Secret- Chapter 3
Kiti Pov~
I woke up again this morning, this time with Kei, and got dressed. Before I knew it we were on our way to school. Just like on the first day people steered clear of my path, even more so that I had my Kei with me.
I see Kei snickering besides me as he had a light bulb idea. "What is it!?" I said annoyed because we always tell each other, almost, everything. He just kept looking at me and snickering. I let out an annoyed huff, and we arrived at school.
I figured out that I have a couple of classes with the first years on the team, Hinata and Kageyama, who I found out was one of my brothers few 'friends' other than Tadashi. The day flew by and before I knew it, it was lunch break.
I meet Kei at the same place as yesterday, we found a bench and chatted about stuff. After that I headed back to finish off the rest of my class which was easy, since I have photographic memory.
I was waiting for Kei at 'our meet up' place, when someone walked over to me. I looked down to see the small carrot top, Hinata. "Oh hey Hinata!' I say with a smile, he waves back "Hello" He looked like he was going to say something when Kei walked up.
Hinata turned his head and let out an 'eek' followed by him jumping back. I turned my head in the direction he was looking to see Kei glaring at the poor boy. I chopped Kei on the top of the head. "Leave him alone. God, can I not have normal conversation with anyone" Kei rubbed his head and started muttering about how stupid I am, and that I'm such an idiot.
I turned back to Hinata "Sorry. He might act all tough, but he's just a big baby" I say waving my hand. Hinata still looked worried, but calmed down a bit. "Weren't you going to say something?" I say looking at him.
"Oh right! I was wondering if you had played volleyball before. You have the height like Tsukishima, and with a little bit of work, you could learn-" We broke him off, in a fit of laughter "Omg! That's hilarious!" I laughed. Kei just kept laughing.
"Did I say something?" Hinata said confused. Then Kei sat up, laughing then snickering looking at me. Why do I have a feeling this has to do with earlier. I narrowed my eyes and then turned my head back to Hinata.
"You asked if I played volleyball" I said snickering like Kei. We put our fingers over our mouths, and high-fived. I then looked Hinata in the eye "Do I look like an idiot to you?" I said a black and blue aura around me.
He yelped and jumped backwards "N-n-n-no" I smiled, back to normal now, "Good" I say. I walk to the gym with Kei, leaving behind a confused Hinata. "I swear Kei, if you have something planned" I turned my head and stared at him dead in the eye. "Your dead."
I had been sitting in the gym for about a minute now, when a pretty girl with dark blue-black hair walked in. She was wearing a black jacket, that had Karasuno Boys Volleyball'on it (Idk what it really says) As she walked in the team looked her way.
"Kiyoko!" Shouted Tanaka and Noya. Was she their manager? She smacked the two on the back of their heads. They smiled and ran around shouting, this sure was a bunch. She notices me and walks over.
"Hi i'm Kiyoko Shimizu." She smiles and says in a quite voice. I smile back "Utsukushi Kiti Tsukishima, I'm Kei's- or Tsukishima's, twin" I stand up slowly, as to not disturb her, but she doesn't mind my height. She must be used to it, thank god.
We chat for a while, and get to know each other. I think were going to be good friends. Suddenly Kei walks over to me, snickering. 'Oh no' I thought, I excused myself form my conversation with Kiyoko. He had a smug look on his face "No" I said before he could say anything.
He looked at me and smirked "You don't even know what I'm going to say" By now, the team was watching. I looked at him up and down, and read his face. I smirked, he knew he had lost "Lets see. It obviously has to do with me. By the looks of your body stance, it also has to do with volleyball. And by your face, I can tell your egging me on. Oh, and by me not being stupid, this has to do with what you were snickering from this morning."
He looked at me frowning with a pouty face "Over all, you want me to play don't you?" The team looked shocked and surprised "Wait, you could tell all that just by looking at him!?" Shouted Tanaka. I smirked "I grew up with him, I know all about him"
Me and Kei held a staring contest, we knew whoever lost, would either have to do it, or stop trying. I blinked "Damnit!" He smirked "I win, so now you have to do it" I 'ugh'ed and the team stepped of the court after a fine given by Daichi.
He looked at me "Receive the serve, block the spike, spike, serve" He had a smug look on his face. I knew why he did it in that order. I then looked around, I need someone to set the ball, and to serve it. Kageyama stepped forward, "I can help you" He offered. I looked at my brother, who really didn't care, and shrugged.
Kageyama grabbed the ball and walked to the other side of the court, and I set myself up in a receiving stance. Watch him, copy him. I started at him as he served, a jump serve. He gave away where he was going mid-jump though. I raced to the spot, and received it with ease.
The team stood still, shocked at how fast I received it. Kageyama looked down at his hand and started muttering something about how that was a bad serve. Noya stared at me me with awe, "Can you teach me how to do that!" He yelled, I just sighed and shook my head.
Hinata stepped on the court, to spike it. 'Watch him' I thought 'You know what he does and how fast he is'. Hinata was super into it, so when he took off, so did I . I knew the switch was coming, where he was going to switch directions, but I waited, and went the millisecond before him. By the time he got there, I was already there. I knew how fast he jumps, so I jumped early. I easily stuffed it, which left the team stunned and too shocked to speak.
Again the team stood shocked, but this time there was a few whispers about how I was "Impossible" and all that stuff. Hinata was staring at me wide eyed his jaw wide open, whereas Kageyama looked at me stunned and a bit angry.
I grabbed the ball and walked to the back of service line and backed up a bit. I recalled what Kageyama did, and smirked at Kei. He smirked back, and we stared. If I win, I get to do Kageyama's serve, if you wins he picks. He blinked and cursed under his breath.
Kageyama's it is. I closed my eyes and replayed what Kageyama did in my head. Got it. I tossed the ball up and started running forward. I jumped and spiked, just like Kageyama had done, except this time, it made it to the back corner.
I sighed and stretched, interlocking my fingers and pushing up. A few mouths were agape, and few eyes were wide. I sighed and walked off the court. I had a few tricks up my sleeve that I didn't intend to share.
Now that that was done with, I could finish my conversation with Kiyoko. Haha, no, I knew that wouldn't happen. The boys swarmed around me and started asking me questions. "One at a time please!" I shouted. It was the end of practice, so Daichi cut it short, so they could ask me questions, I'm fine with that.
"Have you played volleyball before?" "Yes" "How did you copy Hinata's spike" I smirked looking at Kei "I didn't" Then one question came up which surprised me " Are you left or right handed? Because you served with your right, and spiked with your left?" I smiled "Both" They looked shocked.
"Wait, so your ambidextrous!?" They said in unison "Yep!" I said. Suga stepped forward "There's something else isn't there?" I shrugged my shoulders and smirked "Maybe, maybe not" They kept asking what, but I ignored it. A while later, we went home "Did you have to do that?" I groaned "Yes, yes I did" I smirked "If your trying to show me off, it's working" He looked surprised.
After awhile we arrived home and ate dinner. Me and Kei watched a show on dinosaurs, and I teased him about his love for dinosaurs. We then got in our Pj's his, a white T-shirt and shorts, and mine a cat onesie. I quickly fell asleep, and dreamed about playing volleyball again.
Hey he- *Smacks Bokuto on top on the head* God damnit Bokuto! What did I say! Ahem, sorry, YAY! I did it! I hope you liked this chapter I'm sorry if you think he Photographic memory makes her op! I Enjoyed making this, and hope you enjoyed reading it! Please Vote and Comment. I hope you enjoyed!
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