Chapter 26
I got discharged three days later. Finally I can go back home and fully settle in with my baby. Dave isn't around because of he had classes today. Maya and Jason are coming over this weekend. Can't wait to see them. Kayla and Max already came to visit us at the hospital.
I walk into the nursery and place Andrea in her crib, asleep finally. Time to get some rest and go on social media. It's been long. I enrolled in a gym. I need to get rid of the bump real quick since I'll be attending school from next semester and not online classes. I don't want anyone suspecting I had a child. Not that I'm ashamed but I don't just want it to be my first impression on people.
I'm pumping milk down for the baby when a car pulls up in the drive way. That should be Maya and Jason. I hurry to the door and open it up wide. "Chloé!" Maya screens and runs up to me to hug me. "Where's my baby" she says and I laugh. "She's with Mom" I say to her.
They didn't come with any luggage like I suspected. They'll be going back soon since it's exam period. I haven't even had the time to prepare for exams.
"How have you been?" Jason asks putting his hands on my shoulder. "I'm good." I reply. When we go in Maya is already carrying the baby and I smile.
"It's my turn" Jason pouts walking to Maya. "Nope. Not yet" she says walking away. I sit back down on the couch and switch on the tv.
There's another knock on the door. When I go to open I'm shocked to see Kayla. "Hey"
I say to her and let her come in. Maya walks over to us. "Let's go to the spa" Maya says. "Nope. I need to check on Andrea" I say to them.
"Come on! Your mom and Jason are here. She's alright. Now let's go" Maya says. I want to argue but I don't. Maybe I need to relax. Get a massage, get my nails done. It all sounds tempting. "Okay" I say and follow them.
When we get back from the spa, I fell relaxed. Having a new born isn't easy. I don't think I've slept up to 5hours at night since she was born. I saw a lot of cars around the house but I just ignored.
When i opened the door, the lights were off. Maybe they went out. But did they go with Andrea?! I started to get worried and switched on the light.
"Surprise!!" Everyone screams. Friends and family. What is going on? "You didn't want a baby shower but we decided to give you one" Mom says carrying Andrea.
I take the baby from her. She looks happy meeting new people and she smiles at me. That precious smile. I got a lot of gifts for Andrea but my favorite was the purple night gown that says 'it's exhausting being a princess' that was so cute.
Five years later
It's my birthday today and I'm 22. My brother and friends graduated two years ago and are all working but I'm still in med school. Sigh. Jason and Maya have been on and off but are currently on. Kayla and Max broke up a long time ago but are still friends.
On my 21st birthday, my dad got me an apartment. Andrea and I live there now. Dave comes over once in a while with his sister.
"Mommy. Mommy. See what I drew" Andrea says running up to me. She's 5 now and she looks like me more and more but she's daddy's girl. She shows me her drawing, three stick figures.
"This is daddy..." she says pointing to the tallest one. " and me" she finishes and looks up proudly. I smile at her. "But what of uncle and grandma and everyone?" I ask her and she frowns at me.
"They are not in this one. It's just the twee of us as a famiwy" she says in her cute baby voice. "You're a good drawer" I say to her carrying her on my laps.
The three of us as a family? I don't want to get her hopes up but Dave doesn't look like he's ready to settle down anytime soon.
"Happy birthday mommy" she says and hands me her drawing. Seems like that's my gift from her. "Thank you baby" I say to her and she runs away to play with her toys.
My mom, Molly and Eva comes over to visit us. Andrea was happy she has people around to play with. I haven't seen Dave all day. He texted me early to wish me happy birthday and that was it.
I received a text on my phone.
*Dave❤️🧲 : I'm coming to pick you up by 7. Dress fancy*
*me: okay. Where are we going*
*dave❤️🧲: it's a surprise*
What does he have in his mind? It's still afternoon so I decide to watch a movie. I receive texts and calls from a lot of people wishing me happy birthday. Once it's 5pm I decide to start getting ready.
I wear a grey jeans and a button up shirt. I know he said I should dress fancy but I'm not in the mood for that. I pack my hair in a neat bun and keep my make up nude. By 6, mom said she was taking Andrea to the park and they all left. I wonder why she's going to the park in the evening.
Once it's 7, I go downstairs and wait for him to pick me up. "I thought I said you should dress fancy" he says checking me out. "I didn't feel like. Are we going to a fancy restaurant or something?" I ask but he nods a no and drives off. He looks nervous and I don't know why. I rest my hand on his knee and he looks at me.
"Are you okay?" I say to him. He smiles. "Yes" he replies. When he stops driving, I realize we have gotten to our destination. He comes down and goes around to open the door for me.
When I come down, I see an arrow pointing to where I should go. Under the arrow, there's a note. I look at Dave and blush. I know he did all this for me.
The note says 'truth or dare' then I remember how I embarrassed myself on my first high school party and laughed. I walked in the direction of the arrow and say another one. 'Lucy' that was our biology project. When I turn back I don't see Dave and I get scared but I just keep on following the arrow.
The next one says 'detention' and I remember how I was finally able to talk to him during detention.
The next arrow makes me go to the right. It says 'secrets'. Memories starts flooding back. Then I see 'pearls' it took me a while to remember what that meant but when I did tears filled my eyes. His mom. And the pearls she gave me. I still have them. I wear it to only special occasions.
I wonder where this arrows leads me. The next arrow says 'girlfriend' the next was 'mother' and I could see there's one more stops to go.
When I get there I see Dave, but he's not alone. Is this like a surprise birthday party? I see Andrea, mom, dad, Rielle, Molly, Eva, Jason, Maya, Kayla and Max.
I'm surprised but the when I see the last arrow I couldn't believe my eyes. It said 'wife?' It was a question. Is he trying to propose?! I tried to speak but nothing comes out of my mouth.
Dave comes closer to me. "Chloé, my magnet. You captivated me since the first time I met you and I started falling hard for you. I love you so much and it feels like my life is incomplete without you and my daughter. You inspire me to be a better person. I think of myself in years to come and I always see you in it. I can't spend the rest of my life without you by my side. Will you be my wife?" He says getting on his knees. He pulls out a blue velvet box and opens it. I see the most beautiful ring.
Tears streams down my face. Ever since I met him I started becoming so emotional and cry often but mostly for good reasons. "Yes! I'll be your wife!" I say. He slips the ring in my finger and gets up and hugs me.
Everyone starts clapping. Andrea joins our hug and then everyone else. "Are we going to be a famiwy now!" Andrea asks. "Yes" I say to her as Dave picks her up. A complete family.
Hey guys. This is my longest chapter so far and there's one more chapter to go.
I've decided to write a sequel but it won't be as a separate book. This book will be a 2 in 1.
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