KP/C&B Jokes #17
I'm surprised how much I can keep this going.
Jeff: *in a crowd and can't find Ben* This calls for drastic measures.
Jeff: *cups hands around mouth like a megaphone* LINK!
Ben: !!!
Ellie: *stops driving*
Zalgo: Why'd you stop?
Ellie: Oh, I'm just waiting for this cute old lady to cross the street.
Zalgo: Yeah, well no one's watching so run the dumb bitch over.
Ben: *driving the Chevelle*
*radio playing My Neck, My Back*
Ben: *singing along*
Ao: *reaches to turn off radio*
Ben: *smacks her hand away and glares* *sings along louder*
Ao: *cowers in her seat*
Ben: Girls are so hot
Ben: Guys are hot too, oh man
Ben: Why is everyone so hot?
Ao: Global warming
Ben: I'm sick of being such a big loser!
Jeff: Aw, Ben..
Jeff: You're not big.
Ben: *lazing on the couch* Ao..
Ao: *sitting next to him* Yeah Ben?
Ben: *probably high as fuck* Don't tell anyone this...but I'd so do SpongeBob foreplay.
Ao: .... *looks at him* ...why?
*awkward silence*
Ben: ...'mihoy minoy, baby'
Ao: *whispers* Oh my god...
Craig: I have a crush!
Kayla & Ao: Suck their dick.
-Smart is Attractive-
Jack: Using y = mx + b to measure the slope of that ass. *adjusts glasses despite the fact that he has no use for them*
Jack: *to Ao* Good job.
Ao: *literally explodes*
Ao: Everybody shut up! *picks up phone* Hi, Okaasan.
Ellie: Come back to bed.
Ben: *various sex noises*
Jack: Tell her I said hi.
Ben: Aye, pass the weed..!
Jeff: *blasting out curse words*
Ao: If you can't handle the sass, you can't handle the ass.~
Sam: Snap
Ellie: *to Jeff* You think you're a better kisser than me??? You think you're a better cuddler?? Come over here and prove it, punk.
Ben: I'll pick you up at 7.
Clock: 7:01
Ao: Where the fuck are you??
Jeff: I heard you like bad boys..
Jeff: *sips chocolate milk*
Jeff: I'm bad at everything.
Ben: bro
Jeff: what is it bro?
Ben: come here and look up
Jeff: what are we standing under?
Ben: mistlebro
Jeff: bro
Ellie: I mean, I'm cute, but I'm also really fucking creepy.
Me: How many new ships should I give to you?
Readers: Just fuck me up.
Ben: I am not gay.
Tall, muscular guy: Hello.
Ben: I am very gay.
Ao: Have a nice day!
Ellie: Don't tell me what to do.
Zalgo: Hey, Elizabeth, I found your family.
-Caedis in a Nutshell-
White hair
Makes a man go--
Oh fuCK!!
Ao: You would like to talk to Ellie's dad? Oh okay. Hold on a moment.
Ellie: That's gonna be kinda hard since my real dad died and my 'dad' is a demented cosmic lord of chaos.
Ao: I can't tell them that!
Ellie: Jack! Quick--you have to pretend to be my dad to Ao's parents!
Jack: *takes the phone* Hello. This...is Dad Umber. Yes. The children are playing swords. Sorry--playing with swords. They're bleeding. Oh no. They are dead. Don't call again. *hangs up the phone and passes it back to Ellie* Sorry. I panicked.
Jeff: *texting ellie* Speak to you tomorrow, mi amor ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jeff: That knife isn't supposed to be there.
Jeff: Or is it
Person: anybody under 5'7 can't be talking about fighting anyone like what you gonna do? Head butt someone in the nipples??
Ellie: Say goodbye to your kneecaps asshole.
Everyone: *sitting at the table in silence*
Ben: ... *slams his hands on the table* Wanna hear a joke?
Ao: Ben, no--
Ben: So this guy with a premature ejaculation problem comes out of nowhere.
-Ellie is Scary-
Ben: *races up to Jeff and Ellie* Okay, if this man walks up to you and grabs your girl's ass, what do you do ?? *points to Jack*
Jeff: Uhm--
Ellie: I'll break his fuckin' wrist.
Jeff, Ben & Jack: Ooh.
Ben: *to Jeff and Jack* Okay, so what if she goes and grabs your ass, what do you do?
Jeff & Jack: ...
Ben: ....
Ellie: ...
Jeff & Jack: Bitch, we're hers now.
Ben: Oh my god, Ao can be so annoying..
Ao: *literally crosses the entire town* *jumps over a fence* *scales the side of the house* *climbs onto a little roof* *knocks on window* I heard you were talking shit about me.
-Ben Robbing a Bank-
Ben: *barges in* Give me all of your money or I swear to god I'm gonna play my mixtape!!!
Bank teller: Please, please, we'll give you everything just please don't!
Ben: *reaches on his laptop to hit play button*
Ao: Hey Jack?
Jack: Yes?
Ao: Be honest with me...do you literally eat dick?
Jack: *sweats*
Ben: How many Me's does it take to change a light bulb??
Ben: Two! One to change the light bulb, the other one holds the penis--LADDER, I MEANT LADDER
Ao: Last one there is a rotten egg! *runs*
Ellie: First one there is gonna lose their soul... *starts chanting in demonic language*
Ao: *stops* Nah, wait, what the hell???
Zalgo: *just sitting*
Ellie: *glaring at him* Why is he doing that?
Ao: Doing what?
Ellie: Look at him over there breathing and shit *shakes her head*
Ellie: your blueprint line isn't straight enough
Ben: I'm not straight enough either
Sam: Nice
Ellie: Hey Ben, can you turn the lamp on?
Ben: Bet. *starts sensually grinding on lamp*
And Finally....This Catastrophe Inspired By The Wonderful Brandon Rogers...
-A Mad Tea Party For Everyone-
Ao: *traveling across the field* Oh, what's this we have here?? *meets the gang* Hello, everybody!
Jeff: Ooh, who are you??!
Ao: Why I'm Alice!
Jack: This is actually Ao, I found her while I was in a tree..
Jeff: *now at the table* I'm having quite a ball in Wonderland, what about you all??
Ben: *starts singing* Yesssss!~
Jeff: Who are you?
Ben: I'm Flower!~ *whispers* But YOU can call me Daddy.
Jeff: ಠ_ಠ *turns to Jack* Who are you??
Jack: Well, I'm supposed to be the Chesire Cat, but this whole dreamscape is--
Jeff: Ooh *points to Ellie* Are you the Jabberwocky??
Ellie: You have no idea moTHER FUCKER!!
Jeff: *toasts* Here is to more children falling into our rabbit holes..
Toby: *screams out of nowhere*
Ben: *singing again in high falsetto*
Jeff: *pointing at Ben* nO HOMOSEXUALS STOP IT
Jeff: wh-what is this?? *pointing at Ben*
Ben: *on the ground* I'm photosynthesizing!
Jeff: *long silence*.......fuckin' acid reflux is putting me in a bad mood *holds his chest*
Ao: STOP FERTILIZING AT THE TABLE *pointing at Ben with his legs open*
Ellie: *from far away* I'M GONNA SHIT ON YOUR DREAMS
Clock: I've goT TITS
Ben: *slurps*
Toby: Oh
Jeff: Sit down, Jabberwocky, I'm tired of your shit...!
Ellie: Help! *laying sprawled across Jack* I'm trYING TO MAKE A BABY
Jack: Help me.
Jeff: *standing on his chair* I'd like to make a toast to Alice!!
Jack: It's actually Ao--
Toby: *to Ao* Would you like some tea??
Ao: Is it that one--?
Clock: Grab a damn cup.
Jack: *gets hit with chair and falls over* oW
Ellie: Do you think you're funny??
Ao: It's--no, I--
Ellie: Do you think you're fucking funny????
Ao: I was just--
Ellie: Do you think THIS is funny?!? *goes nightmare mode*
Ao: ooOooooOOOOH--
Jeff: Alice, you know we brought you back here for a gang bang.
Ben: We're going to fuck you like the bitch that you are!!~~
Jeff: I think we have an extra passenger!
Caedis: *shows up*
Everyone: ooOOOOOH MYY--
Jeff: The sun is going down and the flowers are starting to wilt!!
Clock: You fucked up, bitch.
Jeff: Are you okay, Flower?
Ben: *gets up from the ground* *eyes go red, blood pours from his eyes* *screeCHES VIOLENTLY*
Jeff: OOOOH *starts running* SHIT
Clock: I just want some fuCKING TEA *smashes tea pot on the table*
Jeff: OH, *pointing at Jack and Ao* THEY'RE HAVING HETEROSEXUAL SEX!!!
Jack & Ao: *barely touching each other*
Toby: *screeches in disgust*
Jeff: I just want to eAT SOME ASS!!!! *smashes tea pot on table*
*everyone screaming and smashing things in the background*
Ellie: *chilling by the tea table* Everyone loses their tits in Wonderland.
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