Just Breathe
Just Breathe.
One of the most precious things we have, and probably one we all take for granted, is AIR. Yeah, you heard me right. We worry about so many things on a daily basis, but we don't normally stop to think that the most precious thing we need is out there in abundance for all of us.
The first time I heard about that was the first time I acknowledged how little we need. Even when life gets hard, or people disappoint us, or you lose someone you love, or you don't get that promotion, or when you just can't feel happy, it's still possible to find your way back.
No matter what you're facing. No matter what you're dealing with right now. Just allow yourself a quiet moment to breathe.
Just take a few moments for yourself.
Close your eyes or cast them down.
Inhale. Fill your lungs with air.
Let it out slowly.
Start over again.
Allow yourself a few moments of inner peace.
Sometimes we get so much inside our heads, we struggle to find the light at the end of the tunnel. So, allow yourself time to just breathe. Allow your thoughts to be just thoughts.
When we are scared, anxious, in pain, stressed, or feeling something bad, we stop breathing or start breathing irregularly. So, I wanted to share with you how stopping for a moment to just breath can help us refocus, relax and think better.
I've been doing breathing exercises for quite a long time now, and it has seriously improved the quality of my days. You can watch videos on YouTube, download an app to help, or you can just stop for a few minutes throughout the day to consciously breathe.
It might seem too simple, but for me, this is the beauty of it.
I truly believe we are all facing a battle no one can see and we're all allowed to feel.
But sometimes, things might seem too hard and you'll need to reach out for help because doing it all by yourself became impossible.
And it's all right! It really is! You deserve to feel good no matter how much that little voice in your head tells you otherwise.
It's easy to believe people around us are living a perfect life. It's easy to think we're all missing out on something big or that our lives are not interesting, successful, or worth it.
I had been there before, you know... And it's not a nice place to be.
It's only when I reached out for help and started focusing on me, on the "me of the inside", that I truly learned about happiness and fulfillment. It was only when I stopped to acknowledge that little voice inside my head telling me I couldn't, I shouldn't, I wouldn't, that I learned I could gently tell her to leave. Because I'm the one in charge.
You're the one in charge.
You have the power to make yourself feel happy. But sometimes it's hard to get there by yourself. Don't be afraid to reach out for help. The journey might take long, but it's so worth it.
Please, reach out for help! You're worth it!
You don't need to face it all alone.
Self-care is important and Wattpad wants to ensure you feel that you have the tools and resources available to you - whether you're struggling with stress, anxiety, grief, relationships, depression, self-esteem, or just need to check-in with a licensed professional.
So, Wattpad is offering you a week trial at BetterHelp. Just follow the link http://betterhelp.com/wattpad. The services are fully confidential and you can communicate with your counselor via phone, calls, video or text.
It's okay to reach out for help.
Taking care of yourself is an act of love.
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