Chapter 3: Rains
At Gokuraku Municipal High School
The doors were locked. The light went out.
The students were scared. The professors tried to fix everything. The principal shouted, "Stay Calm students!!"
"How can we stay calm!!?"a student exclaimed.
"Nagisa-kun,"Chiba gestured him to go to the doors.
"There's a bomb outside. It would take a while to fix it,"Nagisa whispered to Chiba and Hayami.
"The murderer is inside. We have to stay alerted,"said Chiba.
"Hahaha hahahaha,"a laugh out of nowhere. It was dark, so nobody see anything. "Fear is so delicious. Don't you think,"a person said out of nowhere. "There are so many people in here,"
the person said. "How about I get rid of some of you?"the person laughed.
"Nagisa-kun! Look out!"Chiba shouted. Nagisa dodged the attack. The person groaned.
"Once again you're in my way!!"The person yelled. Chiba shot at where the voice came from. It hit.
"Ah!!"the person groaned. The light was on. The person ran off quickly.
"What did she mean by 'once again'? She has seen one of us before?"Hayami muttered.
"The person is a girl?"said Nagisa.
"I think,"Chiba replied.
"You can see in the dark?"Hayami asked.
"It's not too dark,"Chiba answered.
"We have one information that she's a girl,"said Hayami.
"This isn't easy,"Nagisa said.
"I'll come back here on Saturday,"Hayami informed the principal. The principal nodded. All the students went home. The professors and the principal was still working. Hayami, Chiba and Nagisa were walking out together.
"See you both later. I got many work to do,"Nagisa waved and went inside. Chiba and Hayami waved back. And went back to the Police Station.
At The Police Station
"I'm going on patrol. I'll see you at the dorm,"said Chiba. Hayami hummed in response.
"A girl...,a crescent...,hmm...,"Hayami was deep in thoughts.
"Luna?"Minjoo disturbed.
"Minjoo-kun?"Hayami said, looking at her friend. "Luna?"
"Well, you said a girl, a crescent, and it makes me think of the word Luna,"he explained.
"Great thinking, Minjoo-kun. Arigato,"Hayami thanked him.
"You're welcome?"Minjoo stood there ,confused. "What are you doing,
Hayami-san?"he asked.
"I'm gathering some information from Gokuraku Municipal High School,"she replied.
"Good luck then,"he said and walked away.
Inside The Patrol Car
Chiba was driving peacefully checking the neighborhood. Then, it rained, very heavily. He was a bit confused, because it's not rain season yet. He looked outside and he saw that people were struggling with the situation right now. They don't have their umbrella. He parked and tried to look for an umbrella inside the patrol car. He found it and ran right out to the people who were outside. There were 5 adults and 2 teenagers. "I'll help you all get back home,"he suggested, holding the umbrella for them. They all nodded in response. Chiba glanced at one of the teenagers. He thought that she looks familiar. So, he was going to approached her, but he decided not to.
Time Skip~~
After he sent them all home, he got back into the patrol car. He drove around again to make sure that nobody was in danger. And then, he drove back to the police station.
At The Police Station
"Look like it won't stop raining any sooner,"he said to himself.
"Chiba-kun!"someone called him.
"Minjoo-kun?"Chiba said, looking at Minjoo who was panting in front of him.
"Did you see Hayami-san?"Minjoo asked.
"No, I didn't,"Chiba replied. "What's wrong?" he asked.
"She said she was going back to her dorm, and I saw that it is raining after she went out. I'm not sure if she's gonna get there safely,"Minjoo answered.
"I'll try to check on her ,but I think she's alright," Chiba replied. Minjoo nodded back.
"I think you have to wait until the rain stops to go back to your place. It's very heavy,"Minjoo suggested. Chiba agreed and sat down on his seat.
And, they both fell asleep.
1 hour later...
The rain stopped. "Minjoo-kun! Chiba-kun!"a guy woke them up. They both woke up.
"What's time is it?"Minjoo yawned.
"Time for you to go home,"the guy replied.
"Are you awake yet, Chiba-kun?"Minjoo asked.
"Mhm," Chiba replied, trying to sit up straight.
Then, they all went back home. Chiba was going to the train station, then he remembered that he moved his stuffs here already. So, he went to his new dorm next to Hayami's.
In Chiba's New Dorm Room
"If you need any help you can call me,"the lady said. Chiba nodded and closed the door. There were so many boxes in his room. He sighed and began to arrange his room.
'Should I check on her?'he thought. "Let not disturb her,"he sighed and continued doing what he was doing.
In The Morning
Chiba woke up. He was eating his breakfast. He felt like there was something missing.
"Hmm...I forgot to put salt,"he spoke up and walked to the kitchen to get the salt. He added it into his dish and continued eating it.
20 minutes later...
He was changing. Then, the sunlight hit him in the eyes. The curtains were flowing. The wind's blowing. He smiled. He was ready to go.
Outside The Room
While he was walking to the staircase, he saw Hayami's room. He then hesitated.
'Should I?'he thought, putting his hands close to the door knob. 'She should be awake by now...,'he thought. He decided to knock on her door.
She didn't answer. He knocked again.
She didn't answer. He knocked again.
She still didn't answer.
Someone saw him standing there in front of her door. The person tapped on Chiba's shoulder. Chiba turned to the person.
It was Sugaya.
"Sugaya-kun?" Chiba called. Sugaya waved. Chiba waved back. "What are you doing here?"he asked.
"I'm here to visit Koji Kinutani Tenku Art Museum, and I think that I should visit you two, too,"Sugaya answered. "By the way, why are you standing here?"he asked.
"I'm waiting for Hayami-san. I have knocked already, but she didn't answer,"Chiba replied. "Do you think she's alright?"he asked. Sugaya shook his head, telling Chiba that he doesn't know. Then, Chiba turned to the door and knocked again. "Hayami-san?"he called her.
"I know this is rude, but,"Sugaya turned the door knob.
"It's not locked?"Chiba said.
"Yeah... Excuse us...,"Sugaya said, walking in with Chiba.
In Hayami's Dorm Room
Sugaya closed the door.
"Wow, this place is neat,"Sugaya said, looking around the room. Chiba was looking around, too and saw...
"Hayami-san!!"Chiba shouted, running towards her. Sugaya followed.
Hayami was lying on the floor, unconscious. Chiba lifted her up to his arms. Chiba touched her forehead and it was hot. Her fever was very high. About 40 Celsius.
"Sugaya-kun, call the ambulance,"he said. Sugaya nodded back and immediately called the ambulance.
(A/n: I'm so so sorry for the long wait😓 I was writing another story and I hope this chapter isn't too short
See you later~^^)
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