Book 2- chapter 12
Adrian's POV
We are leaving for school today after a week of staying in the woods. I really feel like staying back. I felt at home and spent time with my sister, which is all I ever wanted. To be around family and not alone. I know I sound pathetic but it's an awful feeling being alone.
I just came back from Isla's and she won't stop talking about Andrea. Andrea this, Andrea that. And all I want is to stop thinking about her.
I don't want to admit to myself how much I like being around her. Even though she's so curious and mean sometimes she's also sensitive and fragile. She cares for others without them knowing. She puts a strong aura around her but she's soft inside.
And now she's dating my brother! I can tell that she's not happy with him. I've not even seen them kiss or be so affectionate, not like I'm interested to see it.
She's not just meant to be with someone like him. He's not good for her. I'm not either but my brother is worse. He's a player and only interested in getting into her pants.
I think I should have a quick nap before we start going. Just to cool off a little before a long road trip. I lay on my bed, facing the ceiling and soon enough, I fall to sleep.
"You're a coward! I left everything for you and this is what you keep doing?! How can you cheat on me over and over again!" My mom yells. Recently that's all that has been going on at home.
They're in the office and I'm peeping in through the small hole. "Isn't that what you did to your ex husband" my dad says laughing. "Karma is a bitch" he continues.
"How dare you say such a thing. You're a ...". And just before she continues my dad hits her. I want to go in and protect her but I know I'll just get my fair share of the beating. I won't be able to protect her. I'm just four.
My dad has never been aggressive. At least I've never seen him. "Pack your things and get out of my house with your son" he yells at her.
"The boys don't deserve a father like you!"
"What boys? I said your son not sons. Adrian stays with me" father says.
How can I stay with such a brutal man. Is this what marriage is all about? Affairs and hatred?! Divided homes?!
My mom comes out and sees me there, eaves dropping. She looks at me with disdain and so much anger. If she didn't have me, she won't have had to put up with my father. She packs her load and takes Jonah with her without looking back at me and saying goodbye.
Jonah did look back at me, but with anger and hatred in his eyes. They left me all alone with a monster.
"Adrian!!" Someone shouts waking me up from my sleep and I see it's Kyle. "We are leaving soon" he says and walks out.
I get up and I'm soaked in sweat. Now I have to take a shower again. Sigh.
I'm tired of having these dreams. They keep on coming and coming and there are days when I can't even sleep at all.
Ever since that Saturday my mom left the 4 year old me alone with my father, I've never enjoyed my nights. She never even called me or sent a message. I was as much as her son just the way Jonah was but she never loved me or even loves me as much as she did Jonah.
I learnt to forgive my dad but I couldn't anymore when I found out about Isla. He wasn't taking care of her or sending money to her. That's when i decided to leave him. He doesn't deserve to feel like a father cause he really isn't. He didn't even care about her. It's okay for him to be a bad father to me but not to my sister.
She lives off the money her parents make in their cotton farm when her father is a millionaire! How selfish! He credits my account monthly so why can't he do the same for his daughter.
I started splitting whatever he gave me into two and sent to Isla's mom in the name of my father.
The only person I see as family is my sister. And as long as I live, I'll care for her. But I also feel that comfort of a family when I'm around Andrea.
Jonah took my mom from me when we were kids and recently too when I came to be with her. Now he's taking the one person that isn't family yet makes me happy.
And the worst part is that I know he doesn't want to take care of her. I know he doesn't truly love her. He's doing this for his own selfish reasons and fantasies.
I need to tell her. I'll find a way to. Not only is she important to me but to my sister. I have to at least make an effort and show her the kind of person she's dating.
The shower made me feel more relaxed and less tense. I wore a jeans and my favorite grey hoodie and my pillow close by. I like sleeping on road trips but I hope this sleep will be more peaceful.
Andrea's POV
My phone died soon after that and I haven't had the time to tell them about it. We planned on seating down together on the way back to school so I plan on telling them then.
"So umm girls.. I have something to say" I mutter. They both turn their attention to me with their eyes wide.
My friend like gossip! "I took a picture of Richard kissing one of Isa's friends but I couldn't tell who." They both gasp and their eyes widen more.
"Okay? She has two close friends. So is it the blondie or the one that died her hair grey" Bianca says.
"The grey" and they gasp again. "Her name is Charlie. She's very close to Isa. She's 18. She speaks French fluently. She..." Bianca starts blabbering But is cut off by Vicky.
"Come on Bia! We didn't ask for details. So what are we going to do know" she says turning back to me. But I looked back at them. My mind is as blank as theirs.
"Are we telling Isa or using it as a threat for Richard?" Bianca asks.
"I don't care about Richard. I've given him too much attention. I think I should tell Isa. She's been somewhat kinder lately" I say and they gasp. Drama queens! Sigh
"Kinder?!?!" Bianca yells but then lowers her voice when everyone turns their attention to us. "She isn't kinder"
I don't know. Maybe it's only me that noticed it. But on this trip she made several efforts to talk to me. Even though most of them she was rude but normally she won't even look at me twice.
"She was once our friend." I say "Once Maddie. Once. She betrayed us." Vicky says.
Yup! They are really drama queens! She didn't betray us. She just became popular and forgot about her friends. It happens. People change.
"It's impossible talking to you guys. I think the right thing is to tell her. At least for old times sake." They both sigh and agree with me. Now the question is how will I approach her?
A little insight on Adrian! What do you think?
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