Chapter 5
I wake up with Amy and Kenric both snuggled up against me sleeping. I look at the time 10. They're late for school. I sigh not wanting to wake them. I sit there watching them sleep for awhile till Amy wakes up.
"Morning mommy!" She says brightly with a lot of energy for someone who just woke up.
"Good morning Princess" I whisper not wanting to wake Kenric but it's too late.
"Amy. Shut up... I'm trying to sleep!" He mumbles angrily.
"Oops sorry Kenric" she says with a smirk almost identical to Keefe's.
"KEEFE GET OVER HERE!" I yell. He runs over.
"What! What's the matter?!" He yells worried.
"Amy smile again" I say. She smiles.
"It looks exactly like yours" I say.
Keefe smirks." She really is my daughter!" He picks her up and spins her around. I smile.
"Well I have to get to school" Kenric says walking to his bedroom to change.
"Ok bye Hun" I say sitting back down. After awhile I walk to my room and change into a purple dress. When I walk out Kenric is leaving and Amy and Keefe are on the couch waiting.
"So what do you guys want to do today?" I ask sitting down beside them.
"Hmmm. Could we go shopping?" Amy asks.
I look at Keefe. "Sure"
"Yay!!!" Amy jumps up and down. Keefe grabs his crystal and leaps us to Atlantis.
"Where do you want to go?" I ask.
"Hmm. I want to get baby a present!" She says happily.
"Ok. Where to?" Keefe asks picking her up.
"The baby store of course!" She says giggling.
We walk to babys bazazz. Keefe puts Amy down and she starts to run around to find the perfect present.
"Should we get her a toy? Dress?" Any asks.
"How about a toy" I suggest.
"A stuffy specifically" Keefe jumps in. I nod.
"Maybe a alicorn stuffy!" She says running over to the stuffy isle.
"This one!" She grabs a pure white alicorn stuffed animal.
"No that will get dirty really fast hun" I say.
"Oh... Maybe this purple imp?" She asks holding it up.
"Sure." Keefe says.
"It looks like Iggy!" I screech.
"Before he died" Amy deadpans.
"Iggys dead!" I yelp.
"Yes... He died last year..." Amy says confused.
"Oh yes of course I just forgot" I tell her.
"We should get this pink imp and this blue imp" Keefe says changing the subject.
"Why?" I ask
"For the kids!" He smirks.
"Also the green and red! For mommy and you!" Amy says grabbing the red, green, blue and pink.
"Fine with me" I say.
"Yay!" Keefe and Amy cheer. I laugh. Amy brings them all to the checkout. In total they come to 20 lusters. We leap home and put all 5 suffys on the counter for when Kernic comes home.
"What else should we do today?" Keefe asks Amy.
"Ride Luna!" She yells running outside. We follow her to the back were five alicorns are. Silveny and Greyfell are sleeping . Wynn and Luna are eating. Then there is a baby alicorn running around.
"Starlen is able to walk!" Amy yells.
Silveny chats.
Hi! How's Starlen?
It takes me a minute to realize shes talking about my baby. Baby good!
I walk over to Silveny and Greyfell and sit down snuggling them Wynn and Starlen come over to snuggle.
"I want to ride Luna!" Amy says climbing on. Greyfell gets up and walks over to Keefe to let him climb on. Keefe helps Amy up then climbs on Greyfell the four of them fly into the sky. After awhile I get a call. I open my impater.
"Hello?" I ask as a picture of Elwin pops up.
"Sophie. You and Keefe need to get over here. Its Kenric." He says.
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