58. "you need help"
Welcome to the additional (bonus) chapters of Just Like That. These are parts that I should have added in the original draft, only I'm lazy. In case you missed my announcement, I expressed how I had a crazy case of writer's block when I first wrote this story. I rushed it and wanted nothing more than to be finished already! However I loveeeee this story and it's characters! I miss Grayson and Brea so much I made a spin-off (or two!)
When/if you read this you probably hate(d) Grayson. I threw in the bit that he changed and glazed over his growth (again, because I had writer's block and rushed the ending) but I feel it's only right to address his development. This won't change the overall outcome (ending) of the story or anything before these parts! Sorry I didn't do this to begin with. I'll do better as a writer! But I also never expected this story to get over 1,000 views so..
Lol anyway thanks so much. Enjoy! Let me know if this changes how you look at Gray, or not.
Bear with me as I edit every chapter title/number and publish these next few parts!
Thanks for your patience and support. Much love & happy reading!
~Natasha Carmen
Grayson Reid Jansen
A-choo! I sneezed walking into Dad's after leaving Leila.
"Bless you," Holland laughed.
I quietly said "thank you" back and made my way to the dinner table.
"Who the Hell is this," I asked when I saw some lady sitting in the seat Mom used to occupy.
Dad looked at me with large eyes.
"Grayson!" Holland whisper-yelled, offended as everyone else at the decorative table.
"Judy, I am so sorry for my Son-" Dad started to apologize to her on my behalf but she stopped him sweetly.
"No, no, it's okay. I understand it's not easy seeing another woman in your mother's old chair but I can assure you, I'm only a guest for the night. Your father invited me, we're old friends." This Judy woman spoke. She was older than them, her voice shaky like her wrinkled hands.
"Holland, Mark, Colson, Gray, this is Judy. She's a psychologist. We've been talking since your mother passed. Honestly, Judy, you've helped me so much. I couldn't imagine getting through this without you." They rubbed hands and shared small smiles while their eyes remained locked on each other's.
Judy swallowed and redirected her attention to my sister. "Holland," she talked. "how are you, it's been forever?" I looked around, curiously wondering how they knew each other now.
"Oh. Dr.West was my shrink when I was in high school and going through my phase," Holland explained, getting support from Mark who stuffed his face with steak.
"You had a phase in high school?" Colson asked with a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
"I wouldn't call it a phase," I grumbled, not thinking anyone would catch what I said.
"Fuck you, Grayson! I was depressed-"
"It just never made sense to me; we grew up the same way so what happened so bad to make you depressed, Holly?"
She scoffed. "What's so fucked up in your life that makes you cry over Brea every day?"
"That's enough!" Dad put his foot down, silencing the room.
Suddenly, baby Ellie started to cry and Mark offered to take his infant in the next room and calm her down.
Holland and I were staring each other down, and if we were kids again, I would've started to fight her.
Starting to break, Holland ripped her eyes away and stabbed her steak with a knife.
"Who's Brea, may I ask?" Judy chimed in. I wasn't about to let this lady in my head though. And the last thing I wanted was to bring her up.
"It's his ex-" Dad said but I stopped him to speak.
"No, you may not ask," I barked, not noticing how hard I was gripping my fork.
My jaw clenched as I watched her give me this look. Like, like she was trying to read me or something. It was intimidating as Hell if I'm honest.
"That's fine, I don't want to overstep." Her sweet voice confused me. Before I didn't want to say anything but when she agreed, I wanted to spill it all.
Oh, she's good, I thought about Dr.Judy. She's already in my head.
"Dinner's ruined," Holland dramatically stormed off, running up the stairs to her old bedroom. Typical Holly to leave the conversation when it's no longer about her.
"Soooo, can I be excused?" Colson asked awkwardly as he tried sliding from his seat to reunite with his phone.
"Grayson," Dad breathed out. He stood with his hands on his hips. "Go make sure she's alright."
"But Dad-" I found myself acting like a teenager.
"Go." He insisted and I rolled my eyes, sulking away to go check on Holland who was far too old to be acting so immature. I suppose I'm always the bad guy and had to mend things. Yet again.
Mark rounded the corner to see me knocking on my sister's door. He gave me a look, wondering if I wanted him to take over but I shook my head and shooed him away as soon as Holly opened the door and let me in.
Holland walked further inside the dark room and wasted no time speaking her mind. Per usual. "That's not funny, Grayson, what you said; it hurt! My depression wasn't a joke." I nodded, trying to understand.
"I just don't get how you were so upset when you had everything you wanted. Mom literally babied you all your life, you were perfect."
"Maybe that's what was wrong with me," Holland sniffled.
I went "pfft" and Holland cocked her head at me. "You don't think anything's wrong with you," she jabbed. It took a lot out of me not to cuss her for making this about me all of a sudden.
I twisted my mouth and shook my head to disagree. Honestly, I didn't see any issues with myself. Sure I get a little angry, but who doesn't? And we all make mistakes so I'm not gonna blame that on some unresolved made-up "illness."
"Grayson, you're an insecure, misogynistic, sexaholic. And I'm telling you this because I love you, but you don't even love yourself."
I was obviously taken aback by what she thought of me. I wondered where that came from and if anyone else felt that way, I'd never heard it before?
"I love myself a lot, thanks," I said, standing to go before any lines were crossed.
Holland stopped me. I looked down at my wrist so she'd know to let go and she did but not without continuing to lecture me.
"There's a reason you're taking this breakup so hard. There's a reason you couldn't let her go in the first place, Gray. You think this is all her fault? And why do you think you cheated and moved on so fast with Leila? Brea could've been the best thing to ever happen to you but you had to lie and cheat and fuck it up like you always do."
"Holland, watch it, you're about to piss me off. You don't even know the half!"
"Well from the looks of it, I saw everything I need to know. I mean, really, a bet, Grayson?!"
I started to pace and rub my temples. "What was I supposed to do, it's the only way I could get her to stay!"
"So you manipulated her into gambling her feelings?"
"It— UGH. Fuck! She made me do it-"
"So it was her idea?" Holland's tone grew more and more judgmental and passive-aggressive.
"No, it was mine, but-" Every time I tried to explain myself, Holland would interject and it was starting to really piss me off.
"But what? You still can't take responsibility? Be a man."
"Fuck you, Holland. I was there when you cheated on Mark and I never said a goddamn word! I never judged you, but you have a baby and think your life is so fuckin' perfect all of a sudden, you go and judge me?"
She started to cry. Her lip quivering, she said "you need help." That makes two of us.
I didn't even bother saying another word. There I was again, the bad guy. Even when I try to make peace, it backfires and slaps me in the face.
Right when I opened the door, Dr. Judy West presented me with a business card.
"Drop by my office sometime," she spoke. "Your sessions are on the house."
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