The Christmas Special
This is humanized because Christmas, NOT object heads, Full Human. Also the whole story will be given by nobody's pov. :) Also also it takes place on Christmas Eve
Paintbrush sat up and rubbed their eye. They sat there slouched, processing who they were and how they got there. They finally got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get washed up.
meanwhile, Fan straps on his jacket and walks out. Test Tube is standing outside.
"Good afternoon, Fan! Merry Christmas. Took you long enough to get up." She greets. Then adds a sarcastic remark.
"Merry Christmas baby," He kisses her on the cheek. He has to kind of stand on his tip toe to get to her, she is taller than him. "I know." He rolls his eyes. She takes his hand, and they start walking down to the living room.
Lightbulb usually has her hair in a ponytail but today it's out. She's dressed like a stylish candy cane. Laying in front of the tree staring at all the presents. She picks one up and shakes it.
"Lightbulb, put that down until the gift exchange." OJ tells her. He turns back to Paper. "This is the fifth time this morning."
She puts it back and pouts. she then sees Test Tube and Fan and gets up to go greet them.
"Merry Christmas!" She hugs them so tight that they can't breathe. She lets go and they breathe out very loudly.
"Merry Christmas, Lightbulb." Fan pats her on the shoulder. "So, what're we doing today, Big Sissy?"
"I wanna go the little Christmas town thingy! I've been waiting for you guys for hourrrssss!!!!" She whines.
"And we still have to wait for Paintbrush." Test Tube adds. Lightbulb groans.
"I'll go check on them." before they could say anything else, she darts down the hall. She gets to their room and knocks. Paintbrush opens the door. They're in their normal clothes. Lightbulb examens them and then shakes her head. "Painty! It's Christmas! Come on let's get you dressed in something better." She pushes her way in.
"Lightbulb, I don't need your help."
"Yes, you do, don't lie. You need to look holly and jolly to BE holly.... and... Jolly." She wraps her arm around their neck like she's giving valuable advice. While they're still processing whatever the freak she just said, she's digging around in their closet.
They go over to her. "Lightbu-"
"AHA!" She finds a green dress-like ugly sweater. "Here, put this on." She gives it to them.
"O-okay..." They go to the bathroom to change. They come back out. Lightbulb motions them to do a twirl. They twirl. She claps and grabs their hand.
"Come on! we're going to the little Christmas town thing."
"Okay then." They want to agree with her because they have plans for that night. They want it to be perfect.
-At the lobby-
"Christmas plans?" Paper asks the gang before they go out.
"Yessiree!" Lightbulb responds. "I love your socks."
"Oh, you noticed?" Paper blushes out of embarrassment.
"Haha! Yeah! They're festive, I like it."
"Are you guys going to be here for the party?" Paper asks.
"We don't know." Test Tube answers.
"Well, you should be. There's gonna be a chocolate guizer and there's going to be a gift exchange and karaoke. You guys should come."
"Sounds really cool, PayPay." The nickname made him confused. "But we gotta go, Bye, Merry Christmas." Lightbulb leaves with the other following saying the same thing. As they leave, Baseball and Nickel comes in.
"Where did 'PayPay' come from?" Nickel laughs.
"Well, I mean, It's Lightbulb." Baseball says.
Outside, Lightbulb asks "Does Marsh and Apple want to come?"
"I'll text them!" Fan says.
_____________________ The Fri*end* Group ____________________
Your#1FanBoy: Marshmallow, Apple
MarshyMarsh: Wassup Fan
ApelLuvzGurlz: Yas
Your#1FanBoy: you guys have plans?
MarshyMarsh: Yes.
Your#1FanBoy: Okay then, bye
MarshyMarsh: Wait what? why?
"They're not coming" Fan looks up from his phone.
"Okay! lets go!" Lightbulb says, grabbing her keys.
While on their the to the car Test Tube goes up to LB.
"Okay, You NEED to confess."
"Cutting straight to the point haha. I know. and I am." She smirks.
Meanwhile Fan is with Paintbrush. "You need to find a way to tell lightbulb."
Paintbrush flushes. "Wha? Tell her what?"
"Don't be silly, You 100% know what I'm talking about."
"N-no I don't." They're looking to the far right, trying to avoid the question from the widdle cute bby boi... okay I'm sorry, back to the story and not just my dumb lil mind lol.
"In fact.. TODAY! and if you don't, you're a chicken." He smiles.
They roll their eyes. "UGH! Fine!" They smack his glasses before getting into the car.
-At the Christmas town-
They arrive and Lightbulb runs around like crazy. Then 'Santa Baby' started playing. And Lightbulb started dancing and singing.
Fan is filming and just vibing, feeling the moment.
Paintbrush is trying to do little things that'll get Lightbulb closer.
Test Tube is worried that Fan will get too cold.
-2 Hours Later-
"I'm getting tired." Lightbulb says.
"Yeah, this was fun." Fan said.
"Thanks for inviting us, Lightbulb" Test Tube said.
"Yeah, thanks Lighty." Paintbrush agrees.
"Ah, It was nothin'. Thanks for comin'."
"Not like we had a choice." Fan jokes.
"As if you've ever had one to begin with." Lightbulb laughs back.
"Let's go home." Paintbrush says.
They get in the car and drive back to the hotel. It's about 3:30 and the party starts at 5.
-At the hotel-
"We're back!!!!" Lightbulb announced loudly, pushing open the doors.
"........Okay," Knife finally responded. "Are you guys busy? Or can you help with preparation?"
"Oh, I can.. I can help." Test Tube raises her hand. " And so can Fan." She snags his collar before he runs off.
"What!?" He gasps.
"Of course, you can help." She drags him off.
"Just you and me then, huh." Lightbulb turns to Paintbrush.
"Wha- Yeah. What do you want to do?" They borderline mumbles.
Lightbulb just stares at them blankly. like this :D
"I'm sleepy." She finally says, looking down.
Paintbrush sighs. "Well come along then." They said, taking her hand. They led her to her room. "You can go to sleep now."
Lightbulb looks sad. "But Paintyyy" she whines.
"Well you said you were tired."
"I am.. I just.... don't want to be alone.." She pitifully sits on the bed.
"I thought so." Thats when Paintbrush got an idea. They turned off the lights and went over to her. She lays down. They lay next to her. They hug her from behind. Defo a big spoon. she snuggles in, making them blush. After a few minutes, they both fall asleep.
-Meanwhile, with the others-
"The Cherries can play with this," OJ puts a bag of balloons on the table. "And they can also color these." He also puts coloring paper and crayons out.
"Uh, OJ, little help over here." Soap calls. OJ rushes over to the place.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Tell Knife that the banner would look better more to the right!" Soap tells OJ.
"Tell Soap that, I. Don't. Care! I'm pinning it up. Thats final." Knife pins the banner up and hops off the ladder. He storms off.
after a few second of nothing OJ says "You can Re-do it if you want."
"Okay!" She climbs up the ladder.
OJ turns to go to the kitchen. Test Tube walks over. "Where do I put this?" She's holding a tablecloth.
"On a Table." OJ rolls his eyes. These problems are getting dumber and dumber.
After an hour, the party is done! OJ plops down on the couch. Paper flops next to him. Both are too tired to move.
It's 4:14 They get 45 minutes to relax before the party starts.
OJ closes his eyes, when he opens them again. It's time.
People starts coming in, OJ looks around. He sees the kitchen counter full of different foods. Of course, Lightbulb's harassing poor Paper about the karaoke. OJ laughs to himself, then gets up to go save his boyfrie- husba- lov----- friend. his friend... ha .. ha.... (OJ fanfic coming soon)
A/n: I'm gonna hurry up this thing! In January ToT
Everyone comes, even balloon in let in! Evryone's singing and dancing and talking and dare i say kissing under the mistletoe. (any ship u want [not Lightbrush]) and a few are drunk.
Lightbulb's intensely staring at the presents, holding her breath, waiting for OJ to announce the gift exchange.
"Let's gather for the gift exchange!" OJ motions everyone. Lightbulb jumps for joy. "So this year's gonna be a bit different," He tells them, when everyone gathers of course. "We're gonna have a hat with everyone's name in it. I'm gonna call someone to blindly grab a paper and go find a present for them or you can switch the present with someone else's if you'd like."
"Let's begin." Paper takes a hat full of peices of his familiy- I mean paper.
Lightbulb's practically vibrating with excitement. OJ sighs "Lightbulb."
"EEE" she squeals jumping up. She glides over where she pulls out a paper. She snickers evilly as she digs through the presents and pulls out the most girlish one, she could find. She scans the room of confused faces then gets on her tiptoes and twirls over to Nickel who looks hIgHlY oFfEnDeD. "For you" she giggles as she plops it onto his lap and skipping back to her seat on the floor.
Some laughs goes around the room. "HA. HA." he mimics blandly. He un-dos the bow with his mouth (he is armless). the box falls open. its an AK-47 he put the strap around his neck and open fires, laUGHING MAINICLY!! Well, at least that's what HE wanted to happen. What actually happened was, in the box were cleaning supplies. "Oh wow, I'm really wondering who might of but these leaning supplies as a present." He rolled his eyes all the way over to where Soap was sitting.
"OO! OO! I KNOW! It's Soa-mmMMmMmM" Yin slapped her hand on Yang's mouth, not even trying to argue. "Sorry, please continue." He apologized.
"Yes, It's Soap's." Nickel confirmed. Soap nodded and chuckled nervously.
"Nickel guessed right! His turn to pick a gift." OJ said.
Nickel begrudgingly got up and waltzed over. 'You're gonna have to do it for me." OJ holds one of the papers up for Nickel to see. Nickel reads it and goes to the tree. He kicks one softly towards Microphone. "There." He went back to his seat and sat down.
She unwraps it, It's a spiked collar. She laughs. " Me!" Everyone laughs too.
OJ nods. Mic stands up and pulls out a paper.
An hour goes by.
Fan gives Test Tube a small present. She unwraps it. It's a butterfly necklace! Lightbulb gasps, obviously wanting it. "I-... I honestly don't know... Lightbulb?" She shrugs. Lightbulb nods energetically.
TT gets up to take a paper. She picks up a gift. Examines it, then goes to Paintbrush and gives it to them. They open it. "What is it?" they ask blandly. They rotate it in a few different ways before gasping. "An eggbeater?!" Everybody started laughing. Paintbrush soon caught onto the laughter. "I have no clue." They finish.
OJ looks in the hat, nothing there. "That's it! Thanks for participating! Go.. do whatever you want.. Not you Yang." he jokes at the end. Giggles went through the room as YY blushes. Half of embarrassment half or anger.
Lightbulb gets up. "Happy now?" Pb asks.
"Hee, Hee! Yep!" She giggles.
The two walk for a bit before they stumble across a mistletoe. Lightbulb blushes. Paintbrush flushes. "Uh, uh."
"Painty~ look~" she points up.
"I-i have to go." Paintbrush rushes away. A big 'AWWWWW' comes from the room.
"Not today I guess." She tries to happily shrug away her sadness.
"No way! You're getting that kiss." Test Tube insists.
"We should probably leave them alone if they don't want to kiss me." She looks down sadly.
"Yeah, I think we shou- llldd go after them." Fan starts to agree with LB but after seeing TT's determined expression He changes his mind.
After 10 minutes of searching Lightbulb find them outside in the cold. She sits down next to them.
"You okay?" she asks after a few seconds.
"no. not at all."
"What's wrong?" She turns to them.
They sigh. "Lightbulb," They look at her. "You're the sweetest, funniest, brightest, smartest, most perfect person I know. And ontop of that all,"
She feels her cheeks get warm, waiting for the next thing.
"You're my best friend, and I would never want to change that." They finally say, looking away.
"Well, I would." She mutters.
"hm?" They turn back to her.
"Oh, nothing, I'm just saying the same, you're my bestie.. too." she looks sad as she says the last word.
After a few more seconds of tense silence Paintbrush finally speaks up.
"I love you Lightbulb. I do! I really do! And if you don't want to be friends or even talk to me anymore, I understand. I just really needed to tell you." Paintbrush looks at her.
Lightbulb's in a warm flush. "Painty.. I-"
"Nonono I-I'm sorry I- shouldn't have... not here, now at least. Or ever? You-"
Lightbulb shuts them up with a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too." She smiles.
(2115)!!! Did you like it? It took me 2 and a half weeks (procrastinating) Haha!
anyway, this IS infact cannonical to the over arching story! Bye lovey bears!
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