felid trip
your house
i get up and get dressed i do my hair and make up i walk down stairs after "good mornig daddy" i say and kiss his cheek "good mornig gum drop" he says "amber...." i say and walk passed her i dont like my step mom she dosnt aprove of what i like when ever shhe goes shopping she'll get me a unicorn t-shirt also she only married my dad beacuse hes a rich son of a bitch kill me now i grab a juice pack and grab my sun glasses and sit on the counter and drink it "get down from the counter y/n" amber says "sure" i say but dont i go on my phone and look at my instagram and stuff i find jds account its one picture him and i guessing mom shes really pretty i look at my snap and request to follow jd he accepts almost right away i look at his story "field trip to the musame of tolorance this should be fun he wrote and put a natzi sign i laugh "whats so funny" amber says "wouldnt you like to know" I say and jump down from the counter i grab my keys to my car "by dad i'll so you later" i say and walk out getting into my car and driving off
i park and see the people lined up to for the bus "oh y/n good that youre here youre in group b with veronica heather duke heather chandlers heather mcnamen and jason dean the new kid" princlple hicks says "hey can i not be in the group with the heathers and veronica thier kind of bitches." I say "Langue and no everyone else declined the same thing as well" he says "then i can i at least not ride on the bus with them" i say he riases his eyes brow i raise mine "fine...but you have to take buddy" he says i look over and see jd "HEY JASON DEAN!" I yell to him "WANNA RIDE WITH ME" I say he laughs "SURE!" he says walking over "alright just follow the bus" princeable says "so you want the window seat" he says "we both get the window seat" i say and press my car button as it beeps and the door open "alright" he says
we both sit in the car as i drive on the free away and we play twenty questions to pass the time "okay whats youre favorite color" he asks "blue" i say "okay" he says "what type of animal do you like" i ask "i like cats" He says "cats really" i say "yep" he says "what is youre favortie flavor" he says "strawberry or bluerasberry" i say "how old are you" i ask "19" he says "how old are yoU"he asks "18 my birthday is next week on the 8" i say "wow" he says i laugh "how tall are you" i say "i am 5'11" he says "so just under 6'" i say "yeah just about how tall are you" "ugh with heels im 5'9 with out im 5'7 in a half i so fucking short" i say he laghs "if you could kill one person how would it be" i ask "og for sure the dicks ram and kurt" i say i laugh "Yeah...okay this is youre last question think wisely" i say he sighs "whats youre name..." he says i luagh "i guess ill break the wall y/n, y/n king" i say "cute" he says "if you do one thing in youre life like if you wished it and it came true what would it be" i ask "that is a good last question but honsetly i wish that it was my dad who was in the building when it blew up instead of my mom" he says its silent for a few seconds "okay then..." i say "sorry that was wired" he says "no it wasnt i wish that my mom wouldve taken me with her when she was going to pick up my brother the night she died" i say "huh" he says "your mom was really pretty though" i say "how do you-" "i knid of stalked youre accounts" i say he laughs "Okay then" "so since you birthday is next week does that mean that i have to get you a present" he says "no only friends do that and i have no friends" i say "i could be youre friend" he says "trust me you dont want to do that" I say and glace at my scared up arm
we walk around the musame and look at artifacts and stuff jd is really interested in the killing part of it though i look around the gass chamber replication "this is where one person could kill hundereds in seconds easy and effeint" he says "thats one way to put it but yeah" i say "why do you have to be so wierd jason" heather c says "yeah jason" heather d says "shut up heather" "sorry heather" they say and walk off along with every one else jd contuinte looking at the bulid "hey y/n" he says stoping me "hm" i turn around "wanna go get a slushie" he says i smile
"sure" i say we walk off
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