"fuck off amber"
i wake up thank god today is saterday but i dont get to see jd today ahhhh i put a pillow over my face and scream into it
i sit on the couch in my pjs with black fluffy socks on and a see through-ish red robe with my hair in a messy bun watching dexter eating gummy bears from the gift basket my dad is at work today so its just me and fucking amber my ringtone goes of "hello?" i say "how would you feel if a certain gentalman showed up at youre house with slushies movies and popcorn" he says "i swear to god if youre at my door" i say 'bye" he says i laugh and get up i open my door he stands there "Hey princess" he says "fuck you" I say he luaghs "Is this a new thing now" he says looking at my shirt i luagh and pull him in and kiss him he kisses back we pull away "blue rasberry for m'lady" he says i smile "thanks" i say "wow." He says "what "you really are pretty short" he says "stoooop" i say and lightly hit his arm he chuckles i put the slushie the movies down and go over to the kitchen to make popcorn i put it in the microwave he lean against the frirdge "what..." i say looking at him "nothing just admireing" he says i walk over to him and wrap my arm around his waist "you can touch to" i say he smirks and we kiss it get some what passionate
"y/n do you know where your father is-oh sorry" she says jd and i pull away "amber come back" i say "sorry if i was interupting anything" she says "no and he's at work he has early meeting and late night work all weekend and week" I say "oh" she says the microwave beeps i open the microwave door "oh and hey mom i forgot to introduce my boyfriend" she says i pour the pop corn into a bowl "youre not my mom and hes-" "jason dean jd for short pleased to meet you"he says shaking her hand "hey come on" I say "nice to meet you" he says we walk back to the couch i put in the movie he brought and sit down i put my lags on his lapand drink my slurpie jd strokes my thigh feeling the riased and no raised scars
time skip to a few months idk im lazy
i finsh eating dinner "so you wanna tell me why jason dean is over so much" amber says picking up the dishes "why he cant come over or something" i say getting up and walking over to the stairs she follows "no he is just let me know" she says "well sometimes i dont even know and so what hes not youre boyfriend" i say "is there something wrong with us" she says "No just you" i say "excuse me" she says "here i'll spell it out for you fuck off amber" i say and start to walk upstairs she follows "EXCUSE YOU YOUNG LADY YOU DO NOT TALK TO YOURE MOTHER THAT WAY" she yells "YOURE NOT MY MOTHER!" I yell at her "so stop trying to be" i say she slaps me "for as long as im married to you father i will be-" she grabs my wrist "and these do symbolize youre nothing i will stop trying to make sure youre noticed" she says flashing around my scars "ive tried to be kind to you and all i get in return is being treated like shit" she says i push her back she hits me again "dont you dare push me" she says "I WISH SOMEONE KILLED YOU!" i scream at her she pushes me back i hit my temple on the rial of the stairs i get up and run up stair i slam my door and scream i throw things around my room i throw a pillow and it hits my dresser a piture falls off but not breaking luckily i pick it up and sit against my bed me my mom and dad i cry as i turn it around and grab the razor blade from the back of it and look at my arm and start to cut
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