3 years later
Adrian's POV
"Mommy pweety pweease" Ella says to Gianna, begging her for sweets.
"I'll give you after dinner okay?"
College has been stressful so far but I came back home just in time to meet thanksgiving. My dad and I moved in with Janelle and Jonah and left the apartment. Although, I have another one in Tusla, Oklahoma, where I school.
We invited Andrea and her family to come over. She has a baby sister now who's just two. Her name is Annie. Andrea moved to Orlando, Florida to study but going to different states didn't mean we had to break up. I visited her often and she visited me every other day.
Of course we had our ups and downs but we always go through our problems. I know that no one is perfect but it seems like she's perfect for me.
My phone rings and her name name displays on the screen. I sit there grinning like an idiot instead of me to pick the call. It goes off and she calls again, this time I answer.
"Hello" I start
"Hey. How's thanksgiving"
"Not the same without you. I can't believe you can't make it this year."
"Open your front door" I'm confused by what she said but I do just that only to see Andrea by the door with her phone pressed against her cheeks as she's carrying Annie in her hands.
"Drea!" I yell, embracing her in a hug. "Surprise!" She says.
"Can I carry her?" Isla asks from behind me and Andrea hands over Annie to her. "Be careful" she says as her parents walk in.
"I brought desert!" Her mom yells into the house. Andrea just stands there, by the door way.
"Come in Drea" I say and she walks in. "I missed you so much" she whispers and I wrap my hand around her waist. "I missed you more" her face, her voice, her scent, her touch and above all, her kisses.
Alex, Isla and MJ are by the screen playing a video game. I'm glad Isla and Alex are just friends and see themselves as siblings. At first, I was kind of scared of the possibility of them dating.
"Turn off the screen. Time to eat." My dad says to them. We all head outside to the backyard where the table has been set. A grill by the side with some turkeys on it. What is thanksgiving without turkey!
I definitely miss this. I'm often home sick back in Tusla. I love having family around me. I cherish moments like this, when we are all together. Mom, dad, Jonah, Isla, Max, Gianna, Andrea's dad, Andrea's Mom, MJ, Ella, Alex, Annie, Andrea and I. We may not all be blood related but we still are family.
"Let's pray" dad says. After he recovered from cancer, he became a Christian just like me. We started to learn of the spiritual force that exists outside this physical realm. I gradually began to understand that Christianity is not a religion. It's a way of life. The Bible isn't Christian's holy book. It's a textbook on life. We ended the prayers and started to dig in.
"Time for the family tradition" Andrea's mom says in a song like way. Everyone states the highlights of their year. "Let's start with you" mom says pointing to Dad.
"My highlight was Isla's graduation from elementary school" - Dad
"Going to spend time with my sons in college." - Mom.
"Mine was family trip we had to Hawaii during summer" -Gianna
"Yeah me too. I definitely enjoyed the family trip" -MJ
"Getting accepted to join the lacrosse team in my school" - Alex
"My graduation. Obviously." - Isla
"Gowin owt to parties" - Ella, which makes everyone start laughing.
"Our marriage vows renewal in Cuba" -Andrea's dad
"Yeah me too. Our vows renewal" -Andrea's Mom.
It's Annie's turn but she stares back at us with her cute eyes.
"Getting approved for an internship" - Jonah
"The surprise party y'all threw for me on my birthday this year." -Max
"Mine is being chosen as my university's student president." -Andrea
"I really really don't want to sound cheesy or corny, but my highlight for this year is today. Being here with all the people that matter the most to me in this world. I won't trade it for anything." I say.
"You tried horribly hard to make it not sound cheesy." Alex says and earns a glare from me and a laugh from everyone else.
Andrea's POV
Adrian was right. I wouldn't trade this time for anything else. The gift of having a family. We might fight or quarrel but we're always there for each other.
After dinner we move to the lounge to have desert my mom made at home. Cracking jokes and laughing among ourselves. I'm very lucky.
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What was your best chapter or favorite line form my book.
Mine is way back to Dave's marriage vows. I can't still believe I can up with that 🥺
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