chapter sixteen: your POV
Author's note: tw, self harm
Come on! For fuck's *uuuurp* sake." Rick shouts from the garage.
"What's wrong?" You say as you poke your head in the garage.
"Out. Now." Rick says. He must be working on something dangerous.
That kind of hurt. You decide to go check on your mother at home, you haven't been there in days.
"So, you decided to come back home?" Your mother says, not turning to face you.
"Yeah, I decided I'd check on you-"
"Don't think I couldn't hear you with that old man. It was the middle of the day, for fuck's sake. I was taking a walk, you whore. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call the cops."
Your face fell. Your mother talked to you so viciously as if she didn't care about you anymore. Tears filled your eyes. You were speechless.
You ran up to your room and collapsed on your bed. Didn't your mother think the divorce had affected you at all? Maybe that had willed you to make bad choices. Maybe being with Rick was a bad choice. You didn't know what to do.
You walked into the bathroom and spotted your mother's razor. You glanced at it, and back at your wrists. You took it and stomped on it. It felt good to destroy one of your mother's things. You picked up the razor blade with shaking hands. You hadn't cut in a long time and your scars had pretty much faded. There weren't that many. You held it for a while, weighing your opportunities.
You scratched your wrist with the blade. Blood dripped from your arm onto the bathroom floor. It felt almost good, like a release of emotions. You started to sob as you made another cut through your tears. You looked down at your now blurry wrist, your tears mixing with the blood. You grabbed a towel and held it to your arm, walking to your room.
You must've cried yourself to sleep, because when you woke up, Morty was shaking your shoulder.
"Y/n? Y/n?"
"Morty? What are you doing here?" You asked, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. Morty glanced down at your arm, which was encrusted with blood. The night before flashed before your eyes. You quickly hid your arm from Morty.
"Y/n, I already noticed." Morty said softly. "Come on." He took your hand and lead you out of the house. He held your hand all the way down to his house.
It reminded you of when he taught you to ride a bike. You rode down the street and it felt as if you were flying, and then you saw the neighbour's cat and stopped your front breaks, flying over the handlebars of the bike. Nearly your whole body got scraped up and Morty led you back to his house to get bandaged up. Morty was such a sweet boy.
Morty led you to his house.
"Morty? Why are you taking me over here?"
"So Rick can bandage you up. My mom's not home." Morty said gently. Oh God, Rick can't see this. What will he say? I'll be the psycho emo bitch.
"Rick?" Morty opened the garage door.
"W-what do you want?" Rick said, not turning to face him. He was working on some project.
Morty made eye contact with you. You gulped, and he turned and left the room.
"What is it?" Rick turned around and looked at you. His face softened a little.
"What's up?" He said to you. You turned your wrists to face him, squeezing your eyes shut in case he'd make fun of you.
"...Oh, y/n....." He said gently. He got up and held you by your shoulders.
"Come sit down, l-let's get you fixed up, alright?"
You opened your eyes and he went into the kitchen to get the first aid kit.
You sat down in the chair and waited for him. He came back in with gauze and a little bottle of something. He sat down across from you and took your arm tenderly. You turned the cuts to face him and he opened the little bottle.
"This is peroxide, it's going to sting a little bit, alright?" He said softly.
"Okay." You managed to get out. He poured some on the scratch and it did sting a little bit. He wrapped it with gauze and tied it up tightly.
"Does it feel better?" He asked tenderly.
"Yes." You rasped. He brought your wrist up to his mouth. He kissed the gauze many times.
"Y/n, come here." He said softly. You could tell he was trying not to cry. You sat in his lap and he wrapped his arms around you.
"Y/n, I never want you to do that again. You're my baby girl, and I hate seeing you sad." He brought his lips to your ear. "I love you." He said.
He gave you kisses all over your forehead and face. You giggled a little bit and he smiled against your skin.
"See? That's how I like you. All giggly and happy. God, I love you so much." He thought out loud.
"I love you too Rick." You whispered to him, smooching his forehead. He kissed your lips and rubbed his nose against yours.
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