-Beware for the utter torture all of our brains are about to face-
[Well, I'm bored, and I'm on the internet. So if you ask yourself 'why would they do this?' or 'what were they thinking?' there's your answer.]
Okay, so I'm in the mood for my mind to turn to mush, so I looked up thought provoking questions on Google, went to images(because no ones got time for websites), and literally died.
I'm going to be answering these on how I feel, personally, so, if you do get offended or something, please feel free to file your complaints in the 'Suggestion Box.' If you don't know where it is, it's over there attached to the paper shredder. Have a nice day! (Feel free to answer these questions, too! I love seeing what other people think about something like this!)
1.) How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?
Honestly, I am thirteen and literally act like my age. If answering this question when I am, let's say, twenty-seven? I'd say that I was fifteen. Always waiting for something amazing to come, but at the same time you are living your life like anything is possible.
2.) What word best sums up your life thus far?
3.) If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would your message be?
All of you idiots need to realize what's right in front of you. Go to a public place and take a look around. Someone is lovesick, someone is emotional, and someone is thinking about dying. The world does not revolve around you! Take some time to look around you for once and notice that.
4.) If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first?
Make my coffee. I mean, I just woke up! (Judge me all you want, haters!)
5.) What's the difference between living and existing?
Existing is when you are 'too young to die!' and living is when you feel good enough to say 'I have done my part.'
6.) At what point are we good enough?
When the idea of death isn't so bad. (I mean that so say that we are good enough that we accept how we feel. If you are depressed, you have at least realized HOW you feel and have accepted that. You ARE good enough. You are BETTER than enough.)
7.) Is it easier to hate or love?
This is something that you have to learn through experience. I have experienced this all too much. It is much easier to hate than to love, but love it worth it. The best feeling in the world is when your one in seven billion hugs you like you are their everything.. it is easy to hate but so much better to love..
8.) Do you believe there is good in everyone?
There has to be, right? Unless someone was a sociopathic toddler, then I feel that they have to have had at least had a little good in them at some point.
9.) In one sentence, who are you?
I am whoever I feel like being at this exact moment at this exact time in this exact place.
10.) In one word, what do you live for?
11.) Do people have the right to be happy or do they have to earn it?
Okay I'm not going to answer this for the fear of my life because some of my friends that have wattpad know where I live..
12.) How do we know if we're doing to right thing?
We don't.
13.) Is what we perceive reality or just a construct of our own minds?
Okay, so I have actually been asking this question since I was seven years old. In different wording, of course, because I was, well, you know, seven years old. If we are talking about the Matrix type shiz nuggets, then I believe what we perceive is reality. But, if we are talking about it as our view of the world- as in how we react to things and how we see things- then I think that it is just a construct of our own minds. Drama could be completely avoided and the world could live in harmony and sing Kumbaya with each other at the top of the sacred tree if we all saw reality the way reality is.
14.) Does truth exist without evidence? ( if a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?)
Truth is a very weird subject for me when explaining how I feel about it, but I get that is not what the question is actually asking. It is also hard, however, because I have what I do believe and what I want to believe. I WANT to believe that even when we are all specs of nothingness in a world full of somethingness and that the birds still sing and that the water still flows. I DO believe that something can't exist without the acknowledgement of its existence. People are different because SOMEONE in the world at least knows you exist or have met you before. If a single tree in a forest falls, it's like its existence didn't matter or as if it never existed in the first place. If the old willow tree that stands alone in the middle of the town you grew up in and has held at least one good memory with everyone that has visited falls, everyone notices, and everyone crys. I don't get it, though. Why do people cr- you know what I'm gonna stop myself right there.
15.) If life is so short, why do we do so many things that we don't like?
Because humanity is stupid and none of these idiots realize how quickly someone can be taken away from us and how fast we can literally become nothingness.
-Lil Dead Girl
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