24. "hit with nerves"
Breanna Michelle Santana
It's been two and a half months since the start of my six month challenge with Grayson. That's seventy-six days just about. So, 1824 hours and 109,440 minutes, and I don't even want to know the number of seconds. Needless to say, that's a lot of time spent with one person when you put it into perspective.
"Oof." I groaned, slamming my head onto the tabletop. Grayson helpfully put his palm there so it would cushion the blow next time I slammed my forehead down.
"Alright. You gonna tell me what's up before you get brain trauma or?" He joked, adding in a light chuckle.
My bottom lip poked out, my green eyes wide as saucers. "I just feel like I don't know you, is all."
"Brea," he sat up in the booth to talk to me,"we've been together almost everyday - we live together."
"Yeah, I know. Forget it, it's silly. Forget I said anything-"
Grayson turned my head back to him and planted a dry peck on my lips. "What's up, tell me?"
I put my chin in the palm of my hand while he rubbed my back, and let out a sigh of frustration as I clicked my fingernails on the glass containing my ice water.
"When we first met we never really got to know each other. Like, yeah, I know your interests, your middle name, your birthday. How about other things? Like, things I can't find on your socials."
Grayson laughed as if what I said was funny. "You're cute." He told me randomly.
"I'm not trying to be cute. I'm trying to get to know my fake boyfriend," I said and immediately got an idea,"Ooh! I know, let's take a selfie!"
"A selfie?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Mhm!" My voice sounded high-pitched after swallowing some water. I cuddled up to Gray and whipped my phone out.
Grayson let out a groan like he didn't want to take a picture with me but I didn't care and made him suck it up anyway.
We had taken so many but I didn't like any of them. It looked like I was trying too hard when I just wanted something simple and cute but not like, annoying-couple-cute.
"Breanna," Grayson breathed my name out,"it's not that serious."
I gasped loud and dramatically as I slowly turned my neck like an owl. "It is that serious, Grayson. Think about it, who really knows we're together if it's not all over social media?" Grayson shook his head and picked the corner of his right eye. He leaned back in the leather seat and stretched his legs out.
"I mean, you are my fake boyfriend-"
"Gimmie that!" He snatched the phone from my hands and pulled me close to his hard body. Grayson snapped a picture of us and placed my black iPhone XS Max on the table face down.
I snarled at his aggression and unlocked the phone using my face. Once unlocked, I went to the camera roll, since he swiped out of it, and checked to see if the picture was acceptable or not.
A smile made it's way onto my face as I looked over the picture.
Grayson suddenly threw a balled up paper straw wrapper at me and said,"—And stop calling me your 'fake boyfriend'." I scoffed and threw it back which made him start tickling me in my ribs.
"Stoppppp!" I squealed, laughing hysterically in the booth until he stopped and threw his arm over my shoulders. I calmed down and combed the strands of her from my face.
All of a sudden, I was hit with nerves. I started to swirl my straw in the glass of water, around the three ice cubes I requested.
"What're you thinking 'bout?" Asked Grayson, nudging me in my side.
I looked from the corner of my eyes and then darted my vision back to the cold glass. "What if your friends don't like me!"
"I'm not worried about that."
"You're not?"
He shook his head and took my hand. "I think they'll like you too much. You have nothing to worry about."
His words were comforting enough to soothe my anxiety. I settled in seat and stopped shaking my leg under the table.
At last, the waiter who provided Gray and I with our drinks led three guys to our booth in the back corner of the T.G.I. Friday's restaurant.
Grayson stood immediately and slid hands with his old teammates from college who were in town for a visit.
Apparently, there was some big annual alumni soccer game that they were playing in - after finals of course since the team Grayson coached made it.
From my understanding, they all took the game very seriously and had been a tradition since the seventies as the school never was too big on football - because they fucking sucked - or any other fall sport.
Grayson mentioned that he'd been playing in the local, annual tournament ever since he was a freshman in high school because there was one game for students versus alumni. Except now, he was the alumni.
All of the boys took their turns giving me a friendly hug. I remembered them all and it was safe to say, unlike Grayson, they changed a lot physically.
Grayson's closest teammate was LJ who was far too proud to be a "lightskin". LJ used to be the skinny one with acne and beautiful 4c coils with blonde tips.
Now, though, LJ had a nice body with a shaved head, waves, and a clear face hidden under his thick, short beard.
Next was Andrew - typical white boy. Andrew used to be slightly fluffy but slimmed down. By fluffy I mean, he wasn't skinny but he wasn't fat; he didn't have abs, so his stomach was kind of flabby but he definitely didn't have man boobs yet. He no longer had braces, but his hair was still in a brunette Jew fro. Now, he's skinny and I think it's because he did drugs - maybe weed and coke, nothing crazy with the exception of like, pills and drinking lean occasionally.
Lastly, there was Jordy. Jordy was always seen as a quiet, Guatemalan kid. He kept to himself usually and was actually very sweet. That is, until he got on the soccer field and became a totally different person. Behind Gray, he was the best player. They never wanted to admit it, but they were secretly always in competition.
Jordy was linky, not the tallest but not short compared to other Hispanic men. He had brown skin and always wore a professional jersey or a hoodie, and cargo pants with a pair of Nikes or Pumas.
None of them were any good when it came down to girls. They were bad influences on Grayson, I think. LJ was an emotionally and verbally abusive womanizer. Andrew was sex-crazed and had a little dick, but at least he could commit. And Jordy, he was the quiet one. It's always the quiet ones. He put on this front like he was sweet and shy but I saw right through it.
"I can't believe this is a still a thing, you two." Andrew said, removing the beer from his paper thin lips.
Grayson squeezed my shoulder and smiled down on me.
"You look good together, I see it. Got like this Barbie and Ken thing going on." LJ complimented us... I think?
Jordy was too busy scarfing down his appetizer to comment on our relationship as well.
"Hey, weren't you with Kaign at some point?" Asked LJ.
"Yeah," Jordy swallowed,"I remember that. Grayson basically cried over you for like, two months after that." I peeped the look Grayson gave Jordy for blurting that piece of information. Jordy shrunk in his seat and regrettably glued his eyes to his cracked phone screen.
"Um, yeah. We didn't work out." I said, tucking hair behind my ear.
"Kaign's gay." Grayson added dryly, clearing his scratchy throat.
"Oh, we been knew." LJ cackled, looking at his friends who also laughed.
I cut my eyes at Gray and he instantly stopped laughing. "You knew?" I asked him quietly but didn't get an answer.
"I can't believe you didn't." Andrew spoke up.
"Yeah, you got dick from someone who took dick." LJ quipped.
"Yo!" Grayson tried stopping his messy friends.
I swallowed hard, starting to feel uncomfortable. I could've done without that last remark, to be honest.
"Kaign didn't take dick, there's no way." I bit down on my lip, not making eye contact with any of the men at the table at first. I then put my arms on the table, stacked on one another, and smirked in LJ's direction since he had the most mouth.
"Oh? I guess you would know." LJ tested me, his eyebrow raised - the one that had a slit at the end of it.
I hunched my shoulders, smizing. "I would."
"Aha," he laughed cockily,"what, you think you a sexpert?"
"Nope. I just know it wasn't that bad. Someone who fucks like him has to be the one giving it. He's a power-bottom." The boys looked at me in shock and also confusion, Jordy even choking on his alcoholic beverage.
Grayson removed his hand from my thigh but I didn't care, I was too interested in what the guys had to say next.
"Power-bottom, huh? You like that?" Asked LJ.
"I don't know, she does look like a lil' freak." Andrew observed.
"Gotta be, she's with Gray." Jordy said.
"But she was with Kaign first. So, about this 'power-bottom' thing? What's that, means you like to be dominated?"
"Well, kinda. It's typically for gay couples but it means he's the one in charge."
"So you are into that rough shit?" LJ laughed, his eyes locked on me. I laughed through my nose and created space between Gray and I.
"Define rough." I said to LJ, slowly glazing my tongue over my top row of teeth.
LJ leaned in, intrigued, and questioned me. "You like you be choked?"
"Check, please!" Grayson hollered.
"Of course." I shrugged.
"Spanked or squeezed?" LJ continued to interrogate me.
"Spanked, then squeezed." I answered easily, looking at the men's faces for their reactions. Andrew and Jordy exchanged looks and got in on the conversation, too.
"Dirty talk?" Andrew wondered aloud.
To that, my answer was,"Encouraged."
"Spit or swallow?" Jordy wanted to know, they all did. The three of them leaned in and stared at me.
I hesitated to answer but when I did, my answer satisfied them. "Spitters are quitters," I replied with confidence.
"Okay, okay. That was shit PG-13 shit. How 'bout slapping?" LJ inquired, making me raise a brow. Seeing my uncertainty, he elaborated,"Like, you like to be slapped in the face during sex?"
Oh. Um... "Mhm." I sounded through closed lips.
Realizing I had him beat, LJ sat back and folded his arms across his tattooed chest. "I like her."
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