Chapter 14
Angelina's Point of View:
“I’m bored,” Liam whined. We were all sitting lazily in the T.V room doing nothing.
“I’m bored,” Lee whined too.
“I’m bored,” Drew said.
“I’m bored.”
“I’m bored.”
“I’m bored.”
The brothers kept on saying this all over again one after the other until I finally lost it.
“Stop! Stop! Shut up!” I snapped at them. My fists were clenched and my face was red because of the anger.
They all burst out laughing as I glared at them. They are so annoying!
“I’m gonna go get the box of game ideas,” I suggested as soon as the idea came to my mind. I stood up and stretched a bit.
“I’ll get it,” Drew said as he jumped off the couch.
“No! I said before you!” I exclaimed.
“But I want to get it,” he whined.
Are we seriously that bored? We sound like five year olds.
“No!” I finally took off. I ran upstairs but I could hear his footsteps behind me as he got closer. I wasn’t as fit as I was before, I noticed.
I haven’t gone for a run in the morning ever since the summer started, I thought. I used to go every day before school. I made a mental note to go running tomorrow morning. Even though it’s hot outside, an early morning run is refreshing. Sometimes Nate would join me but most of the times he’s lazy so I go on my own.
My thoughts were interrupted when I tripped on the last stair. I let out a yelp as my eyes closed tightly and my hands spread in front of me waiting for the fall. But that fall never came.
Yep you guessed it. That cliché fall again where Drew wrapped his arms around my waist and stopped me from colliding with the ground.
“Thanks,” I breathed out. My heart was still racing because of the almost fall.
He just smirked at me and I narrowed my eyes at him. Then I remembered why I was running in the first place and I sprinted to my room. He ran after me but I was the one who reached my room first.
The box was in the top closet. I knew I couldn’t reach it without standing on a chair but I wanted to get it before him so I tried. I stood on my tiptoes but I wasn’t able to reach it. I huffed in annoyance. Why did I have to be that short?
“Move, I’ll get it,” Drew said with a knowing smirk on his face.
“No, I can get it,” I told him even though I knew that it wasn’t possible.
I am a stubborn person so I kept on trying. My arm was hurting me but I didn’t stop trying. I finally heard Drew sigh and without warning, his body pressed against mine. My eyes widened slightly and my heart sped. I could feel every inch of his muscular body pressed against my back. I looked up at his arm as he easily reached for the box.
I had stopped breathing by now.
He placed the box on the wooden desk without moving away from me. He then placed his hands on the desk, trapping me. My heart started beating even faster, faster than what I thought was possible. He pressed his body more firmly and I bit my lower lip.
Why was he doing that?
His upper body rubbed against my back as he shifted. I turned my head slightly and found myself face to face with him. A blush immediately spread across my cheeks but I couldn’t turn my face away from him.
“You’re so stubborn,” he whispered, his minty breath fanning my face. I inhaled sharply as I felt the butterflies take off in my stomach.
Say something, I ordered myself but my brain wasn’t functioning at all.
“I like it,” he added.
When he realized that I didn’t respond, he frowned slightly. Then I saw amusement flicker in his blue eyes and I braced myself for whatever sarcastic comment he was about to say.
“Are you okay? You look like a tomato.” He gave me a wide smirk and I mentally cursed when I blushed even more.
He chuckled at my red face which will stay like this for a bit.
I tried to push him away but that only made him press his body closer to mine.
“Drew,” I said. It was supposed to sound like a warning but it turned out to be a moan. I could imagine the smirk on his face right now.
Yep, here it is, I thought sarcastically when his lips formed an arrogant smirk.
“Move.” I tried my best to sound stern but it didn’t work very much. It was better than earlier but still not that good.
“I know you don’t want me to move.” His voice was teasing. I was mad at myself for not being able to react properly and mad at him for doing that to me.
Suddenly an idea hit me and I couldn’t help the smirk that formed on my lips. It’s time for a little payback Andrew Turner.
I turned around, still trapped between his arms, so I was facing him. His beautiful blue eyes widened in shock at my sudden movement.
I put my hands on the desk behind me and pushed myself slightly closer. I heard him swallow audibly and I smirked to myself. I moved back from him till I was firmly pressed against the desk. He quickly moved closer to me as if wanting his body to remain so close to mine.
I trailed my hand up his right muscular arm and I felt his muscles twitch underneath my fingers. I then wrapped my arms around his neck and he slowly moved his face closer to mine. I played with his hair and kept on telling myself to stay in control.
Even though my heart was pounding, I tried my best to ignore it and carry on with my initial plan. He removed his hands from the desk and placed them on my waist, trying to pull me even closer to him.
I slowly turned us around so that he was the one pressed against the desk. His eyes widened eagerly at that. He liked being the one trapped, I noted.
I moved my face closer to his so that our lips were centimeters apart. He closed his eyes but I didn’t kiss him, instead I moved my lips to his right ear. I removed my hands from his hair and placed them over his hands which were on his waist.
I whispered in his ear, “Let me go.”
At the same time, I tugged at his hands and easily removed them from my waist.
I took a step back and looked up at his stunned face. His hands fell limply to his sides and his wide eyes stared down at me. His eyes were filled with shocked but he looked impressed nonetheless.
I gave him a cocky smirk but he didn’t react. The tables have turned, I thought.
I went to take the box from the desk where Drew was still standing. His eyes snapped to mine when he saw me moving closer to him again.
I rolled my eyes at him as I took the box and said, “Don’t get too excited. I’m not going to kiss you.”
I felt a great satisfaction when I saw him open and close his mouth without any noise coming out. I spun around and walked out leaving him with his mouth hanging open.
I couldn’t help but laugh when I was going down the stairs. I fooled the player, I thought sarcastically.
“Finally,” Liam said when I entered the T.V room “What took you so long?”
Drew now entered the room, still looking a bit dazed.
“Drew fell on the stairs,” I lied and shot him a smirk.
He scowled at me. “You’re the one who fell,” he hissed.
Not so happy about being fooled, are we? I could tell he was mad. His eyes were filled with rage and something else I couldn’t understand.
When his eyes aren’t blank, they have some emotions I can’t read.
I rolled my eyes at him as I sat back on the couch. I could feel his glare but I simply ignored him.
“I want to pick the game!” Lee said.
“No! I want to!” Liam exclaimed.
Lee glanced at his brother before quickly snatching the box from my hand. Liam then attacked Lee.
“Give me the box!” He ordered.
“Never!” Lee said and I watched them with amusement as they wrestled on the floor.
As they were turning and playfully hitting each other, Liam’s head accidently hit the table.
Lee instantly froze and my eyes widened. I quickly crouched down next to him.
“Liam?” I said cautiously as I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around.
He put his hand on his head and groaned. He slowly sat up and rubbed his head.
“It hurts,” He whined.
I took his hand away from his head and checked the damage. There was a small bump on his head.
“Kiss it,” he said, sounding like a kid “It will get better.”
I rolled my eyes at him as I stood up. “I’m gonna get you some ice.”
He pouted and I stuck my tongue out at him.
I got him an ice pack from the kitchen and he winced as he put it on his head.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack by the end of the summer,” I muttered as I sat back on the couch.
Lee sat next to me with the box still in his hand. Liam didn’t bother standing up though. Drew was silently watching the whole thing.
He smiled sheepishly at me and said, “Sorry.”
“We’re used to it” Lee said “He’s always like that.”
I laughed and shook my head at him. He’s such a weird boy.
“Come on Lee pick a game,” I told him. Liam didn’t argue this time.
Lee grinned as he picked a paper from the box.
“Makeovers,” he read it out loud.
I glanced at the three brothers who had identical blank looks on their faces.
“Pick another one.” I laughed. Guys don’t usually like makeovers.
“Why?” Liam protested “It can be fun!”
“Fun?” Drew and I said at the same time.
“Yes!” Liam nodded. Excitement was shining in his eyes as he threw the ice pack away and stood up.
“It won’t be like a girl’s makeover.” He tried to explain what he meant but failed miserably.
He sighed and tried again. “I’m gonna change Lee into an emo and he’ll change me into someone else.”
I laughed at how he was talking but I kind of got what he meant.
“I guess it could work,” Lee said reluctantly, eyeing his brother skeptically.
“It will work! We’ll have so much fun! Please!” Liam was now jumping up and down.
“Okay,” I said and at the same time, Drew said “No way.”
We all turned to look at him as he crossed his arms over his chest.
I suddenly got the most awesome idea ever.
I gasped. “I’m gonna give you the best makeover!” I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing at the idea.
“No,” he said again, narrowing his eyes at me.
“Please! Please! Please!” I begged him, jumping up and down just like Liam.
His eyes softened a bit as he stared at me but he shook his head and scowled at me. “No.”
I stopped jumping and pouted. I stuck my bottom lip out and widened my eyes. That trick used to work when I was a kid but I don’t know if it still does. It wouldn’t hurt to try.
To my surprise, his eyes softened again and he opened his mouth but no words came out.
I blinked twice, still giving him the same look.
“Fine,” he sighed and I jumped again with a huge smile on my face.
“Yay! Thank you!” I squealed and he rolled his eyes at me.
Lee and Liam went to their room and Drew and I went to my room.
“What is your brilliant idea?” Drew asked sarcastically as he sat on my chair.
I gave him a wide smirk when I saw his eyes widen in shock and horror as soon as these words escaped my lips.
“I’m gonna dress you up as a girl.”
Wahahahaha :') I feel a bit bad for Drew :P
193 votes? :O You guys keep surprising me! :)
Thank you so much! :D I'm getting more votes than I expected and I'm really happy! :)
195 votes? xD
Picture of Liam --->
Next Upload: Monday
Have a wonderful day/night! <3
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