Back again
It's been about week scince the incident and I'm back at school trying to smhide the baby bump a little
I wear a black sweater dress with black spandex underneath netted tights and black boots I put my hair is a messy bun
I put my stuff in and take it out while talk gn to jd "I swear though if he's here I'm going to-" "going to what babe if you do anything then you'll be in trouble as well" I say he sighs and leans against the locker "I can't believe I wasn't there for you or at least with you I should gone and helped you pack this never would've happened" he says I close my locker "hey stop Im okay I healing both mentally and physically okay" I say he Sighs "focus on something else oh you for instance the baby" I say quietly he smiles "yeah that" he says wrapping his arms around my waist "maybe I can try" he says I giggle and we kiss we pull away "okay but still-" "Jason! stop" I shake my head he says "okay fine" he says and kisses me agin I kiss him back we pull away "I have chemistry I'll see you later" he says and walks off I sigh and pick up my bag "damn it" I say I forgot to get my book English book out of my locker I open it and grab my book I look in the mirror to check if anything is messed up when I see mr jasper behind me I gasp and turn around "hello y/n" he says "what do you want." I say "so I put you in the hospital did it now " he says "get away from me" I say "I'm sorry" he says and touches my arm I pull back "so I've herd you're three months pregnant congrats the way you acted that night was unexpected" he says and closes my locker for me the. Something happens it starts to shake violently beverything a light blows out "EARRHQUAKE" I hear someone glass shatters and things fall every one screams and yells running around me jasper grabs me I scream and he pulls me I twist my ankle as he dose he holds me under a frame and holds my waist I sruggle and scream and flash backs happen to that night the pain and how scared I was and him beating me i continue to struggle and scream and I don't even notice that the earth quake has stopped I start to cry "HEY!" A voice shout I'm pulled out of mr jaspers arms and held I still struggle it out of the flash backs yet "hey y/n it's me calmn down you okay you're okay!" I hear he's soothing voice I calm down and cry into him he hold me "Back off you dick" he says "you are speaking to a higher memeber I just saved her life" jasper says "and the other night you could've ended it" jd says "Jasper Clark you are under arrest for the assault of a minor sexual harassment in the fourth order and for violating privacy" two police officer hand cuff him and go off "come on" jd says I take a step and regrets it pain shoot up my ankle "ah" I say "what's wrong he says "when he pulled me I twisted my ankle" I say he picks me up "I got you" he says
School was canceled because the department need to check for structural damage
I sit on my couch drinking my Medicine fizzy drink thing watching zig and sharko my dad comes In "hey sweety" he says "hi dad" I say "where's jd isn't school canceld" he says "yeah I don't know why" I say "I just figured that you two would want to hang out you knowL he says "yeah I don't know where he is" I say "huh how are you feeling" he says "I'm okay but I can feel the baby moving wanna feel" I say "has Jason felt yet" he asks "no" I say "then no not u Tim Jason has felt it you're mother wouldn't let anyone feel until I was the first" he says "thanks dad" I say he smiles the door bell rings "that's Jason" my dad says and gets up to get it I hear someone scream and my aunt comes running in I sit up she comes running in "aunt penn what are you doing here" I say she tackles me "as soon as I heard you were raped I came gotnon a plane and then I herd you were pregnant and I got on a jet" she says "you flew back from japan oh um how was it by the way" I say "amazing! But you how are you are you okay are sick do you need anything who's the father is he cute where is he what's happening" she says "penn calm down one at a time..." I laugh "hey princess who's bags are those are you going to surf camp cause I almost died by tripping over- oh um hello" Jason walks in "is this a bag time" he asks "no no Jd this in my aunt penn, penn Jason dean my boyfriend" I say she screams and hugs him picking him up and jumping around "you're the father wow You're Very handsome how did you score y/n" she says "oh um thank you and I'm by fate I guess" he says I smile at him "hey penn I have to talk to jd for a second you can have the third room upstairs take a left and first door on the right" I say "thank you" she says I get up and grab his hand and lead him to the kitchen "well you aunt is very wild I like it" he says I smile "you okay what's uo" he asks I grab his hands and put them on my stomach "what are you-" the baby moves "oh my god.....y/n" he says I smile he does as well "it's real this is real it's alive moving breathing oh my god" he kisses me I kiss him back "our baby" he says "our baby" I say
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