Author: Sam Freddy
After what transpired between Yomi and Idara just yesterday, Idara hadn't been the same again. She felt like utter garbage anytime she recalled the pathetic incident, and — as if that wasn't enough — the fact that Yomi called her earlier to inform her about everything concerning his trip with his so-called "lover" (including a lovely poem which he got from her yesterday) amplified Idara's pain like never before.
However, somehow, Idara attended her final class for the day, and then met with Anastasia and Isioma at a cool spot close to the school library, where she then narrated her ordeal to the ladies, who were both beyond astonished after listening to Idara's plight.
“Honestly, I've never been hurt like this since I was born.” Idara added, slapping a hand to her forehead with regret. “I'm such a fool.”
Anastasia rested her elbow on Idara's shoulder, giving her a pitiful look. “Don't say that, Dara. You are not a fool.”
“Yes.” Isioma agreed with Anastasia. “You're not foolish for loving someone. You're just unlucky, that's it.”
“Exactly!” Anastasia exclaimed with a firm nod. “Maybe it's just not meant to be. My advice? Forget about that guy and move on. He doesn't deserve you.”
“Says who?” Idara complained, looking at Anastasia with glazed eyes. “You keep telling me to move on like it's that easy. Obviously, you don't care about my own feelings, Asia. All you care about is that I accept your brother's proposal, because you think he's my Mr. Right or something. Ugh! Am I a toy to you?”
Anastasia was clearly caught off guard by Idara's accusation, but somehow, she stayed calm and collected as she said, “No, Dara, I don't see you as a toy at all. As a matter of fact, I think you're blinded by your emotion, and maybe a little bit confused, too.”
“Why? Because I love Yomi instead of Tayo?”
“Bingo!” Anastasia snapped her fingers in confirmation. “Like, how on Earth would someone in their right mind prefer shooting shots at a person who clearly has no interest in them, instead of settling for the one who adores them with their whole life? I mean, does it even make any sense to you?”
“Asia, has it ever occurred to you that maybe I just consider Tayo as a friend and nothing more than that?”
“And has it ever occurred to you that maybe Yomi only sees you as his best friend and nothing more than that?”
“Babes, stop this.” Isioma intervened softly, glancing between her friends. “Come on, chill out, both of you. It's not worth it.”
“Totally not.” Anastasia hissed in annoyance, standing up from the long iron bench. She then grabbed her crossbody bag from the ground after saying, “I gotta go.”
“Huh?” Isioma was clearly surprised at Anastasia's outburst of anger. “Where are you going to?”
“Anywhere else but here,” replied Anastasia. “I can't put up with Idara's attitude anymore. It's better I leave before I say something hurtful to her.”
Before Idara or Isioma could even say a word to Anastasia, she left their presence without looking back at all. Just like that.
“Wait. What just happened?”
Idara couldn't even heave a response to Isioma's rhetorical question, for she was also in shock over Anastasia's awkward departure, but as fate may have it, Idara's phone started ringing all of a sudden, snatching her attention like a magnet.
Quietly, Idara glanced at her phone's screen, and she was instantly disappointed at the name on the caller identity when she did so.
Why? Because it was her runaway mother calling as usual, and she wasn't in the right mood to speak with the woman presently.
So what did Idara do? Of course she rejected the call almost immediately, and then sighed in frustration.
“Who was that?”
“My mom.”
“Oh my goodness!” Isioma's eyes widened in surprise. “Did you just decline your mother's call?”
“Yes. Any problem?”
Isioma's jaw almost dropped to the ground because of Idara's reply. “Dara, that wasn't fair na. You know it.”
“Who cares?” Idara snarled at Isioma. “You can see I'm not in my right state of mind to talk to her. What did you expect me to do?”
Isioma was about to speak when Idara's phone started ringing again. Expectedly, Idara's intention was to reject the call again, but Isioma snatched the phone from her before she could actualize that particular thought. Then, to Idara's dismay, Isioma answered the call without hesitation.
“Hello, ma. No, ma. I'm not your daughter. My name is Isioma, Idara's friend.”
In truth, Isioma was tempted to laugh due to the death stare she was getting from Idara, but she disciplined herself by paying more attention to her current telephone conversation instead.
“Yes, ma. I'm fine. Definitely, ma. She's right beside me as we speak. Should I give her the phone? Okay, ma. One second, please.”
Having said that, Isioma handed Idara's phone back to her and then watched as Idara left her presence to answer her call elsewhere.
Under five minutes, Idara returned to her spot on the bench, looking like someone who just woke up from her worst nightmare.
“Babe, what happened? What'd you and momsy discuss?”
Idara eyed Isioma and hissed softly before saying, “Nothing much.”
“"Nothing much," as in?” Isioma questioned, switching her sitting position from perfectly normal to Indian style. “I need details. Gimme some details, yo!”
Idara groaned, rubbing her hands over her face very slowly. “Congratulations, Isioma. You and Asia finally got what you both wanted.”
“I don't get what you mean. Elaborate.”
Idara leaned back against the bench's backrest as she said, “Because of your stubbornness, Isioma, I was forced to give my mother a little bit of what Asia would normally call a second chance. Way to go, buddy.”
“Wait. Hold on. I still don't grab,” Isioma said. “What do you mean by the "second chance" part, baby girl? I'm confused.”
“Well, what I simply mean is, my mom and I agreed to meet somewhere tomorrow for a meal. Bills on her.”
“Wooow! That is wonderful!” Isioma could hardly believe her ears. “I never knew you could accept her invitation so easily. I'm so impressed!”
“What makes you think that I succumbed to her request just like that?” Idara scoffed, rolling her eyes at Isioma. “Gosh, I wish you had witnessed how she begged me, Isioma.” She cringed at the awkward memory. “Ugh! That woman literally begged me to the point that I had no choice than to say yes to her dinner proposal. Honestly I don't like this at all.”
Isioma smiled, stroking Idara's shoulder with concern. “Hey, relax. It's gonna be all right. I can assure you that.”
“What makes you think so?”
“I don't know. I guess I just have a good feeling about your mom,” Isioma replied. “I mean, she seems like a nice woman, to be honest. And, as far as I know, every mother wants the best for her child. Don't you agree?”
As much as Idara hated to admit it, she knew that Isioma had a point for sure, so she said, “Yeah, I guess so.”
“That's what I'm talking about.” Isioma's smile widened as she offered Idara a pat on her back. “Just chill out. Everything will be fine. Okay?”
“Mmm. Okay.”
Instantly, Isioma's smile turned to a big, lovely grin, which emphasized her dimples than the former smile on her face. “We're gonna have to talk about you and Asia's quarrel later, though.”
For the first time since the day began, Idara managed a sincere smile. “Yeah, sure.”
“But wait o,” Isioma's grin faded as a frown appeared on her face, “is this how we are just going to sit and do nothing about your stolen poem, Idara?”
Idara exhaled heavily, her smile disappearing from her face. “What could we possibly do about it? Report to the police?”
“Of course not.” Isioma cringed at Idara's idea. “I, for one, think that it'll be better if we disgrace Candice in Yomi's presence.”
“How exactly?”
“Simple: We'll tell Yomi that she's not the actual owner of the poem, that she's a cold-blooded thief.”
Idara scoffed at Isioma's suggestion. “And he's supposed to believe us just like that?”
Isioma shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. But we have to try, Dara. We can't conclude until we try.”
“Look, just forget about it.” Idara said dully, staring off into the distance. “What has happened has happened. Let it go.”
“I can't!” Isioma argued, slamming the bench with her fist. “I won't let Candice get away with this. Never!”
Quickly, Idara's eyes narrowed towards Isioma's direction like a homing missile. “Seriously, let it go. I don't want any more trouble from that chick. Please.”
“I know, I know. But why are you so afraid to stand up to her sef, ehn?”
“Please let's change this topic.”
“Hell, no. You must tell me why you are scared of her, Idara.”
“Isioma, please, let us talk about something else. I beg you.”
Right there and then, it dawned on Isioma that Idara wasn't in the right mood to discuss about anything concerning Candice, so she said, “Fine. I hear you.”
“Thank you.”
Isioma acknowledged Idara's statement with a nod. “So, that aside,” she said in a babyish voice, “have I told you about how my attempt at "shooting shots" at Jordan went yesterday at the beach?”
“No, you haven't.” Idara replied, surprised. “How did it go?”
Isioma chuckled as the memory flashed in her head. “It's a long story, though. But I'll tell you on our way to your crib. Come on, let's bounce. I'm famished.”
“Wait. What does the time say?”
“Uh…” Isioma pressed the power button of her advanced headphones, and then looked at its small screen before saying, “It's one thirty-two right now. Why?”
“Damn. I haven't even eaten anything since morning.” Idara gasped as the realization crashed down on her. “C'mon, let's get out of here before we both starve to death.”
2:01 PM.
As much as Candice hated to accompany Yomi to Idara and Anastasia's apartment, she couldn't say it to his face, especially not when they were already standing in front of their door.
As Yomi was about to knock on the door, somebody opened it from the inside of the house, and that person was none other than Anastasia herself.
“Daddy Yo!” Anastasia gasped in surprise, her eyes darting back and forth between Yomi and Candice's faces. “Candice? Wow. What're you guys doing here?”
“Good afternoon to you, too, Asia.” Yomi uttered sarcastically. “Is Idara around?”
As Anastasia opened her mouth to speak, Isioma and Idara appeared through the same gate that Yomi and Candice had followed on their way into the compound.
“Oh, there she is,” Yomi breathed with relief on sighting his best friend. “Thank God.”
Both Idara and Isioma were surprised to see the couple together at Idara's doorstep, but, somehow, they managed to stay cool until they'd gotten close enough to them.
“Hi, ladies.” Candice greeted them first, offering them a pretentious smile. “How're y'all doin'?”
“Fine, thank you.” Isioma spoke on behalf of herself and Idara. “Good afternoon, Yomi.”
“Afternoon, iyawo.” Yomi answered Isioma nicely, casting a silly look at Idara's face. “Shebi you're too big to greet me abi, oju igo?”
“Hian!” Idara playfully hissed at Yomi's question, taking off her eyeglasses. “Am I your mate?”
Yomi bit back a laugh. “Definitely not. But if you greet me, will you die?”
Idara eyed him from head to toe, then said, “I don't blame you, anyway. I've played with you too much, that's why you can now talk to me anyhow.”
Anastasia giggled, stepping out of the house. “Abeg, I have to go out,” she announced, swinging her purse in the air. “Catch you all later.”
“Wait, where are you ballin' to?” Candice asked, admiring Anastasia's chic outfit.
“Oh. Um, a friend's place,” Anastasia replied. “He actually invited me, though.” She chortled, noticing Candice's heavy stare on her silver jumpsuit. “Said he just rented off a house to someone today, and that he wants to flex me big time.”
Candice and Yomi's mouths dropped open immediately they heard that. “Wait a second,” Yomi said, his eyes widening slowly. “If you don't mind my asking, this friend of yours, what exactly is he called?”
“Um, his name is Danladi.” Anastasia answered honestly, surprised at the couple's facial expressions. “Is there any problem?”
The very moment Idara heard that name, she remembered a nightmare that she once had last week, which featured a certain Danladi who had threatened to kill her instantaneously if she didn't obey his direct order, but as Idara was about to talk, Yomi beat her to it.
“No, no. Not at all.” Yomi started laughing, locking eyes with Candice, who obviously couldn't believe what she just heard from Anastasia. “I just knew it had to be Danladi. That bad guy!”
Idara's heart skipped a beat when she heard the words ‘bad guy’, but she was quickly interrupted by Anastasia when she attempted to speak again.
“Wait a minute… You guys know him?”
“Of course we do.” Yomi confirmed in-between laughter, nodding his head for emphasis. “Danladi is my G from school nau. In fact, Candy and I came here directly from his place. She's the one he rented the house to.”
“Oh, wow!” Anastasia gasped in surprise. “That is awesome! Congratulations, Candice!”
“Thank you.” Candice curtsied pretentiously, pointing at Yomi. “All glory be to Jah, and many thanks to this young man here.”
Isioma couldn't stand the sight of Candice and her awful pretentious attitude, but unfortunately there was nothing she could do about it but to keep on watching in silence.
“Thank you, darling.” Yomi winked at Candice, giving her double thumbs-up at once. “You're always welcome.”
“Soooo,” Anastasia drawled, stepping back slowly, “I have to leave now.”
“All right.” Yomi said. “Send my regards to Danladi.”
“I sure will.”
Immediately Anastasia turned around to leave, Idara tried to follow her, but Yomi latched onto her arm like a parasite.
“And where do you think you are going to, miss?”
“Leave me alone. I have to warn Asia about something.”
“No, you don't.” Yomi disagreed, dragging Idara toward the door. “Asia is a big fish. I'm sure she can take care of herself. Just come, let's go inside.”
“No, Yomi, you don't understand. I am-”
Before Idara could go any further, she found herself inside of her apartment, right beside Yomi. Candice and Isioma also entered the house, albeit in silence.
If Yomi was an observant person, he would've noticed that Anastasia didn't talk to Isioma and Idara at all before she left, and that Isioma and Idara weren't really in talking terms with Candice, but sadly he wasn't paying enough attention to the ladies.
“Man, I'm hungry.” Yomi let out a slow breath, releasing Idara's arm gently. “Get me something to chow.”
“Am I your maid?”
“Woman!” Yomi said in a deep voice, making himself comfortable on the soft bed. “Do not make me repeat myself.”
“Or what'll happen?”
“You know what?” Isioma quickly intervened, dropping her headphones on a shelf that housed Anastasia's guitar. “Leave it to me, Yomi. I'm on it.”
“Okay, iyawo.” Yomi smiled cockily. “With this, I'm convinced you'll be a better wife than this mumu here.”
Little did Yomi know that Isioma only said that to avoid the sight of Candice, because the more Isioma stayed around her, the more she was tempted to confront her about Idara's poem.
So maybe it was a good thing that she'd already promised Idara to let the issue go, after all.
All the same, Isioma acknowledged Yomi's remark with a chuckle on her way to Idara's kitchen, while Candice purposely guffawed like a baboon so that Idara would be pained.
But to Candice's surprise, Idara also found the joke funny, because she suddenly started laughing calmly. “Guy, stop calling me a mumu o. I don't like it.”
“Oh, now you don't like it?” Yomi questioned rhetorically. “So I'm the one who enjoys being called a big head and an olodo, abi?”
Idara's laughter intensified as she sat down on a plastic chair. “But those ones are quite different na. You can't compare them to the word, "mumu". Can you?”
“Why can't I?” Yomi shrugged a shoulder. “Besides, I enjoy yabbing you a lot, so don't expect me to stop any time soon.”
Idara raised her hands up in defeat. “As Your Lordship pleases. I surrender.”
As Yomi was about to reply Idara, "Love is Wicked" by Brick and Lace started playing from Candice's smartphone.
Quickly looking at her phone's screen, Candice discovered that it was Mr. Titus calling.
“Uh, excuse me, babe.” Candice said to Yomi, standing up from her seat. “It's my step-brother Mike callin'. I have to take this outside. I'll be right back.”
“Okay, honey. Say hello for me.”
“Sure thang.”
The moment Candice went outside, Isioma came out of the kitchen, looking relieved.
“Daddy Yo, the pot of jollof rice is on fire. Just be calm—e go soon warm.”
“Okay. No yawa.”
Having heard that, Isioma simply smiled at Yomi, and then went outside as well, having only one thing on her mind: How to confront Candice without creating a scene in the peaceful compound.
Yes, Isioma promised to let the issue slide, but, sometimes, some promises are meant to be broken. She just hoped that Idara would forgive her for breaking this one.
“Yomi.” Idara said, taking advantage of the privacy between herself and Yomi. “Look, what I'm about to say might offend you, but I have to say it regardless.”
“Okay.” Yomi shrugged. “I'm listening.”
“All right,” Idara said. “See, I know I'm not your mother or anything, but I think I'm close enough to you to give you some advice, right?”
“Good.” Idara said. “Now, don't you think that renting a house for Candice was way over the line?”
“Nah, she deserves it.” Yomi shrugged again. “In fact, it's nothing compared to my other plans for her.”
Idara shook her head at Yomi's ignorance. “Yomi, you can't buy true love with money.”
“And who says I'm buying anybody's love with cash?” Yomi scoffed, raising an eyebrow. “Just so you know, Candice loves me for real. I do these things for her because I'm madly in love with her, and she's my one and only lady in whom I'm well pleased. So don't get it twisted, ma'am. It's nothing but love here.”
If Idara could pull a tooth from Yomi's mouth everytime he addressed Candice with such sweet words in her presence, he would've been toothless by now. Plus, the fact that Idara was able to control her disgust from showing through her face was a big plus on her endurance. If not, Yomi would've probably noticed it long before their conversation even began.
“Look,” Idara breathed, leaning forward in her seat, “all I'm trying to say is that you should be careful with the way you spend on Candice, Yomi. Remember you have far more important bills to settle, like your school fees, house rent, and so on. Don't let her milk you dry. Be wise. Stop wasting money.”
“Is it your money?” Yomi asked, wide-eyed. “Ehn?”
“No, it's not. But-”
“It's enough.” Yomi quickly interrupted Idara, raising a finger for emphasis. “See, I understand where you're coming from, and I appreciate your concern, Idara. Really, I do. But you have to understand that I'm old enough to handle my own life. Okay? I don't need anybody running my relationship for me, especially you. So let's be guided, please.”
Yomi's tone was somewhat harsh, yet in a polite way, and the odd look on his face told Idara that he meant every single word he said, and that there was no need for her to argue any further.
“All right, then.” Idara said, putting her eyeglasses back on. “Lord knows I've done my part. Don't say I didn't warn you, though.”
“Yeah. Cool.” Yomi said, killing the topic with desperation. “How was school today?”
Idara thinned her lips, unfazed by Yomi's attempt at changing the topic of conversation. She knew he'd definitely do that from the very start. “School was cool sha. Which reminds me, you won't believe who called me earlier at school, Yomee.”
“Who else but my mom?” Idara responded jovially. “Let me gist you about what went down between us.”
Currently, Candice concluded her call with Mr. Titus by saying “Goodbye, Obim!”, and then she went back into the compound like nothing ever happened. She then made sure that she closed the gate as quietly as possible, in order not to arouse any suspicions about her movement from anybody, especially Yomi.
But as Candice started to walk back to Idara's apartment, Isioma came out of nowhere and blocked her way.
Ignoring her, Candice attempted to follow another direction, but Isioma stood in her way again.
“What's your problem, Isioma?”
“Lekwa ajuju,” Isioma said, her arms crossed, and her legs positioned in a rather menacing stance. “I should be asking you that instead, poem snatcher.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Oh, so you think I don't know that you stole Idara's poem, abi?”
“And so what? Is it your poem?”
“Oh, wow!” Isioma frowned, moving closer to Candice. “So you still have the nerve to argue with me after stealing someone's intellectual property, huh?”
Candice burst into laughter, clapping her hands in a mocking manner. “See me see trouble. So now that you are charging at me like that, what exactly do you intend to do? Fight me?”
“If it boils down to that, hell yes, I will!” Isioma spat with annoyance. “Just don't push me!”
“Hei, Chineke!” Candice could hardly contain her laughter. “It's like somebody wants to get the beating of their life this afternoon.”
“Candice, you're mad!” Isioma cussed out loud. “See, I know you're stronger than me o, but don't you ever think you can beat me without sustaining thousands of injuries from me!” She warned, touching the tip of her tongue with a finger, and then she pointed that same finger to the sky as she said, “Allah, I go wound you die! Na me talk am!”
Candice hissed at Isioma's threat. “It's obvious you're high on crack, but you can continue barking while I leave sha.”
This time around, Isioma pushed Candice back as she tried to walk away. “Stay back. You're not leaving here unless I say so.”
“Mmm. Isioma, you better keep those filthy hands to yourself if you don't want to see the beast in me.”
“Haba! What's going on there?”
Both Isioma and Candice were beyond startled the moment they heard Yomi's voice from another direction. They both looked there and saw Yomi and Idara approaching them real fast.
“Babe, what's happening?” Yomi asked when he and Idara were finally in Candice and Isioma's presence. “We heard some noise coming from here. Why are you guys shouting?”
“Is it not this fool!” Candice replied aggressively. “She just came to me and started talking trash!”
“You are super stupid!” Isioma retaliated, controlling the urge to stick her fingers into Candice's small eyes. “A fool; a very big fool, that is what you are!”
“Hey, it's enough, Isioma.” Idara intervened, dragging Isioma away from Candice. “Come on, let it go. There's no point in fighting somebody who clearly lacks home training.”
Candice's head literally sparked with fire when Idara insulted her indirectly. “What did you just say to me?”
“I said-”
Before Idara could even finish talking, Candice gave her a very hot slap that left her seeing bright, shining stars in the air.
Instantly, Isioma delivered two dirty slaps onto Candice's cheeks in return.
“You b*tch! How dare you!” Candice lunged at Isioma with massive anger, but Yomi quickly held her arms tightly before she could do anything rash.
“Let me go, Yomi!”
“Enough!” Yomi yelled at Candice, dragging her toward the gate. “I should've never brought you here in the first place. Let's go home.”
Stubbornly, Candice tried to break loose from Yomi's grasp, but it was beyond impossible for her, so she simply shouted, saying, “Isioma, you won't get away with this! I swear!”
“Go to hell jor, thief!”
“Fool! Waka!” Candice swore out loud, opening the palm of her hand widely at Isioma. “God punish you!”
“Punish you, too, olosho ten kobo!”
Even WWE isn't as tough as this fight! Lmao! Please leave a VOTE and a comment if you dig this chapter! 😅🙏
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