Chapter 17
"Amy! Kenric! Keefe! Time to go!" I yell as I put my shoes on. The three of them run out of their bedrooms.
"I'm here!" Keefe yells.
"Your ties not even tied right!" I sigh fixing his tie.
"Thank you Foster" He smiles.
Once all of us are ready Keefe leaps us to Linh and Marella's house.
"You made it!" Biana grins.
"Yep!" I smile as both kids run off to meet their friends. Keefe and I walk into the house.
"Hi Sophie" Stina says rocking Tulina to sleep.
"Hi Stina. Tulina is getting big"
"She sure is. Almost a year old now. How old is Calla?"
"About two weeks old"
"Both girls are so big. Want to go sit down?" She asks.
"Sure" We go sit down in the living room rocking our daughters to sleep soon after Keefe and Fitz join us.
"Did you hear? Turns out There is big news." Fitz says.
"Really?" Keefe asks. "I hope its not a pregnancy announcement we already have enough kids running around"
"I promise its not me" I laugh.
"Not me either" Stina smiles.
After awhile everyone arrives. The kids except Tulina and Calla go and play while all the adults talk.
"Everyone shush Tam and Maruca have an announcement"
Maruca stands up. "We are officially engaged!"
Linh jumps up with a squeal giving her brother and soon sister in law a hug. I hand Calla to Keefe and give Maruca a hug.
"Congratulations!" I grin.
"Thank you" she smiles.
Biana also congratulation them. "Lets see the ring!"
Maruca shows us her right hand on her ring finger is a black ring with a sparkling purple gem.
"It's so pretty!" Linh squeals looking at it from every angle. "Tam where did you get it?"
Tam finally speaks for the first time. "The jeweler shop"
"Really? I thought you found in on the side of the road" Keefe sasses.
I smack him gently upside the head. "Be nice"
"Just saying, Bangs Boy could give more contest" He shrugs.
"I got it from Billers Beauty Shop" Tam finally says.
Maruca just sits on the chair grinning. "Could I hold Calla?"
"Yeah, of course" I hand her Calla.
"I'm so happy for you" Stina says.
Maruca thanks her. After awhile the kids come back down for dinner.
"Ok, Parent's come help dish your kids food!"
I walk over to Amy and help her. "What do you want?"
"I want the Mallowmelt, Purple eggs and Nectar tree fruit." She points to each of them as she speaks. I put them on her plate then wait in line for my food. I take a huge bowl of Starkflower Stew, Mallownmelt and Lush Berry juice.
I look over and see Kenric and Caprice laughing as they eat. I smile sitting down on the couch beside Keefe.
"Can I steal some of your Mallowmelt?" He asks.
"Absolutely not" I say grabbing my slice just a second to late Keefe already has it in his mouth.
"haha" He says through a mouth full of cake.
"CURSE YOU KEEFE!" I yell. All the heads turn our way.
"What's the matter?" Dex asks.
"He stole my Mallowmelt" I grumble.
"He did WHAT!?!" Biana asks appalled then gets up and brings us each another slice.
"Thank you Biana" I smile eating as fast as I can so Keefe can't.
"Thank you!" Keefe says shoving the second slice in his mouth.
"Oh, Maruca I can take Calla back now if you want" I tell her.
"I'd like to hold her a bit longer if that's ok"
"Of course. I just need her back when it's time to go"
"Deal. What can I feed her?"
"We could try some of the appley sauce" I suggest.
"Alright I'll get some appley sauce" She gets up holding Calla and gets the apple sauce then feeds it to her.
"Are you going to have more kids?" Marella asks me.
"Probably not. I'm happy with our family of five" I say a bit nervous. "What about you?"
"We kind of want a son but we are also happy with Caprice" Marella says. I just nod.
"I'm not having more kids. Between Rowen and the twins we have enough on our hands" Biana says.
"I personally want more" Dex says.
"Absolutely not. Never in a million years." Biana says.
"Fitz and I are probably going to have a second child at some point" Stina says.
"excellent question" I say. Everyone laughs.
Once we all finish supper we all head home.
"Change into your PJs" I tell the kids. They all do including Keefe. I tuck them into bed then put myself to bed. "Love you Keefe, Amy, Kenric, Calla." I whisper before drifting off to sleep.
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