Pool Party
Paintbrush Pov
Typical, cocky OJ hosting a pool party to celebrate his '5 1/2 Anniversary of Winning s1.' Since when was that a thing!? All I can do about moments like these is just roll my eyes. I see OJ in the hallway and approach him.
"OJ! Hey! So.. Your pool party plan.. yeah, it's flawed." I walk beside him through the hall. "You can't swim." I honestly didn't know how he would react. but he just smirked.
"I know, but... I've been taking swim lessons!" He put his hands on his 'hips' proudly.
"That's good to hear!" I replied with some relief.
He, then Picked up the pace. "Sorry, Paintbrush, I have to hurry. Uh, I'm kind of busy preparing things right now. Nice talking to you though." I stopped walking with him.
"Oh, okay. Cya OJ." Well, that answered my question.
Then I saw Lightbulb waltz out of her room and down the hall with Test Tube in tow. They waved at OJ, he waved back, not slowing his pace. Lightbulb noticed me. Oh no. She started to run towards me. It was too awkward to speak to her after what happened like, two days ago. Test Tube trying to keep up with her. Lightbulb got to me and wrapped her arms around my 'neck.' My face got hot. I patted her on her head, she responded by flickering. I glanced at TT, she was smirking at us. I bet LB told her. I rolled my eyes at her, Lightbulb finally let go.
"I haven't talked to you in SOOOO LOOONNGGG!!!" She wined.
"It's hasn't even been two days." I chuckled
She crossed her arms in a pout. "I don't caaree!!" She wined. I rolled my eyes.
"We better get going." Test Tube puts her hand on Lightbulb's shoulder. "You can talk to them when we get back." Lightbulb's sad face faded a bit.
"Okay!" I'm a little sad she can't stay and talk more, but they've got things to do. "Cya, Painty~" She skipped off with TT walking behind.
I watched them leave over my shoulder. I sighed..... wait. Lightbulb's not giving me the silent treatment after what happened... Maybe.... She liked me? HAHAHAHHA no way.
Lightbulb Pov
Tube caught up with me after I stopped skipping. She looked at me with a smug face that said 'you like them' I giggled with her.
"Come on Tube! They would never like me back." I rubbed my arm. Hurt by my own words.
"How do you know that?" She paused. "What if they aaddoorre youuu~" She poked me. I knew she was teasing.
"Tube! I pretty sure they despise me. They think I'm annoying, they barely want to talk to me, and on top of that, they don't care about anything I care about!" I listed the reasons on my fingers as I went. TT looked unimpressed. What does she want from me!? I told her the reasons why we weren't compatible!
"Bulbous..." She looked down. "Let's just hurry to the store."
Creator Pov
Since I'm a lazy clown. I'mma skip to the actual party.
BUT FIRST! The besties (TT and LB) went to the store to get rubber cover (for LB) and a cork (for TT). Sadly our two love birds(PD and LB) didn't get to talk when the besties got back. All three were busy prepping for the party (snacks, invitations etc.)
Okay back to the story :]
Paintbrush Pov
OJ, once again showed how responsible he is, by letting us have a 2-hour break between peroration and the party. That also means. Lightbulb. I checked my phone, it's 4:46. aww.. she's probably asleep. But, Fan and Test Tube aren't!
I walked into my (and Fan's) shared room and instantly saw Test Tube and Fan sitting on his bed. Testy's rubbing Fan's face and He's holding her right hand and has his hand on the back of the one on his face. (if that makes sense) They lowered their hands to look at me. None of us knew what to say. I take a step back, not dropping eye contact, and walk out of the room. Yeeahhh I'mma go to the Living room.
I walk in and sit on the armchair. Everybody's doing their own thing. I just got on my phone and maybe even took a nap.
2 Hours Later
I wake up. It's dark outside! And I see people emerge from wherever they came from. Lightbulb came from the hallway, rubbing her eyes. She sees me and skips over. "Hi paints! It's night, but that doesn't mean to fight, instead it means were gunna Splish, splash, play and party all night! Word." She rapped crossing her arms on the last word.
"You said night twice-"
"shuddup." She interrupted with a warm smile. I chuckled but she s n a t c h e d my hand and pulled me outside. We watched as Paper and Trophy put up a banner with OJ direction them. We looked around. It's looks about done. There's a snack table with both snacks galore and a punch bowl, circle tables with stools under them, the pool is uncovered, there's a pool table, an air hockey table, and a foosball table. "Why are there so many tablesss?" Lightbulb joke fully whispered to me. I quietly laughed.
"PAINTBRUSH! YOU'RE TALL, CAN OU HELP ME WITH THIS?" Knife called from across the lawn. He needed to put up a Disco ball and the step stool is too small for him to reach the tree.
"THEY'RE BUSY RIGHT NOW! SORRY KNIFE! no- no shut up!" She stepped on my foot when I tried to stop her. It didn't hurt much; she didn't step hard.
"DON'T LISTEN TO HER!" I started walking towards him. "Of course, I can help." I easily put it up.
"Thanks Paintbrush." He glanced at me then Lightbulb twiddling her thumbs from afar I guess I'm self-consciously looking at her. "Okay, Okay, go be with your girlfriend." I turned red.
"W-wha. S-she's. N-no, I-I, sh-she would n-never!" I stuttered. He laughed mumbling something like 'You're down bad.' Before walking off. It took a sec for me to stop blushing and go back to my girlf------no I mean bestfriend. Because that's what we are, just best friends. ;]
actual party
The party started when everyone was gathered. OJ made a 'meaningful' speech about him kicking all our butts in the s1. I rolled my eyes as he finished. The music started up and party started rolling.
I turn to Lightbulb, who skipped off. I just went to the snack table. I took a plastic cup. Yeaah plasic.. thanks OJ... The view from the snack table is amazing I could see the entire yard, and Lightbulb. She was chatting with Fan by the pool, laughing about something with him. I got upset. "Jealous?" Baseball looked at my situation.
"Wha- No way." I tried to turn myself to the table, but I kept watching them with a scowl on my face.
"You do know Fan is engaged (to TT). Right? You live in the same room."
"YES, yes I know." Maybe I am jealous... for my best friend! no way!
"Everyone knows you have a crush on her." Baseball smirked.
"Yeah, they don't, just nickel and I." He laughed.
"Ha ha! Nickel dared me to see your answer. seems like you DO have a crush, huh? Just in denial." He winked before walking back to the stupid coin. Since when has everybody knew I had a crush on Lightbulb!? W-which I don't! Maybe I AM in denial...
Just then Lightbulb stopped talking to Fan and ran off to scold knife about something. Fan looked so embarrassed, almost trying to hide himself. That made me almost Laugh out loud but I contained myself. He ran over to LB tried to stop her from making a scene. But it was too late, people are staring. Knife looked absolutely dumbfounded. Everything got quieter, even the music, to listen to the convo between the three. Fan's frantically trying to get LB to stop scolding Knife. Lightbulb's Telling Knife to 'stop being mean to my friend!' Knfie's just laughing at the idiotic sight.
This went on for maybe 30 more seconds before Knife had enough and flipped her into the pool. Everyone laughed and the music and chaos started back up. I got scared and ran over to the pool next to Fan. The people in the pool winced, but no electrical sparks came up, so they stopped. Lightbulb swam up to the surface. Now she is the dumbfounded one. Fan, now knowing she's okay, started to Laugh at her. She spit water on him. That's when I started to laugh. Test Tube also started to laugh. AUGH! I fell headfirst into the pool "W-WHEN DID YOU GET HERE TEST TUBE!?"
"I was here the entire time." She looked confused.
He wiped off the water and put his hand on TT's shoulder. "You're simply unnoticeable, babe-" Fan started, but when he saw her face, he coiled back. "Uh, uh- I meannn..."
She sighed upsetly and popped her cork into her tube\head... thing. She slipped into the pool.
Fan Pov
I saw the three play and splash in the pool. It's honestly not fair... I'm made of paper and wood, so I can't be in water. (he takes light showers!) I sit on the edge of the pool kicking my legs in the water. Wishing I could just be in it, I want to live and breathe the water/ref. I frowned.
Lightbulb noticed and crossed her arms on the edge, she layed her head on her arms and looked at me. "You good, Flat Face?"
"Fan." I corrected. It annoyed me when she would call me that.
"Sure, sure. I know I know. but... Are you okay?"
I sighed.. "I just wish I could swim in the water.. Like you and PB and TT." I looked down to fidget with my fingers.
"Then do it." she plainly stated.
I looked shocked. "Wha-! N-no way! I'll melt!" She giggled and said it was just a joke.
"I'll stay with you, Paper Boy."
"Fan." I complained. "Fan!"
She giggled, I'm glad to have a friend like her.
A/N: this chapter's getting long, IM SORRY! It's almost done! I swear!
Paintbrush Pov
Rewind to when Fan was sadly kicking his feet.
We were all playing with a beach ball. Well, at least Testy, Lighty and I. Sure, I felt bad that Fan is all alone up there. But I'm happy that Lightbulb is happy. She passes the ball joyfully to Paper (he's wearing a waterproof zipoc thing) who gets scared and throws his hands up to deflect it. We laughed at Paper's shyness.
The ball slides on the water over to Lightbulb. She looked at who to throw it to. Then, to my surprise she drops it and swims over to Fan. Ugh! Why does she have to talk to Fan all the time. She lays her head on her arms and slowly kicks her legs behind her. Then she climbs up on the edge with him. caught up in their own little world.
Test Tube tells everyone to continue the game then floats over to me. "Hey, Paintbrush." I promptly wave. "I know it might make you paranoid when you see your loved one talk to other people but," She looks at me, I return it. "You just have to trust them."
Wow,,, that's so nice.. and wholesome! But is she implying that there's something going on between Lightbulb and I? "Thanks TT." She hugs me and I return it.
"HEY! HANDS OFF MY FIANCEE!" Fan shouts playfully. We pull away from the hug. Lightbulb and I laugh.
"OH, SHUT UP!" Test Tube shouts back equally as playful.
We got him a goofyahh looking zip-loc so he can play in the water as well.
We had so much fun and when the Cherries went to bed. OJ whipped out the wine! I don't remember all that happened last night, but let's just say. Fan and TT disappeared at some point. And I woke up on the lawn, cuddling Lightbulb.
No, but like, this chapter was insanely long! thanks for reading (2000 words)
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