CH6 : Gotta Letter Know
Magdalena would scold me if she could hear me now. I go through every curse word I can possibly think of and then some. I start to wind down when I realize that it's getting hot. Really hot.
The last thing I want to do is die in Chase's car. Okay, that's a lie. The last thing I wanted was to go into a store in my underwear, but I'm starting to change my mind.
I don't know if the panicky feeling I'm having is making me sweat or if it's the spiking temperature, but I'm sweating like a pig. Super gross. Not cute. And now it kind of matters to me that Chase is going to find me melting.
I start digging through his compartments, looking for something to fan myself with, until I see an envelope. I'm nosy, so when I notice the envelope is blank I want to read what's inside so bad. I give in and pull out a single sheet of notebook paper. I start scanning the page until I recognize that it's a breakup letter. Someone broke up with Chase in a letter which is like two steps away from a text message, which is right next to completely fucked up. I don't want to read it, but I can't stop myself from getting all the way until the end.
It wasn't him, it was her. She wanted to stay friends. Basically, the bitch threw every line in the book at him in the span of a college ruled piece of paper. The last paragraph was brutal, though. She'd fallen for someone else and apparently it was someone Chase was close to.
Holy smokes.
I feel like a bitch for reading the letter, but I can't go back now. It's signed Caroline, although it should have read 'Caroline the lying whore' but maybe I was being dramatic. The last thing I want is for Chase to know that I read something so personal. I stuff the paper back in the envelope, and then back into it's compartment.
While peering inside, I find the owner's manual to the car. The thing is at least three inches thick.
I start fanning the pages near my face to cool off. I must look crazy. I wonder if Chase read the manual. He seems like the type of person to read something like that. I get distracted until I fan myself a little too close and clap myself in the face with the book.
I hear someone clapping from outside the car, only to realize it's Chase. He saw me hit myself in the face and now he's laughing his ass off. I start flipping him off, yelling for him to fix the situation I just got myself into. I want to forget all about his breakup letter, because God forbid I start sympathizing with him.
He tries to open the door but it's locked. I have to lean all the way over to the driver side to help. The first thing he says when he climbs in is, "Why didn't you turn on the air?"
I try my best to keep it together before answering.
"The stupid key broke!" I yell at him anyway. He flinches at the high octave my voice hits, but then says something that makes me want to hurl the manual at him, or myself.
"And why didn't you just open a door?"
I turn to stone instead, reevaluating my life decisions up to this point.
"Don't." I warn, but he starts to laugh at me anyway. I don't want to, but I start laughing too. I seriously can't believe how dumb I am. He doesn't say this though, but he does look at me with a look of amusement.
I finally shake it off and inspect what he bought for me. Chase starts the car, while I pull things out of plastic bags. I'm expecting the worst, except he didn't do such a bad job. The first thing I pull out is a small summer dress. It's not exactly my style, but it is kind of cute. He included some strappy sandals and I resist the urge to give him points for choosing clothes that actually work.
"Don't look." I order, before pulling off his shirt and slipping the dress on. I know he doesn't turn, but when I finally come up for air I notice his face is slightly pink. The guy's in college but he still blushes when a girl changes next to him. I want to say it's pathetic, but I find it slightly charming.
I throw his clothes into the backseat, before adjusting the sandals on my feet. Now if I could only do something about my face...
I make him stop at a drug store and run inside for some makeup. It's not that I'm hideous, but my confidence levels are low as hell when I don't do my makeup. The rest of the car ride is silent, while I do my best to make my face look less hung-over. I don't notice where we are until Chase stops the car and looks me over.
He doesn't say anything about my appearance, but I'm already feeling better about it by the second. I look around and realize we're at a coffee shop. I remember Chase said something about studying, so I brace myself for a boring afternoon.
He pulls out a backpack from the backseat before leading me towards the entrance. I don't know why I thought it was just going to be me and him, but I did, until a group of people look over at us. Some of them start waving Chase over and I internally freak out. I'm not ready for this at all, but I don't really understand why I'm feeling so self-conscious. It's not like I want to impress his friends or anything. There are two other girls sitting at the large table, along with two other guys.
One of the girls freezes up the minute she sees me. The girl next to her goes into panic mode and looks at her friend, then at me, then back at her friend. If she looks any harder her head is going to fall off.
Chase is oblivious, waving at the rest of the group. It isn't until we've completely reached them that he realizes he's going to have to introduce me.
"Hey guys, this is Jacey." He looks at me before telling me everyone's names. The guys are Matt and Luke.
"That's Lucy and-" He hesitates for a fraction of a second, but I can already hear what he's going to say next.
"-Caroline." He points to the girl who's now looking me up and down.
Caroline, the lying whore, is here. Too soon. It's too soon for me to run into her. I literally just read her breakup letter. She practically broke up with me, or that's what it felt like. What the hell is Chase doing, having a study session with his ex? Sickening.
I plaster on a super sweet smile that I know makes me look like I'm in a pageant, before greeting everyone around me. I can already tell Luke has a thing for me, because he makes a big deal of pulling up a chair right beside him. I end up sandwiched in between Chase and Luke, but I'm right in front of Caroline, which is the important part. I shoot her a glance that I know looks super bitchy, but I don't anticipate her shooting one right back.
"I'm thirsty." I suddenly turn towards Chase. He looks kind of taken aback by my statement, until he realizes that he should probably do something about it.
"Green tea?" He asks. I have no idea how he knows that's my go to drink, unless he's noticed that I always drink it when I'm around, which makes me inexplicably happy. If I had my purse with me, there'd be a green tea inside it already.
"Yes, please." I'm being uncharacteristically sweet and it's throwing him off. Everyone turns to look at me the minute Chase leaves to get my drink. It's Lucy who has the guts to ask.
"So, are you and Chase friends?" She asks, clearly doing her friend Caroline a solid. Any other day I wouldn't say we were friends. I can't stand Chase half of the time, but I guess you could say we're frenemies. I'm about the answer, when someone comes up from behind me and comes into view.
"Sorry I'm late." The guy's a redhead with a splatter of freckles on his face, hipster glasses, and a big smile. On paper he sounds unattractive, but he's actually kind of cute. Kind of cute and also dating Caroline, by the kiss he plants on her before grabbing a chair. I follow my instincts and shoot a glance over to Chase. He's noticed our new arrival, but doesn't do anything since he's next in line. His jaw is ticking.
Here's the problem with Chase, you can see every emotion going on through his face. It's a curse, but I realize that I can read his face expressions like a book.
Everyone kind of shoots Chase an awkward look when he finally comes over with our drinks. I lock eyes with him for a second before making up my mind.
"We're actually dating." I say with a smug smile. Chase nearly spills the drinks setting them down.
"Who-" Chase starts to ask, but I silence him by kissing him on the cheek.
"Thank you!" I say, before taking a long drink. Chase looks at me like I just told him aliens are real. Everyone's just as surprised, but no one as much as Caroline. The girl looks shocked, which pisses me off. I don't really know who to feel offended for, Chase or myself, but I am.
I take another sip, thinking that maybe this might be the most interesting study session I've ever been to.
WHAT? IS THIS AN UPDATE? SERIOUSLY? Lol. Hope you guys enjoyed! Please don't forget to comment, vote, and add this book to your reading list! <3
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