chapter eleven: Rick's POV
I laid back on my bed.
"Wow." I said to myself.
"I'm still here." Y/n joked. I handed her my lab coat and she gingerly wrapped it around her and went to take a shower. Suddenly we heard bedsprings creaking in the other room.
I completely forgot he was home.
We both froze and stared at each other.
"Go, go, go! Before he *uuuurp* gets-gets up!" I yell-whispered to her. She ran out of the room quietly and down the hall. As soon as I heard the bathroom door open, I heard Morty's door open.
Morty knocked on my door.
"Rick, can y-you make me something for lunch? I-I'm hungry."
"Yeah, give me *urrrrp* a second." I called, frantically getting dressed.
I went downstairs and made Morty a grilled cheese. I sat at the table with him as he ate in silence.
"I-I heard you guys u-up there, you know." Morty said suddenly.
Oh shit.
"Listen, y-you can't tell your mother-"
"Yeah, fine, just next time can you guys be a little quieter? You-you woke me up and I-I kinda got a concussion here, jeez." Morty said, exasperated.
"So you're-you're not *uuuurp* mad or anythi-"
"N-no, listen, I don't wanna talk about it anymore, you're my-my grandpa, jeez."
"Alright, fine."
He finished the rest of his grilled cheese in silence. When y/n came downstairs, Morty turned a little red and kinda avoided conversing with her. She seemed a little weirded out as she still thought he slept the whole time. Little perv, he probably touched himself.
After Morty went back into his room, I pulled y/n off to the side.
"I was just talking to Morty, he said he heard us."
Her jaw fell open.
"He's not telling anyone though. He told me he'd keep his mouth shut, although you should probably tread lightly around him, he seems mad. You are fucking his grandpa, after all." I said, with a smirk.
She gasped, and hit me on the arm, jokingly. I laughed and tousled her hair.
That night at supper was SUPER awkward. You could've cut the tension with a knife. What made it worse was that Beth, Jerry and Summer had no clue what was going on, so they kinda just looked on as Morty gave me looks and wouldn't make eye contact with y/n.
"Why are you guys acting so weird?" Beth asked.
"No reason, it's fine mom." Morty said.
"Well, alright." She said, obviously not believing Morty.
Later that night, Beth and Jerry went in to tuck Morty in to bed and tried to give him the "sex talk" I could hear from my room and it was hilarious.
When y/n finally went to bed, she decided not to sleep on Morty's floor again, but to sleep in my bed. I gave her one of my shirts to wear as a night gown. It looked adorable, by the way. I couldn't resist kissing her. Once she hopped into bed, we spooned for a bit and then she fell asleep.
All I ever want to feel is her in my arms.
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