Author: Sam Freddy
On this cool Tuesday evening, the air was crisp and clear at the beach, and there were only a few people roaming about, which paved the way for Idara and Tayo's little romantic picnic on the sand.
Well, they weren't actually sitting on the sand since they had a big mat spread out, which housed a plastic tray and a big basket that contained various fresh fruits and a bottle of champagne and two glasses as well, including Idara's fancy tote bag.
Since the picnic was only a minor flex, Idara wasn't dressed to kill. All she wore was a brown floppy hat and a palm leaf-printed tube top, plus a unique drawstring denim shorts with brown strappy sandals on her feet, coupled with some colorful waist beads and blue wristbands and an anklet too. And, of course, she wore her locket necklace with pride, satisfied with the way it ornamented her neck like an Egyptian goddess. While Tayo was simply kitted in a grey panama cap, a white singlet and a cool yellow and black vintage dolphin shorts with multi-colored flip-flops on his feet and a simple wristwatch to up his swag.
“This is the first time I'm seeing your legs, Tayo.” Idara said, peeling a banana. “You're always on trousers. I never knew you were this hairy.”
Tayo smiled, slicing an orange. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Nope, I actually think it's nice.” Idara took a small bite from her banana. “Your legs are very fine, even though you look like a werewolf.”
Tayo laughed, dropping the knife and the orange skin on the tray. “I'll take that as a compliment.”
Idara smirked, looking at him intently. “You know, sometimes I just wonder if you're actually human, T, because you're just too good to be true. You seem so perfect and it really bothers me, 'cause I know that nobody is pure. Don't you have any flaws?”
“Of course, I do.” Tayo replied, chewing a slice of his orange. “Like you just said, nobody is pure, including me. I have my own flaws, too.”
“Like what, if I may ask?”
“Well, for starters, let me just say I'm addicted to work. I'm more of an introvert, 'cause I tend to be absorbed in my work and my studies that I often forget about my social life, you know.”
Idara grimaced. “I don't think that counts as a flaw. It's basically your nature, not a flaw.”
“Well, yes, but technically it's a flaw, because I hardly call or text people and I've lost a good number of friends by doing so, but those who understand me have stuck around till date. I don't know why, but I can care for someone so much and still not get in touch with them too often, and it's something I'm seriously trying to change.”
“Your story is not really adding up here,” Idara said. “If you're truly that way, why then do you constantly keep in touch with me? Why are we always in contact with each other?”
“Because you are special to me,” Tayo said, “very special. And, somehow, I think you're helping me become a much better person by making me adapt to the standard protocol of how to maintain relationships, generally.”
“You sha want to make me blush today.” Idara rolled her eyes, feigning a grim face. “But your plan will not work. I won't blush!”
“You're funny.” Tayo slid his arm around her shoulders. “So, what about you? What're your flaws?”
“Dear gentleman, I never said we were done with yours.” Idara took a larger bite of her banana, resting her head on Tayo's shoulder. “Anyway, just save it. I guess I'll discover more of your flaws as time goes on. But as for me, mmm, I'm flawless. I've never sinned before, either.”
“Cap!” Tayo jested, stroking her arm, feeling the warmth of her caramel skin.
“Cap? I don't understand what you mean.”
Tayo gave her a whimsical look. “For real? Don't you watch Hollywood movies?”
“I do.” Idara looked at his face, confused. “But what does that have to do with anything?”
“You watch Hollywood films and you don't know what 'cap' means?” Tayo chuckled. “Incredible!”
“Wait, is there another meaning for cap that I don't know about? 'Cause I'm seriously confused here.”
It was all Tayo could do to not burst into laughter right then, and Idara could see the serious effort from his contorted face.
“You know that if you tell me the meaning right now you won't die, abi?”
Tayo succeeded in killing his urge to laugh with a scoff instead. “Well, in my opinion, cap basically means lies. Like when somebody is telling you a big pile of lies or something you don't agree with, you can just say "Cap!" to signify your disbelief slash disagreement, or you can tell them straight up to stop capping. Shey you get?”
“That's weird.” Idara giggled, setting the banana peel on the tray as she chewed her last bite. “But I get it, though. Thanks.”
Tayo kissed her forehead spontaneously. “You're so cute when you're ignorant of some things.”
“Well, ignorance is bliss,” Idara offered him a playful frosty glare, “so I'll take that as a compliment, sir.”
“Clown.” Tayo laughed, as she laid her head back on his shoulder. “By the way, your family is really cool. I really enjoyed spending time with them yesterday, especially with your little brother, Matthew.”
“That boy.” Idara smiled coyly. “I barely even know him, but I can tell that he's not just any ordinary kid. You can tell that he's destined for greatness by the way he thinks and talks, even though he can be a pain in the butt sometimes.”
“I swear.” Tayo agreed with a chuckle. “And I doubt he's fifteen sef. He acts too mature for his age.”
“Yeah. He's the reason why there's peace between all of us now.” Idara said, matter-of-factly. “And it's kinda sad that he'll be returning to London with his father this weekend. I'll miss him. He's so fun to be with, and he really makes me miss my late brother, Francis.”
Tayo dropped his orange on the tray and held Idara's hand, offering her some support. “It's okay. You'll be fine. I'm always here. I got you.”
“I know you do.” She looked up at him with a smile. “And I think my dad really likes you, by the way.”
“You think?” Tayo asked, highly interested. “How can you tell?”
“Duh, he's my dad. How shouldn't I know?”
“Right, right.” Tayo actually intended to go further, but a soccer ball suddenly rolled up to them, almost crashing into their basket as it stopped. “What the hell?”
He and Idara looked straight and saw a cute little girl running towards them, laughing. She finally got to them and apologized, then she retrieved her ball and went back to her friends to play.
“What a sweet child.” Idara commented, watching the children play. “She's so adorable. What am I even saying; they are all adorable!”
“I know, right?” Tayo smiled, watching them too. “Come to think of it, how many kids would you love to have?”
“Me? Er… I haven't thought about that yet.” Idara started laughing. “But thinking of it now, three kids would be fine. Two boys and a chick. How about you?”
“Same here. Two big boys and one boss lady, that is exactly what I'm looking up to God for when it's time.”
“Aww! How sweet.”
At this point, silence settled between Tayo and Idara. Soon, Tayo was engrossed in watching the children play, while Idara's mind wandered to something else, which had been seriously eating her up for the past few days.
Admittedly, part of the reasons why she adored Tayo was his priceless honesty to her. So far, ever since they started dating, he'd been honest with her about everything concerning him, but she hadn't really reciprocated that same energy, and it was quite unfair to him. She felt guilty about it, and she was willing to remedy it right now.
“Tayo.” Idara tapped his hand, raising her head up from his shoulder. “There's something I need to tell you,” she added, after getting his attention.
A little startled, Tayo nodded his approval to her, wondering what she had in store for him.
“I should've told you about this earlier on,” she said, “but Yomi was the major reason why I wasn't into you at first.”
“Yomi? I don't understand.”
“I mean, all the times I stressed you, all the times you thought that I didn't like you, Yomi was in the center of it all, because I loved him.” Idara elaborated, feeling deeply sorry for her mistakes. “I was in love with him, but not anymore.”
“Wow.” Tayo was clearly surprised to hear that, but despite his loss for words, he said, “But I thought you guys were just best friends.”
“Yes, we were, but things changed on the long run. I started catching feelings for him, unfortunately.” Idara explained further. “But recently he called our friendship off, temporarily.”
“Temporarily? Wait, what are you talking about? I'm lost here.”
Idara sighed. “Look, simply put, we are not in good terms anymore. If you noticed, when we met him in school yesterday, we didn't talk much. This is, like, the second week of our separation, and everything connects to his girlfriend, Candice. I'm sure she was behind his decision, and the funny thing is, we see each other in class every day but we just avoid each other, since that is what he wants.”
Tayo pondered on Idara's confession for a moment, and then something suddenly clicked. “Let me ask you something,” he looked at Idara dead in the eyes. “Is your separation with Yomi the actual reason you're with me now?”
“Well, yes, but-”
“So, basically, I am just your second choice?” There was a tone of uncertainty in Tayo's voice as he cut her off, and a sharp look of uneasiness on his face. “You're only with me for the thrill of it, just to get back at him?”
“Of course not!” Idara shook her head, disturbed. “I love you for real!”
“Then why did you come to me after your separation with Yomi?”
“Oh, God.” Idara facepalmed out of frustration. “Because he opened my eyes! I was running in circles, searching for something that was never meant to be, and he redeemed me by cutting me off from his life. If he hadn't done that, I probably wouldn't have come back to my senses to see the good things I was missing in life, like you.”
Instant relief tore through Tayo's system, and judging from Idara's reactions so far, he could tell that she was being honest with him to the core, and it delighted him so much.
“I'm just sorry I kept it from you.” Idara finalized, holding his hand. “It won't happen again, trust me. I'm here to stay till the end.”
A smile crept upon Tayo's face. “It's okay, luv,” he dropped a kiss on her forehead for emphasis. “I believe in you, in us. You're the best gift anyone could ever ask for.”
“Thank you. I'm flattered, but speaking of gifts,” Idara pulled her tote bag closer and removed something that was wrapped in a transparent nylon from it, “this is for you. I made it for you.”
“What's that?” Tayo received it with great pleasure. “It looks like a polo.”
“Exactly.” Idara grinned. “I spent sleepless nights making it just for you. Come on, open it.”
Smiling, Tayo tore the nylon open and took the wine-colored polo shirt from it, and he loved it at first sight, especially when he saw the stylish inscription at the back that read, “I love you to infinity and beyond.”
“Isabelle, this is so beautiful!” His eyes settled on Idara's happy face. “Thank you! I love it!”
“I'm glad you do.” Idara held her locket, winking at Tayo. “You deserve it and so much more. Thanks for coming into my life and thanks for brightening it up with a daily dosage of unending joy and laughter. You're heaven-sent. God bless you for me.”
“Amen. Thank you. I'm humbled to be yours. God bless you, too.”
Elatedly, Idara pecked Tayo on the cheek and bounced up to her feet. “Come on, let's take a walk to the water!”
“And leave all our stuff here?”
“Forget about them.” Idara persuaded Tayo, stretching her hand to him with glee. “Come on!”
“Okay, okay!”
Throwing caution into the air, Tayo grabbed Idara's hand, and she pulled him up at once, after which they took off their footwears and held each other's hands whilst walking off to the water.
This was the perfect time for Tayo to do what he had in mind ever since they arrived at the beach.
“Hey, Dara.” He stopped her just when they'd almost stepped into the water. “There's something I need to ask you.”
“What is it, dear?”
Slowly, Tayo pulled a small red box out of his pocket, opened it, and then took the dazzling diamond ring out of it with extreme care. “Idara, I know that this is a little too early, but I'm so in love with you that time doesn't even matter to me anymore. I feel like my days of searching for the right one are over, and I see a prosperous future with you in my life. Will you marry me?”
“Oh, my God!” Idara's mouth fell open out of utter surprise. She didn't see that coming at all. “But, but, but we just started dating, Tayo.”
“I know,” Tayo affirmed, “but it feels like I've known you forever. I always look forward to your company and my heart delights in having you around, Dara. What we share is not just any temporal thing based on lust or infatuation; I can feel it, and I know that you feel it, too. I am confident that God preordained you for me, because I've never felt this flare, this extraordinary spark with any other woman before in my life. I know you are the one for me, Dara. Please, say yes.”
“Whoosh!” Idara was seriously freaking out on the inside, hence her rapid breathing. She'd never felt such tension before in her entire life, because this was a rather vital moment for her—a moment that would define her fate depending on the choice she'd make.
Quickly, she put three things into consideration. First, did she love Tayo genuinely? The answer was yes, for sure. Second, was she happy being with him? Of course, she definitely was. She'd never felt happier with anyone else. And third, did she love Tayo enough to marry him?
“Yes!” Idara spoke, giving him her hand. “Yes, I will marry you, Tayo!”
“Yes! Yes!!” Tayo slid the ring on her finger with a big, full smile on his face. “Yes!!!”
Idara burst into laughter, looking at the ring with great admiration. “I've finally found my better half,” she purred, wagging her fingers dramatically. “A dream come true!”
Happily, Tayo drew Idara closer until they were breaths apart from each other. “I love you so much, Elle.”
“I love you, too, T, more than you can ever imagine.”
And with that, both love birds sealed their vows with a heartfelt kiss, as the waves crashed against their feet and the sunset offered them a befitting picturesque ambiance for the beautiful, magical moment of their lives.
A dream come true, indeed.
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