~ 하나 ~
jimin sighed. "i hate this place" he muttered while sluggishly lugging himself into the prison-like building known as school. korean arts high was nice, even he had to admit it, he had many opportunities to pursue his dream of singing and dancing but he still hated it. perhaps it was the whole having be socially awkward around other people thing? he didn't know, all he did know was that he hated it and nothing would ever change that. however he didn't hate it as much as being home.
all of it... was complicated to say the least. there just wasn't anywhere he belonged. he had a few friends, taehyung and jungkookie, both sweeties, but they mostly kept to themselves with the whole relationship thing or whatever. jimin still appreciated every little bit of attention he got from them even though he knew he didn't deserve it.
jimin's eomma and appa were a very similar situation. they didn't exactly abuse him to their knowledge, but their words hurt like hell. eomma's negative words said just that morning flowed through jimin's head nonstop on his trek to school.
"yah, get your fat lazy ass outta that bed, we ain't paying for your education for nothing"
"god, don't be such a loser, why can't you be like jihyun?"
"your appa's wasting his precious gas waiting for you while you're sitting here eating banchan you don't need! hurry the hell up!"
there was so much more.
he sighs once more. jimin wished he had some hyungs to comfort him when he needed it most, but he knew that at the end of the day, he didn't even have himself. his own mind and body was against him.
jimin never got cold. he always wore long sleeves for reasons you would suspect, but also because they gave him an odd sense of comfort. he merely liked the feel of their soft material warming his soul.
and yet this day, while wearing an over-sized baby-blue sweater and skinny jeans, jimin nonetheless shuddered through the breeze of the korean fall air. but it sure didn't feel like normal air, more so a chilling breath down his spine.
another fucking sigh. this had been occurring at lot recently. yet another thing to add to his list of things he held a special hatred for in his heart.
park jimin hated himself. and of this moment he also started to hate the feeling of being watched.
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hello my lovelies! the first chapter is up and i j-hope ya'll enjoyed it! i'll do my best with the korean terms like 'hyung' and such but please not hate. feel free to comment what you think and vote. baiiiiii!!
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