*thomas sanders voice* STORYTIME!!
As most of you have already figured out, I have the social skills of an over-mashed potato. I have social anxiety and I couldn't comprehend emotions if my life depended on it. I had to look up how to mourn a death. Not even kidding. It's also hard for me to keep friends unless they are similar to me in some of those ways. I have never really kept in touch with even the people that planned to share a dorm with me in college! I just get too freaked out as to what they are going to say, what should I say, how will they react, oh my dragon I'm getting anxious just thinking about it, please help me, make it stop, why am I still going?
Well, good news! I may have figured out one of the reasons as to why I am like this! WHOO. HOO. *death glares*
So, time to give you a little backstory on me!
*thomas sanders voice actives* STORYTIME!!
So, as of right now, I am about to turn thirteen. I know that I have said that I am thirteen to most of you, but does a few weeks really make a difference when I already act like a moody, antisocial teenager? I was born in the South of the United States of America. *waves flag* YEEHAW!! There were some complications with my birth, but I'll tell you about that in another chapter. My mom was pregnant with me at sixteen, and by the time I was born, she had turned seventeen just about two to three weeks ago. My dad was a few years older than her. Don't worry! It was completely legal! Don't arrest my dad!
Anyways, I was actually an extremely nice baby. My laughter was infectious, apparently. Then I started to grow up. My parents started to notice weird things about the way that I was acting. I was always up dancing. Like, all the time. So, for those of you who know me in real life, DOESNT THIS EXPLAIN SOMETHING!!
The dancing wasn't the weird part. I was actually pretty decent for a toddler. It's how hyper and insanely fearless I was. Again, I'll save those stories for later! I was also ALWAYS HUNGRY. It's like my stomach was a bottomless pit! ANYWAYS!! I was diagnosed with ADHD. (Only because the meds worked. No actual testing for other things. Just that.)
I was diagnosed in first grade. That means I had to go through preschool without it. Not so hard, right? Wrong. I went to about six different preschools. I got kicked out of the first five, and the only reason they let me finish at the sixth was because of one teacher that believed in me. (I appreciate her so much though!)
So I was six years old and had been to six different schools. That has to be a record, right?
For kindergarten, I went to ANOTHER school district! Seriously, parents?! Come on!
Then the same for first grade. I stayed in that school until I was halfway through third grade. Then we moved ACROSS THE COUNTRY IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER!! And so I finished third grade at a new school. Then we moved again. Fourth and PART of fifth were at one place. THEN WE MOVED ACROSS COUNTRY AGAIN!! IN. WINTER. I finished fifth and sixth grade there.
Now school is starting again. I have to go to ANOTHER completely new school.
Just thinking that MIGHT be one of the reasons why I'm so socially impaired.
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