28. "you're not pregnant"
Breanna Michelle Santana
Some of you will judge me for what I'm about to tell you. No one ever accused me of being the smartest or perfect. Besides, my little experiment didn't work anyway.
=== 11 weeks into the bet ===
It was another ordinary day, I was cleaning up around the house.
Washing dishes. Putting them away.
Picking up Grayson's work shoes. Putting them away.
Washing clothes. Drying the clothes. Folding said clothes.
Watering the plants. Organizing mail.
Once all the chores were done, I'd finally take some time to clean myself. After a shower, I'd eat and then check my email and missed notifications.
I had just finished washing the last plate in the sink one evening, when I heard the washer machine stop. After I dried my hands, I walked to the utility room.
"Hm, hm, h-hmm, hmmm" I hummed along to a song that was stuck in my head as I pulled the damp clothes from the washer and stuffed them into the dryer.
At the bottom of the washer, I thought I'd find money from Grayson's pockets but was surprised to see something else instead. Oh, I did find a few quarters, though. I placed them into the mason jar above the washer and reached for the wrapper at the bottom of the machine.
It was a condom. It didn't bother me because I knew Grayson used them on me but I started thinking about how we didn't need them.
Slamming the washer door shut, I started the time on the dryer and then stomped to the master bedroom.
Inside, I dug around each of Grayson's designated drawer's in search of the box of
Now, we didn't always use them (not if it was in the moment).
AHA! I finally found the box and emptied it of it's contents. They spilled onto the bed I had just made.
"It's not like we need them anymore." I reassured myself aloud to feel less guilty.
I retrieved Grayson's pocket knife from the same drawer and started to poke subtle holes in each of them.
This will only backfire if he's sleeping with other women, I thought in my head. If not, he'll have nothing to worry about. It's not like I can get pregnant, and if he is sleeping with other women then his karma will be having to raise a bastard child. Not my problem.
Once I was finished, I thought to throw them away as there was no point in keeping them. What I wanted to do was done and it was pretty evil of me, so I ought to just get rid of them and explain later.
"Babe!" I heard Grayson enter the apartment and drop his keys onto the glass.
"Shit!" I whisper-yelled and scattered across the carpet. I had a good ten seconds before he came straight to the bedroom so I knew I wouldn't be able to make it over to the trash can. Out of options, I panicked, and tossed the compromised condoms back into the drawer from which they came.
"Oh, there you are. I was callin' you." Grayson stopped at the threshold to unlace his work boots and put them onto the shoe rack by the closet.
"Hey." I breathed out all my nerves.
"I missed you," he lightly chuckled and pecked my lips,"how was your day?"
I watched as he walked to the master bathroom to peel his shirt off and then his belt.
He started the shower while checking his phone for texts or whatever.
I licked my lips and then snapped out of it to reply,"It was good. You?"
"Better now." He shot me a smirk, washing his hands. Grayson then removed everything from his pockets before stepping out of his dark Levi jeans.
"Like what you see?" Grayson teased me, noticing my lustful stares.
"Mhm." I sounded, biting down on my lip as I stood at the edge of the bed. He walked over and scooped me into his arms. We kissed and I felt him grin against my lips.
"Perv." He joked in a low voice, his forehead against mine.
We fell back onto the bed, his body in between my legs as I grabbed a fistful of his hair at the top of his wrinkled forehead.
"I like when you're all dirty. It's sexy."
"You know what's sexier? Taking this to the shower." He chuckled and threw me over his shoulder but I wiggled my way down and sat back on the bed.
Grayson went to turn the shower off and then peed. He came back but was busy on his phone.
I got on my knees and crawled over to him, snatching the phone from his hands. I slid the phone into my bra and wrapped my arms around Grayson who laid me on my back again and started kissing me again. Concluding it, he bit my lip and sucked on it.
A second later, he sat back up and was ready to dig in the drawer for a condom but I hurried to shut it which made him look at me like 'what the Hell?'
I awkwardly laughed it off and then pulled him back down on top of my body. I whispered in his ear,"you don't need that." He sat up and looked at me with a slight smirk.
Hearing this, he grew excited and started to kiss me all over my face, making me blush and giggle, before he ripped my clothes off.
"Baby, where you at— oh. You coming? The game starts in, like, twenty." Grayson pecked my lips once I reentered the apartment after going to the store.
"Um, can I meet you there? I gotta do something first."
He raised an eyebrow at me and then said,"Sure."
"Good luck." I said, handing him his bag.
He looked at me, putting his slides on his feet, and laughed,"You know I never needed luck."
"Well, don't break anything. Play good!"
"Always. You gotta get there so I can show-off."
"Just like old times." I giggled, rubbing his shoulders as he sat on the couch.
He turned again, this time to kiss me but, as always, we got carried away.
"Alright, alright. You have a game to go win."
"This will help me play better," he started taking his shirt off but I crawled off of the couch and shook my head at him.
"No. You got enough last night."
"But I want more now." Grayson's hand cupped me down there and when he did, my stomach sank in a good way.
"No, go. You'll get some if you win."
"You mean when I win."
"Yeah, sure. See you."
"Gimme some." He said and pulled me in for a kiss but I backed up before we got carried away.
"Hurry up, I need you there." Grayson finally made his way to the door and exited after rushing me.
As soon as the door clicked shut, I nervously ambled to the bathroom where I waited for the results.
After another several minutes, the timer on my iPhone went off. Anxiety became me right as I turned the timer off and trembled towards the pregnancy tests that were spaced out along the sink.
Whatever happens, I'll be okay, I prayed in my head.
On the count of three, my eyes opened.
1, 2, 3... Open.
"Negative. Negative. Positive. Negative." I read the results out loud. While I was rejoiced, one said positive. That scared me.
What does this mean, I asked myself internally. Was there a chance? Were they all negative and the positive one was an accident? Are they all fluke?
I didn't bother telling Gray because I didn't want him to worry. However, I did go to the doctor and ask for some answers.
"Like I said, the chances are impossible. You're not pregnant, Miss Santana. Congratulations." My doctor thought he was giving me good news but in truth, I was disappointed.
I faked a smile, though, because I didn't want to break down in the office.
"Thanks." I spoke quietly and hopped off of the table.
"—I can't have kids... the shape of my uterus won't allow me to. The chances are almost impossible. So impossible, in fact, I'd be more likely to die from getting an apple thrown at my head, become president, or struck by lightening," I said to Grayson and then finished with,"I don't wanna talk about me, though. What's going on here?"
The news caught Grayson completely by surprise. He was speechless for the first time ever. I didn't blame him for not saying anything. In fact, I preferred it that way because I really didn't need pity.
I didn't want to talk about it yet either, I hoped he didn't ask any questions.
Grayson cleared his throat and said,"I wanna show you something."
That's when he presented me with Alfie - our puppy.
Fast forward to the alumni soccer game; I kept getting this feeling like Holland was giving me weird looks. I don't know what happened, I thought she liked me? I couldn't help but think something must be up that I don't know about...
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