An old friend (3/5)
-Emerald Pov-
next day, I woke up ready for whatever Lighty throws at me today.
I sit up slowly. were still in the hallway. Everyone's still asleep. I tip toe over them on my way to explore the hotel. Right before I pass the pile of board games, my leg gets stuck. I stop in my tracks. Lightbulb has my leg! even though she's still asleep.
"Lighty. Let go." I whisper.
"Where are you going" she asks.
"I wanna see the hotel."
"I'll come with you!" She wiggles away from Paintbrush. "And be your guide!" She stands.
I shrug. and were off! She shows me all the rooms. tells me who sleeps in each one. She shows me the whereabouts. The best places. everything! Then we get some cereal and go outside to play.
-An hour or so later-
"Okay- OKay!" I catch my breath "Knock knock"
"Who's there"
"Boo who"
"Don't cry! it was only a joke!"
"UGGHH!" she laughed, punching me on the shoulder.
I mean, yeah, it hurt. but I wasn't about tell her that.
"Wanna get some ice cream!" She suddenly suggests.
"Oh! sure!" I was a bit put off, but hey, it's ice cream! "Where"
"Idk lol."
"Then how are gonna get ice cream!" I say. "Unless... you lied!"
"I was hoping you knew."
"I just got here silly."
"Plus, it's still cold! I don't think anyone is selling ice cream at this time of year." I analyze.
"You're right." We both just kind of stand there being sad. before Lightbulb spoke up again. "So. how's life going for you? Family wise, I mean."
"Not that bad."
"What do you mean." She asks, "Did something happen to our siblings!"
I can already tell she will get upset if I tell her. but I will anyway. "Diamond is non- binary."
"Oh really! Thats cool! They/Them?"
"No, zhe/zher."
"Zhe/zher huh.. How do you remember that?" Here's the part she won't like.
"Oh, she would hit me in some way if I get it wrong. And that helped me remember."
"WHAT!" she exclaims.
There it is.
"Zhe" I corrected.
I nod.
"Thats so evillL!!! Who would ever want to hurt you?!"
I would. "Hey, don't worry about it. that phase of life is over." I shrug.
"Ooooohhhh next time I see zherr." She plots.
"You are NOT hurting my zister!"
"I know. It's just makes me sad."
"YOU shouldn't be saying sorry."
"Oh, uhh sorry."
"Stop Emmy!!"
What else do I say! "......" I cover my mouth with my hands.
"....Sorry-" I say quickly before covering my mouth again and running into the field.
"You best get back here!" She chases me.
"Stupid stubby legs! Go fasterrr!!!"
She quickly catches up to me. before she grabs me, I dodge and run I the opposite direction. She turns just as quick. She snatches my arm!
"Emmy, don't you dare!"
"... Lo siento...?"
We stare at each other for a good 8 seconds before both breaking out into laughter. We fall over onto the grass. The laughter dies down as we lay next to each other. Feeling like children.
"I wish it could be like this forever." I sigh.
"So do I." She agrees.
-Paintbrush Pov-
Fan, TT and I stroll around the hotel. Their talking about boring geeky things that I'm not listening to but nodding non-the-less. I catch sight of Lightbulb and Emerald running in the field looking happy as ever.
Fan and TT stop next to me.
"They look like little kids!" He laughs. TT agrees.
Lightbulb and Emerald DOES look happy. Well, I can't see their faces, but I can tell. Lightbulb seems so happy... without me... I wonder if she even likes me anymore... What if-
"Paintbrush?" Testy Interrupts my thoughts. "You seem oddly quiet."
"Their probably jealous." Fan snickers.
"Of what! I have nothing to be jealous about. She's happy, I'm happy. plus! She's mine! So, I don't have anything to be worried about!" I object.
"That's right! She's your little E-kitten and you're her sigma alpha wolf!" Fan thinks he's SO HILARIOUS.
"BRO- SHUT UP!" I yell. He almost doubles over with laughter. "YOU'RE CRINGE!!"
TT looks so confused. He grabs her shoulder so he wouldn't fall on his stupid flat face.
"What's that?"
Fan stops laughing and stares at her. "Babe, I'mma have to teach you internet slang."
We continue our walk as they continue playing.
Why would I be jealous? He's just her friend. Her friend that she's known forever! And grew up together and are exactly like each other.
-Fan Pov-
Their so jellyyy 😜😜
(711 wordsss)
Sorry disappearing lol. k byee
{new chapter next hopefully Friday}
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