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Nico POV:
I slowly opened my eyes as I heard something that sounded suspiciously similar to the clicking of a camera. As I started looking around I noticed Percy and Jason both holding up cameras and taking as many pictures of me as they could. I was confused. I mean why would they want pictures of me?
Then I looked next to me and I almost screamed. William Solace was laying next to me, his arms wrapped around me like a teddy bear and as feeling came back to my legs, I realized they were tangled up in his own. I jumped up, accidently waking Will in the process, as I reached for both cameras.
Will was very confused as he groggily sat up and leaned his head on my shoulder. I blushed, but didn't push him away as I started yelling nonsense at the other two boys.
When I finally got Percy and Jason to leave, Will smirked at me before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. It was just a small peck, but it sent butterflies shooting through my stomach as the heat rose to my cheeks.
"We should probably get up now, if we want to make it to breakfast." Will said with a smile as I just laid where I was. Sure I love him, but I couldn't get myself to stand up, there was no reason to get out of bed. Why did our moment laying there have to end? What was the point of getting up and ruining things like I always do?
Will jumped out of bed and looked at me with his big puppy dog eyes and a pout on his face.
"Come on Neeks, just today? Just eat an apple? Please?"
I just stayed where I was, trying to decide if he would actually only make me eat an apple or not.
"No more kisses or cuddles until you eat something." He finally said when he realized I wasn't going to move.
That got me moving real quick, without even thinking, I jumped into his arms whined.
"NOooooo. Please give me kissy, your hurted my feelings."
Will just giggled and set me down, grabbing ahold of my hand.
"Not until after you eat." He said, booping my nose with his free hand.
"Race you." I whispered, not sure if he could hear it. Then I took off running. He quickly passed me though, so I shadow traveled right to my table at the dining hall and sat down, a huge grin on my face.
When Will finally got there, out of breath he just sat down to catch his breath. When he finally did, he said,
"That's not fair! You cheated, plus you're not supposed to be shadow travelling since it takes so much of your energy."
I just rolled my eyes in response and willed my goblet to fill with Sprite zero. I didn't want to make more of a scene and draw more attention to myself, so I just waited for one the apple to appear on my plate via the wind spirits.
Will watched me carefully as I picked up the apple and spun it around in my hand a few times, testing to see if it was worth it. I mean, would he notice if I just asked for an apple core instead and showed that to him?
"Eat it." He said before shoving some strawberry waffle in his mouth.
I slowly lifted the apple up to my mouth and took a single bite out of it. I instantly felt amazing and ate the whole thing in less than a minute.
Will smiled and I swear he was about to kiss me, when Jason walked up and sat down next to me.
"You're gay." He whispered in my ear before standing up and walking away laughing.
Will watched him go, a slight hint of jealousy in his eyes.
"What'd he say to you?" Will demanded, with a playful smile on his face.
I almost choked as I repeated the sentence and soon Will and I were laughing our heads off in the middle of the dining hall.
A/N - I know it's short and it's been forever, but here's some fluff and I'll start on the next chapter.
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