Chapter 24
Running out of the mall's exit doors and onto the sidewalk outside, I immediately start to shiver because of the cold, chilly air. The first snow was beginning to fall as tiny snowflakes landed on my head and shoulders. I knew I should've worn something warmer. I attempt to cross the street and I almost get run over by a cheap old car.
"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" I yell. The car beeps at me as I run across to the other side of the street. Shoving my numb hands into my jacket pocket, I start to walk toward where I live. I rode in Chris's car to the mall so I don't have any of my own transportation to get to anywhere. I'd hate to use public transportation; with all of the sick, coughing people and dirty bus seats, I'd rather walk home. As the wind starts to blow, I pick up my pace and walk faster.
Getting closer to my neighborhood, I pass a park filled with children building snowmen and making snow forts. They looked so cute buttoned up in their big, fluffy snowsuits with their overly sized hats, gloves, and boots. I notice two teenagers making out on a bench -- talk about EW. They really need to get a room. The guy was practically on top of her, rubbing on her thighs. I held my stomach as I suddenly got a stomach cramp which made me yelp a little in pain. Still watching the young couple stick their tongues down each others throats, I felt the urge to throw up. And I did. Beside the bench they were sitting on.
"Gross! Seriously? Can't you throw up somewhere else?! Gosh!" The teenager scolded me and left with his girlfriend in hand.
Sitting on my knees in the wet snow, with a pile of vomit in front of me, my eyes start to blur as I recall the incident in my mind...
His massive body was on top of mine on the bed. My hands explored his toned muscles as we made out for the fifth time this week. The only difference in this make-out session was that we were half naked on my bed and no parents were in the house.
"I love you, girl." He says.
"I love you, too." I say.
The kiss intensifies and he unbuckles his pants and mine. I look down to see his junk was out in the open.
"What are you doing? Put your pants back on, weirdo."
"I love you, and I'm gonna show it to you tonight. Relax, you have no reason to be scared."
Relax... Relax... Relax... the word kept playing in my mind over and over again. Even when I said stop, I only heard Relax.
"Miss? Are you alright?" A strange guy touched my shoulder, making me jump. I quickly stumbled to my feet and ran the rest of the way home.
Once I made it to my house, I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. Laying face down on my bed, I cry into my pillow until I get a massive headache.
A few minutes later, I slowly raise up on my bed and kick off my wet converse sneakers. I reach for my journal that's sitting on my desk beside my bed and begin to write down my thoughts for the day like I usually do. When I'm done writing, I flip back to an old entry from March, the first day I met him. Inside the journal's folds, there was a picture of me and him. I pick up the picture that I've been keeping of us and look it over. I looked so happy... I thought I was happy... until he took the one thing from me that I can't take back.
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