6. enemy (making fun of each other)
My idea for this one:
The Avengers don't know that Tony and Stephen are dating and they want to keep it that way. So they act like they hate each other and they constantly insult/make fun of each other (basically me and my baby brother) but, when night falls and no one can see them, they sneak into each other's rooms and cuddle, talking about the days work.
Super fluffy, I'm excited :3
"He's a jerk, why do I have to work with him?" Tony growled. The Avengers had just been called for a battle and Steve Rogers had just informed Tony that he was supposed to work with Stephen Strange.
"Oh, for the Vishanti's sake, Stark, let's just get it over with. I won't kill you." Stephen supplied, looking bored.
Tony rolled his eyes. "I'd like to see you try-"
"Oh for the love of-"
"Girls, girls," Clint interrupted, "you're both pretty. Now can we get on with it? There's people dying out there!"
Tony made a show of reluctantly agreeing, muttering about how the sorcerer might actually kill him one day. Stephen only glared at the mechanic, already suited up in his robes and cloak of levitation, waiting for him to call his Iron Man suit.
Finally, after a minute and a half, Tony was ready. "Took you long enough." Stephen grumbled as Tony fired up his blasters.
"Says the guy who sleeps in his dress." Tony retorted.
"Not a dress! They're robes!"
"No, because they..."
The bickering continued until the battle, when it finally tapered off (much to the relief of all the other Avengers) for the remainder of the battle.
When the team had gathered for a debriefing afterwards, however, the banter started up right again. With Tony slamming the door in Stephen's face, and Stephen retaliating by magically tripping the former in front of Fury. And on and on it went, from petty pranks to full blown roasts.
One roast in particular happened when the Avengers sat down for dinner. Steve had noticed the doctor was barely touching his food, despite that the soldier knew that the battle (probably) drained a lot of Stephen's powers. But when Steve questioned the wizard, Stephen just shrugged it off and said he wasn't hungry- he had eaten earlier. Clint, intrigued, had asked what he'd eaten (he had been in the common room all day and hadn't seen any sign of the sorcerer). Stephen just gave a tight-lipped smile and told Clint that if he knew, he'd be traumatized. Immediately, Tony looked up and went "oh, it's fine, I've been traumatized since the moment you came home from the hospital."
Stephen's face flushed with anger and embarrassment as the rest of the Avengers
Satisfied, Tony smirked at the red sorcerer. "I'm just joking with you, Strange, jeez."
"Oh I know, Stark. I'll get you back, just wait." Stephen winked subtly when everyone else was distracted. Now it was Tony's turn to blush.
Once the Avengers calmed down enough to have a proper meal, Clint looked up with a huge grin on his face. "Hey, wanna hear a joke-"
Without missing a beat, Stephen replied cooly, "Oh, no need, Barton. I've been listening to one since the moment Stark opened his mouth."
Another round of 'OOOHHH' sounded and Stephen smirked. Tony rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out.
Later that night, about an hour after everyone had gone to bed, Tony was lying down, staring at the ceiling. "JARVIS," he whispered, "is anyone up?"
"No. Only you and Dr. Strange are awake, sir." JARVIS responded. Tony grinned, turning to dig around under his pillow. Soon, he pulled out a pager and typed out a short message.
'coast is clear ;)'
Milliseconds later, an orange portal appeared and out stepped the doctor himself, clad in only his grey boxers.
"Hey, Stephen." Tony said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I missed you."
Stephen nodded and quietly slipped into Tony's bed besides him, wrapping his arms around the mechanic and resting his head on the latters soft, short, unruly brunette hair.
"I missed you too." Stephen's low voice rumbled. "Pretending to hate you is a lot of work." Tony hummed in agreement.
It looked like they never got along, that they were away fighting, but actually, Tony and Stephen loved each other. Very much.
Like, dating for the past two years love.
A soft kiss brushing his hairline broke Tony's train of thought. "That roast though, at dinner?"
Stephen hummed. "D'you like it?"
Tony smiled and snuggled closer to Stephen's chest. "That was really funny, Mr. Doctor."
Stephen chortled. "I'm glad you liked it. But really, was 'jerk' the best insult you could think of?"
"Well, it's a bit hard to insult your boyfriend." Tony explained as Stephen sighed.
"We have to tell them someday. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up."
Tony closed his eyes, almost purring at the shaking hands carding through his hair. "Yeah. But for now, I kind of like our little secret." He smiled. "And I love hearing your clever insults. You make even the grossest thing into the world sound sexy with that voice of yours."
Stephen laughed. "Even broccoli pizza?"
Tony made a face. "That's disgusting."
"Pineapple on pizza?"
"Now your just being unfair; I actually like that!"
"Fine, fine, I quit." Tony nodded his approval, "but really, is my lovely voice really that sexy?"
Tony nodded. "It really is."
Stephen smirked, pulling Tony closer to his chest. "Then let me say one more thing."
"You just said it." Tony sassed.
Stephen glared at him, then climbed on top of the smaller man. Leaning down, Stephen whispered something into Tony's ear in the deepest voice he could muster. Something that made Tony squeak, flush bright red, and after breathing out a soft 'yes, please', pulled the sorcerer into a kiss.
Life was good for Stephen Strange and Tony Stark. During the day, they were enemies, always at each other's throats, ready to tear the other apart. But after it got dark, and everyone went to bed, they were too lovers, happy to be near one another, safe and secure in each other's arms.
1,045 words, but it's adorable.
Sorry for the sappy ending, lol
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