39. "we have to talk"
Breanna Michelle Santana
As you can imagine, Grayson was pissed at me. He may have called me another woman's name but I slapped him for it and I suppose, that crossed the line. Hey, it's not like he hasn't slapped me before. Not the same thing? Right, okay. Well, I tried.
"—Hello, I'm talking to you," I yelled as we entered the apartment, moving swiftly to create distance between us,"are you gonna ignore me all night?!"
"You fucking slapped me, Brea, and in front of your father. The fuck do you want me to say?!" Grayson angrily grumbled as he ripped the jacket off of his arms.
I followed him into the kitchen behind the counter and not to diffuse the situation. He was NOT going to win this one!
"Okay, I'm sorry for slapping you but you deserved it! You called me another woman's name-"
"On accident!"
"Who calls their girlfriend another bitch's name? 'On accident' my ass, you shouldn't even be thinking about her! Is that who you're always texting?"
He forcefully slammed the bottle of water down on the countertop and sighed deeply.
"Don't play dumb, you heard me. Is Bethany the one you're always texting? Must be, that's why you changed your password twenty fucking times."
"I changed my password so you wouldn't look through it-"
"Because you're hiding something-"
"No, because you don't trust me-"
He pushed off the counter and stormed down the hallway, mumbling,"Fuck this."
"Fuck you!"
"Fuck you, too," he exclaimed when he got to the bedroom door,"crazy bitch."
Grayson slammed the door and most likely locked me out of the room. I didn't care, the couch was comfortable and I wouldn't want to sleep next to him anyway— we'd probably end up having sex. Hot, steamy sex too that would go without me getting an apology.
I know what you're thinking, he's a piece of shit for the way he talks to me. So am I but he called me a "bitch", right? Yeah, not the first time we've mouthed off to each other like that.
We were drunk because that's what college kids do.
The baseball team was throwing a New Year's Eve party at their house off campus.
Grayson and I weren't a thing but weren't not a thing either. You know, we fooled around and were basically a couple - everyone knew us as one which meant everyone should've known I was off limits. Grayson, though, being the man-whore he was, could do whatever— I mean, whoever— he wanted and expected me not to give him shit about it. Sometimes I would because I didn't like the hypocrisy or how he made me feel but it would always end the same: he'd say he liked me and that I was different, special even, and I'd give in and forgive him because he was so hot and I couldn't resist or ever stay mad at him.
So, I was at the New Year's Eve party with two of my friends. My outfit was skimpy, of course, I was grown and wanted to be sexy. I had no intentions of winning over other guys but it happened.
Grayson was late and I was lonely after my friends left me to hookup with players from the team.
Someone approached me, his name was Brandon.
"Hey," he said to me,"that's some dress."
"Barely." I bagged on my own outfit choice.
He chuckled lightly and then had me cornered.
I didn't mind the smell of Jack Daniels on his breath or the fact that he was practically Grayson's nemesis (one of two; the other being Kaign, as you know).
Brandon was making me laugh with all his compliments, he was flirting with me so hard but it was nice to be admired so I didn't think much of it.
A few of Brandon's teammates insisted we play cup pong with them only this game had different rules - we had to do a dare with each make.
Now, I fucking sucked at pong but it was fun to play and I'd get lucky every once in a while. Brandon, though, was on fire and so was his teammate.
After another make from my opponents, I was dared to let Brandon kiss my neck.
The rules were that if you didn't take the first dare, you'd have to jump off of the roof and into the pool NAKED or get something added on to your first dare after a shot of their choice. I know, right, totally fucked up.
I wasn't a pussy, though. So, I took the shot anyway and met Brandon on the side of the table, in the middle where it folded. Brandon took his time, approaching me as bystanders hyped him up.
Brandon pulled me in forcefully, grabbed my ass with one hand, and then started sucking on my neck like his life depended on it.
It was so wet and seemed to last forever!
I was giggling and squealing in his arms when I heard murmuring from the people who surrounded us. It suddenly got quiet so my eyes opened to see what was going on.
Shit, I cursed in my head.
It was Grayson. He finished drinking straight out of the bottle and threw it down. Dramatically, he slowly turned and walked away but I knew that meant I should follow. That's when I gulped and pushed Brandon away from me so I could go after Grayson.
As soon as I got outside, I noticed Grayson had just got in his Jeep so I nervously went inside of it, too.
My eyes focused on the blunt Grayson was rolling under minimal light from the roof.
I shut the door and prepared myself for whatever it is he was about to say.
Grayson sat back with his legs spread apart, and searched for his lighter.
I was even more worried because he was way too calm and quiet which was concerning because I knew he was pissed.
"You fucking slut."
There it is.
My mouth dropped. I looked at him, appalled and emphasized,"I'm a slut? Grayson you've fucked every girl on campus!"
"Brandon, of all people, Brandon?! And you let him slap your ass and kiss on you in front of everyone there?! Did you need that much attention, I'll give you attention-"
"It was just a dare and don't act like you care now! You fucked Emily right in front of me!"
"You said you didn't care and we're not together!"
"So why the FUCK are we having this conversation?!" I stormed out of his Jeep and slammed the door before stomping down the road to get to my car.
Grayson jumped out and started following me.
"Yeah, that's right, storm off and cause another scene, you attention-seeking whore."
"FUCK YOU!" I circled back and yelled in his face.
"GIVE IT UP, I HEARD THAT SHIT BEFORE!" His volume and tone scared me, I hate to admit.
Grayson went on to rant,"It's always fuck me but you keep coming back! What's that say about you? You're a real fucking bitch, you know that? You act so innocent and you're not. YOU led ME on, Brea, not the other way around! I told you I wanted you but YOU were the one not ready for a relationship. Now look at you, crying, like I'm the bad guy. I'm always the bad guy."
I tried hard to contain myself but the tears were coming, my fist was balled and lip quivered.
"Stay away from me," my voice cracked as I began walking away again,"I hate you."
"I heard that one before, too."
I wasn't even five feet away yet when Grayson lunged towards me and tried latching onto my wrist.
"Get off of me!" I cried, not trying hard enough to get away.
"Come here." His low voice soothed me.
Grayson pulled me in and wrapped me in his arms, he stroked my hair and subtly rocked our bodies side to side.
I sniffled and said again,"I hate you."
"I know," he exhaled,"I know."
A splitting headache greeted me when I woke up.
That's what I get for crying myself to sleep, I thought.
Sitting up from the couch cushions, I rid my face of eye boogers and dried tears.
I yawned and scratched my head before turning side-to-side to crack my aching back.
The next thing I did was drink a cup of apple juice, and then snuck into the guest bathroom to take a shower, wash my face, and brush my teeth.
As soon as I exited the guest bedroom once I was dressed, I was faced up against Grayson who looked down at me and said,"We need to talk."
I couldn't bring myself to get out any words but I nodded and let him escort me to the living room where we both took seats on the couch, awkwardly sitting several inches apart.
It was silent for a minute, I knew he didn't know how to start this conversation either.
"I'm sorry," I apologized,"for slapping you."
"I don't care about that, it's my fault. I don't know why I called you her name. I fucked up."
"Yes you did." I folded my arms across my chest.
"I'm really fucking sorry. You can slap me a hundred times if it'll make you feel better." He laughed but meant it.
Of course I didn't want to hurt him, why would I put my hands on a man on purpose like that? It wouldn't make me feel better.
"You know, all night, I kept thinking about us. Like, back in college. Now I'm wondering if things were better then than they are now."
"I think they're the same; that's scary."
Grayson nodded in agreement. "But we're still here."
"Brea, I know you hate this but can you at least try to like it. 'Cause I love you and-"
"Every time you talk I just-" I stopped myself from talking by biting down on my lower lip. I had to mute my sexual thoughts, so I shook my head and stayed quiet.
Grayson smirked and inched closer towards me, licking his lips. He put his fingers on my thighs and started moving up closer.
I cut my eyes at him, unsure if that's what I wanted.
Grayson leaned in and kissed me, his hands at my waist.
Me, with no self-control, I threw my leg over his lap and started grinding against him.
Ignoring his phone ringing in his pocket, Grayson sat up to pull the shirt from over his head and threw it onto the floor.
There was a sudden bang on the door.
"Don't answer it." Grayson told me, out of breath.
I broke the kiss and went to see who was knocking like the fucking police.
I stood briefly on my tiptoes to look through the peephole and saw that it was the devil herself - Bethany.
"Gray." I called him over to witness this.
"Yeah?" He shouted from the couch.
Once Grayson was nearing me, I turned the doorknob and let Bethany in.
"We have to talk." She said sternly, holding her stomach.
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