Chapter 19
"Were home!" Amy's voice booms through the halls to the kitchen.
"That's good! I'm done supper!" I yell. At that all three of them run through the halls Keefe holding Calla.
"What did you make?" Keefe asks.
"Starkflower stew" I smile handing each of them a bowl.
"Yummy! Thank you Mommy!" Amy grins taking the bowl going and sitting at the table.
"Thank you Mom" Kenric takes the bowl sitting down.
"Thank you Mother" Keefe says taking a bowl.
"Mother?" I ask with a goofy smile.
"Yes." He moves the bowl to his left hand to hold Calla in his right.
I grab the last bowl sitting down beside Kenric.
"How was Nana and Papas?" I ask them.
"Good! Papa let us feed the animals!" Amy beams.
"Did he now?" I look over to Kenric who nods with a grin just as big. "That's fun"
"Nana stayed with Calla inside." Kenric says shoving his face full of food.
"That's good." Keefe says.
"Yeah. Oh and Grandpa showed up there was a huge fight!" Amy says.
Keefe almost chokes on his food. "Grandpa? Like my Dad?"
"Yeah.." Kenric says looking at Keefe funny.
"Why did he show up?" I ask.
"He wanted to see Calla" Kenric says. "Nana and Papa didn't let him."
"Why did he want to see Calla?" I ask.
"He says as her grandfather he has the right too" He shrugs.
"I forgot about him. I guess we should have let him see her." I say.
"So your not mad at him anymore?" Amy asks confusion all over her face.
"Mad at him? Why are we mad at him?" Keefe asked.
"I don't know but when Amy was two you had a big fight and said we would never let him see us again." Kenric says.
I lock eyes with Keefe. He shoots me a look saying I'll-deal-with-this. "We should let him see Calla but don't worry we are still mad at him"
"Okay." Amy says. "All done" she takes her bowl walking away.
"Me too" Kenric also takes his bowl walking off.
"That was close" I say to Keefe.
"Too close. We need to figure out how to get home soon." He says.
"We need to wait until after Amy's birthday" I say.
"Deal." He says.
I smile. "I'm going to make sure the kids don't break anything" I walk off.
After awhile the kid head off to bed.
"Good night" I tell them as they fall asleep.
"Do you think we would be able to talk to Berthon again?" I ask.
"Probably not. He made it pretty clear he didn't want us around anymore" Keefe says.
"What if we force the secrets out of him using telepathy" I suggest.
"That's illegal" he reminds me.
"Right" I huff thinking. "I got nothing. You?"
"Not a thing" he says.
"Well then.."
"After Amy's birthday we will talk to him." He says.
"Deal, and if he doesn't tell us we will force it out."
"Alright fine."
"Thank you" I smile. The moment is cut off by a scream.
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