Away From Everything
-This is my first time writing on Wattpad. So if there any tips for better story writing, pls tell me.-
Paintbrush stretches out their arms and leg. It was a nice, peaceful, breezy afternoon. They were chilling on the roof, their new safe space and favorite spot. Since the inside of the hotel is so busy 24/7. They rather be on top of all the chaos (literally!) They just stayed in there until lunch was over.
Paintbrush didn't wanna get down any time soon, so they brought snacks, a pile of stones, and art supplies. So, they'll stay busy and not be hungry until dinner. They looked up at the clouds and let their mind wander....
I'm so small compared to the world .... and other deep theological questions that I'm too juvenile to think of.
They sat up and took a stone and skipped it off the building. Ping! Ping! Woosh! One rock. Ping! Ping! Woosh! Two rocks. Ping! Ping! THWACK! OOW! Paintbrush shuffled to the edge to investigate. Oh, no! It was Lightbulb!
"Sorry, Lighty!" They called down.
First, she looked up mad, but quickly recovered her smiled. "No Prob, Paintful!" She called back. With one hand rubbing her head and the other giving a thumbs up. Then she darts away.
Where is she goin- Thier thoughts were interrupted by a window suddenly opening. a leg stuck out and then they saw Lightbulb climb out. Scaling the wall like a spider, she gets to the top.
"You know there was a ladder, right?" Paintbrush said smugly.
She sits down next to them. "WHAT! REALLY!" she yelled playfully. They both laughed.
Paintbrush then takes her head to examen her cracks. She didn't just have cracks on the top of her head, but on her cheeks, forehead and on her '"nose."
"D-did the rock I threw do all of this?" Paintbrush stuttered.
"No," She paused to sigh. "I've been having a bad day." she frowned.
They mirrored her sadness; they hated seeing her sad. "Do you... wanna talk about it...?"
"........ Sure." She began. "First when I got up. I didn't know where Baxter was! So, I left to go find him. when I did, someone was holding him. I asked for my crab back, but they said finder's keeper! THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!" she took another break to sigh. "I was arguing with him for a while, until Baxter pinched him and ran to me. I took off running, but he was chasing me! I tripped and fell on the grass and hit my head." she touched the cracks on her cheek. "When I got up. I was alone in the woods! but at least I had Baxter!" She tried to brighten the mood.
"Continue" It seemed like Paintbrush was too invested in the story.
"Ugh, okay. I found my way back to the hotel nut not without tripping and banging my heads some more." she rubbed her face. "Then when I finally got to the hotel you dropped a rock on my head!"
"Yeahhh.. I'm sorry about the rock thing."
"No hard feelings!" She laughed picking up a rock.
They chuckled at the corny-ash joke. "I'm sorry about the bad day you had as well."
She gave a small smile. "Tubette said she's making a 'no scar glass fixing' gel or something.. I need it right now.."
"Yeah, you do! this is dangerous! one more hit and I think you might.... you might"
"Die" she finished their sentence.
"Yeah, you better lay low."
"You're right.." She didn't wanna talk about herself any more. "Sooooo, what are you doing up here all alone?"
They noticed that she wanted to change to subject and played along. "Oh. me? I go up here to, just get away from the chaos of the hotel.."
"Good idea." She smiled but winced because of the cracks.
"You really need some help, let's get you som-" Paintbrush starts to stand but she grabs their hand.
"NO!- uhm.. I mean. can't we just stay here? I'm feeling better since I got up here." They sit back down.
Lightbulb lays her head on Paintbrush. Then, they start to blush...
YAY! FIRST CHAPTER DONE! more to come in da future! also, (688 words)
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