ran out the front door, dialing 911 as fast as you could. However, someone was waiting for you at your car, and they threw your phone as far as they could as your phone was connecting the call. Panicking, you punched them as hard as you could and they seemed hurt, but your arms were pulled back by two other people.
"I wouldn't try that, Ms. (L/N)," one of them chuckled darkly.
"H-how do you know my name?!" You demanded.
"You're so stupid..." the other laughed.
"Wake up!!!" a familiar voice called.
"Wha...?" You groaned.
Opening your eyes, you realized that you were in Shuichi's house, blood oozing from your arm.
"Wh-what the hell happened?!" You demanded, trying to sit up.
"Stay still!" Shuichi almost growled, shoving you back to the ground. He was holding a towel to your bloody arm, trying to stop the bleeding.
You looked around in confusion, noticing broken glass nearby. You could hear sirens in the distance but you were starting to get dizzy, and your arm was seriously starting to hurt. You let out a groan of pain but followed Shuichi's instructions to stay still, fearing what'd happen if you didn't.
Next thing you knew, you were being picked up on a stretcher and put in the back of an ambulance, Shuichi sitting in a chair in the corner while doctors hovered over you.
(Shuichi's POV)
Damn it... how could I let this happen?! I should've seen the signs that it was a trap... Why didn't I notice?! I didn't even notice the sleeping pills in the back portion of the cake... and why didn't I see that my room was trapped?! I'm lucky to be alive but I don't want (Y/N) to be the one suffering instead of me... I'm supposed to be in that hospital bed, the one who tripped the wire and got shot with the arrow...
"Shuichi...?" (Y/N)'s thin voice broke my thoughts.
(Y/N)!" I gasped, snapping my attention to her.
"What happened?" (Y/N) asked.
"There were sleeping pills in the cake and I ate them without noticing... when you took me to my room you tripped a wire and a poison tipped arrow shot you... I assume there was also a hallucinogen because you were digging into your wound..." I explained.
"W-wait, really?!" (Y/N) gasped.
I felt guilty so I didn't reply, instead giving her a sad nod and sighing. This is all my fault. I don't want her to look like this, to be weak and hurt all because of my own mistakes; my own failed detective work. Why didn't I notice? Why couldn't I notice?! Why?!
I could feel tears beginning to collect in my eyes, and I let them spill. I grabbed some tissues and blew my nose, feeling disgusting for crying but it was all my body would allow me to do. For some reason it reminded me of Kaede.
"If you ever need to cry, that's okay! I cry sometimes too... but you can't ever blame yourself, kay? I don't want you to blame yourself, ever. Even if it's your fault don't blame yourself...!" Kaede giggled, trying to cheer me up.
"..." I looked down at my lap, not being able to meet her gaze or her smile. I felt so guilty, so horrible for it, but I just couldn't. I didn't know why either. Why was it so hard to do a simple task?
"Shuichi?" Kaede asked in concern.
"S-sorry..." I mumbled, not feeling the motivation to say anything else.
"Shuichi? Hey, Shuichi...?" (Y/N)'s voice returned me to the present.
"Ah!" I jumped a little and snapped my attention to her.
(Your POV)
Shuichi snapped back to reality from his daydream, and you could tell he was feeling the full effects of guilt and depression. But, you hoped you had just the thing to cure him- for now anyways.
"Thank you, Shuichi... I know you probably don't agree but you saved me. Imagine if I'd been left out to bleed..." You trailed off, smiling a bit as you reached out for Shuichi's hand. He took his hand in yours slowly, looking at you.
"Th-that... wasn't r-really me... it was... j-just my job..." Shuichi protested quietly, though you could tell he knew he was beat, and it made you smile.
Maybe I'm stuck here in the hospital for a while... but Shuichi will make it better. Something tells me one day I might marry him, too...
Turns out, you were right.
Word count: 1031
Yes, this concludes the story. I just wanted to put up this last chapter so I could just say it's done. The next project I'm working on is my killing game so look forward to that! In a book I gave a sneak peek to Bailey Wells, and I have an updated peek sooo!!
Hehe... Looking forward to publishing the prologue (unfortunately not soon)
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