Chapter 13
Chloé's POV
After what just happened with Dave few hours ago, I locked myself up in my room sulking.
"Chloé!" My mom shouts from downstairs. I can hear her footsteps as she walks upstairs and approaches my door. "Can I come in?" She asks. I like that she respects my privacy. "Yes" I say in a squeaky voice.
She enters and when she sees me her face falls. There are used tissue papers lying on me bed and on the floor. I have no strength to cry anymore so I just sit on my bed hopeless.
She runs to me and hugs me tightly. I hug her back. "What's wrong sweetie" she asks me looking so concerned.
"I'm just a little heartbroken but I'm okay now. I'll tell you about it later" I say. She inspects me like she's looking for injuries or bruises. When she realizes they are none she was relieved.
"Why don't you help me prepare dinner for the Brinkley's." What?! Maya and her family her coming over? I didn't know. "Then I can give you some advice and tell you a story about my love life even before I met your dad" she says trying to lighten my mood. She stands up to leave and I follow her downstairs.
Mom is making roasted turkey, Brussels sprouts and baked sweet potatoes then apple pie for desert. Leave it to my mom to go extra for a simple dinner. You can just imagine what she'll do for thanksgiving. But well I'm not complaining.
My mom starts with the turkey since it takes time to roast. I observe how she marinates it while I help her cut the potatoes.
"One thing I know is that you shouldn't stress yourself over a guy because if it doesn't work out, it means he's not the one for you." Mom says.
"Once I knew that it helped me with a lot of relationships before your dad. Even with him, we didn't just see each other, dated, got married and have kids just like that. When we started dating, we broke up twice before we decided we couldn't do without each other" I laugh at that.
"We kept coming to each other cause deep down we already knew we were meant for each other. If you guys find yourself coming back to each other. It could be a sign. So they are two ways it can go and soon enough you'll know"
I'm grateful for the advice. So know I have to wait. I made the first move so know it's up to him to decide.
We put the turkey in the oven to roast and the potatoes to bake. After dinner is ready we set up the dinning table just before we hear a knock.
"I'll get it" Molly says and goes to open the door. Maya comes in first then I see her mom and her elder sister, Natalie. Maya's dad died when she was 5 and her mom decided to remain single. She continued to be close friends with my mom. They met in elementary school.
We all take a sit on the dinning table. Everyone digs in and I avoid the Brussels sprouts, it's not my thing.
"How's college" my dad says starting the conversation and referring to Natalie who's in her second year of college. She's an English major.
"It's good" she says "I'm already getting used to it" she goes to university of west Georgia which is around home so she can easily attend events like this. Unlike Maya, who can't wait to leave this state.
"I guess we're not just friends but family since things are looking good between Jason and Maya" my mom jokes and everyone laughs. Maya blushes and Jason looks embarrassed. I wish I could be happy too.
"Chloé are you okay? You seem kind of down" Maya's mom asks me. She's so observant and I was trying my best to smile so she wouldn't notice. Guess it was all in vane.
"I'm good. Just stressed from school work" the rest of the dinner goes smoothly. I help my mom clear the table along with Maya and we serve the pie to everyone in the parlor.
To avoid more questions I go upstairs and Maya follows me. "Cheer up" Maya says as soon as we get into my room. "There's school tomorrow and I don't want you looking sad. You need to proof to Dave that he's missing a whole lot." She continues and I shrug. There's nothing to prove.
"I'm coming over tomorrow very early and we're going to give you a new look" she smiles at me and I smile back. Maybe that's what I need. A new look. A new me. Without the lies.
I can't help but burst into tears. I always thought my first boyfriend will be in college. That nothing will ever happen between and Dave and I. But then I was so close to have him but because of my lies. I sob the more. My lies.
Maya rubs my back to soothe me and waits for me to calm down. "You really need a new look" she says before we're interrupted by Eva. When will she learn to knock. I didn't even hear her coming in.
"Jason said I should call you" she says sweetly. Why does that boy keep taking my friend from me. Maya smiles at me and leaves. Of course she'll go. "I mean what I said so get ready for me" she says just before she goes out.
"Why do you look sad" Eva says climbing on my laps. I love this little girl so much. "It's nothing" I say to her stroking her hair.
"Am I allowed to make you laugh?" she says innocently getting off my laps. I nod a yes. I'm a little bit suspicious but so far it'll make me laugh, I'm down for it.
She begins to tickle me with those tiny fingers before I can organize myself. I burst into a fit of laughter and starts to tickle her too then she runs downstairs and I chase her.
"Save me from the tickle-monster!" she screams. Me?! The tickle-monster?! But she started it. Everyone looked at us like we're crazy but soon they joined. Natalie started tickling me from behind. Dad caught Eva. Molly tickled mom and of course Jason tickled Maya.
What a wonderful way to end a horrible day...
Another chapter like I promised. New look, new Chloé. How do you like that idea?
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