The Day After
Chapter Two
The Day After
I wake up in the morning and the first thing I notice is James's absence. My legs are tangled up in the sheets, but I'm basically in the same place I was in when I fell asleep. Except it seems like my pillow has left.
I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes then stretch my arms up above my head and arch my back. It feels so good and after I'm done I feel good and awake. I take a deep breath in and smell something cooking. A smile creeps across my face and I jump out of bed and try to sneak into the kitchen.
I slip out of the bedroom and jog on the tips of my toes down the hallway and to the kitchen. Now that I'm closer I can smell eggs, bacon, and English muffins; all my favorites. I peek around the corner and see James at the stove. I put a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing when I see that he's wearing my apron.
It's much too small for him. The ties that are supposed to go around your back are hanging limply at his sides. I giggle quietly and pull back behind the corner so he doesn't see me. I look up and whisper quietly, "Thank you so much for this man, God. Just thank you." Then I peek back around the corner at James. I decide to surprise him.
I come completely out of my hiding place, but he's turned the other way so he doesn't see me. I walk slowly towards him. My bare feet make barely any noise on the tile floor as I walk along.
Soon I arrive right behind him and I decide to be nice. I gently wrap my hands around his waist and I feel him jump before realizing who it is and relaxing in my arms. One of his hands covers both of my clasped ones and his thumb gently runs over my knuckles. "Good morning." I say and kiss his bare back; he still hadn't put a shirt on.
"Good morning, sleepy head." I hear scraping as he slides a pan off a hot eye. "Now, I was going to bring you breakfast in bed." He tries to turn around and I loosen my arms enough to let him. Once he turns around I tighten my embrace once again and he envelopes me in his arms as well. I breathe him in then pull my head away to look at his face.
"Did you already shower this morning?" He chuckles and looks down at me.
"Well after waking up in the night, and praying, you slept until noon."
My eyes widen in surprise. I'm usually up before nine. He chuckles again and pulls me close, resting his chin on my head. "I woke up at about ten, went jogging, took a shower, then thought I might make you breakfast."
"Wow. That's crazy." I say, still shocked. He lets go of me and I slide into a seat at the bar.
"No, that's God." James says as he fills a plate with food. I smile at the fact and silently thank God again. After a moment of waiting James puts a plate full of food in front of me. It's over flowing with food. I have grapes and English muffins, bacon, and even eggs; sunny side up, just the way I like them.
"James." I say, impressed. He laughs and puts a fork and a napkin to the left of my plate. "Thank you. This is beautiful." He smiles at me and then comes close to me, leaning down for a kiss. The kiss is gentle, sweet, and much too short for my liking. Fortunately he made food to distract me from pursuing another.
I make a breakfast sandwich and scarf it down. It's delicious. Yet an unfortunate side effect of this particular breakfast is a big mess. After I finish I'm covered in crumbs and egg and bacon bits. I blush slightly as James picks a small bit of egg out of my hair. "Sorry." I say and start wiping myself down with my napkin. James chuckles under his breath and tells me,
"You're fine. I consider it a complement." Then he kisses my head. I smile at him as he takes my plate and utensils and starts filling the dishwasher.
James and I have been married for seven years, but sometimes it still feels like we're newlyweds. One thing I've learned about being married is that you never really learn everything about each other. They grow and you grow and you both change. That's just life.
When you're married you have to make the choice to keep getting to know your spouse, or you just assume they're stagnant and they never change. Which harms your relationship. You've got to treat everyday like you're meeting a different person. Because you are, the days we live through change us. That's one of the reasons marriage is so special. You get to grow together.
~Author's Note~
So sorry it took me so long to update!! School just started back up again and I am SWAMPED. So sorry this is so late and so short but I hope you like it! Please vote and comment!!!
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