7. bubbles (a death of someone close)
I don't want to write angst, but I want to get this chapter out, so here's a fluffy crack-fic about Peter Parker's fish dying. Peter's sad, Tony's a good actor, and Stephen's trying not to laugh
Not exactly IronStrange, but eh. They hug.
500 words or less?
It was a bright, sunny afternoon, when Stephen walked into the Avengers compound after a long mission, looking forward to seeing his husband, when he noticed that his husband was no where to be found.
"Hey, JARVIS, where's Tony?" He asked the A.I running through the compound.
"Boss is outside in the backyard with Master Parker." JARVIS responded.
Stephen 'huh'ed, but went outside anyways.
He was greeted with Tony decked out in black, arm around a sobbing Peter Parker, a somber look on his face. A tiny mound of dirt lay in front of them.
Tony turned his head to great the wizard. "Bubbles died this morning." He whispered.
Stephen gasped. "His fish?"
Tony nodded. Stephen struggled to keep his face under control.
"Dr. Dad, stop. It's not funny!" Peter wailed.
Stephen pit his arms up in surrender. "It's not funny, I'm not laughing."
Peter sniffed and turned away. Stephen slid up to Tony and smiled. "Hey, gorgeous."
"Hi, beautiful." Answered Tony, the somber look still on his face.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too, now shh, let Pete have a moment." Stephen nodded.
"Just as long as I get to have a moment with you afterwards." This comment was enough to make Tony flush red and the somber look turn into a half smile.
Then, Stephen couldn't help himself and grabbed Tony's chin, forcing him into a passionate kiss, interupted only by Peter's scream.
Stephen grinned. "Sorry, kid." He mumbled into the kiss.
Peter huffed, his face red from both embarrassment and crying. "Then at least leave me to grieve in piece. Geez."
Neither adult answered, instead, Tony pushed Stephen inside, away from the grieving teen. "We'll apologize with chocolate and let him pick out another fish later, right?"
"Yup. But for now, I missed my wizard, and those pants would look better on the floor."
Poor Peter. His pet just died and his parents are making out.
#badparenting lol
389 words. Yey!
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