Reveal party
I canceled with heather I really don't want to go but I shouldve because my aunt is making me do so many things the figure out the gender of the baby "come on y/n tell me" she says "penn if jd cant know neither can you and I have been talking and we both want a gender reveal when I'm 5 months" I say she sighs "okay here" she goes to the kitchen and then comes back with an egg "if it rolls left it's a boy if it rolls right it's a girl" "hey penn no I'm not breaking any eggs on the floor" I say ugggggh" she says "fine I'm going to bed" she says
Time skip
It's been 2 months and I'm not aloud at school but luckily I graduated early like last week I "alright so we have the balloons food everything ready" I say looking around fixing things "hey priness calm down seriously" jd says "no it have to be perfect" I says "no I doesn't we can worry about that when the baby is born" he says I sigh "you try have a thing inside of you pushing down on you're organs and hormones running through you then we can talk about calm" I say and walk off "love you" jd says I laugh
all of my family and people jd knows are here as well "so hows youre side coming" he says "um hopefully worse than youres my aunt keeps going around telling everyone how proud she is of me my dad is treatening all of i male cousions and my grandmother is over there seeking intaquila with her lemonade" i say he chuckle "you doing a lot better than me then my dad is sitting on there chugging as much beer as he can my step sister is slowly stealing silverwear and my nefew keeps rolling aroun don the grass and he's wearing white" he says "ooh yeah im better" i he laughs nd kisses me i kiss him back "WHO READY TO REVEL!" i hear someone yell we pull away and we walk over "i cant belive you already know" he says "yeah yeah okay so you have to take this and just shoot it in the air" "thats it he says "well i mean theres the count down" i say "5. 4. 3. 2." everyone begins To count down "1" he fires it and pink confetti flys through the air he picks me up i hug him "really" he says smileing "yeah" i say he huggs me me agin
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