month off?! prt.3: youll see what happens. :-)
Your pov:
Jared drove me home.
He gave me a sweet hug and kiss before leaving.
I get out of the dress and everything and got to my computer and transport all my videos off my phone for tomorrow's vlog and edit it. Not much that needed to be edited. But o just wanted to add more. So i turned on my web cam.
"Hello everyone its me again and i am at home for the moment in the middle of editing this vlog when i realized how dull my thank yous were they didn't have the meaningfulness i wanted to be behind it so i just want to sit down and take time out to do it the right way. Today as seen i won fiercest female role and i honestly cant express how happy i am to receive that award the best part of receiving this award is knowing that its done by real people the audience and that's amazing like it wasn't done by some old coots in a chair it was done by thousands of people who support and love you and what you do. And for that i want to say thank you. Soo much thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with these amazing people and going to big events like these. Thank you for supporting me." I start to think about how my parents would be so proud of me and it makes me cry a bit. "I'm sorry guys um i haven't done any interviews or shared any information about me but when i was 10 my parents were mugged. And i know that if they were here they would be soo happy for me especially my mom because she always said i would be and actress and she was right. Now looking back i remember how i would watch teen choice and pretend to claim the awards and give acceptance speeches and i had the opportunity to do it its just a bit overwhelming now that i think about it. Pinch me cause i think I'm dreaming. " i laugh. "I'm sorry for going all soft on you guys but just thank you guys so much." I wipe my eyes and end the vlog. Then add it to the rest and upload.
After that i laid down in bed and tried to sleep but i just couldn't the bed felt empty larger.
That's when my phone goes off.
Jared <3
I answer.
Y: hello?
J: hey babe you ok you sound like you've been crying.
Y: yea just gave my fans a bit of an emotional speech is all I'm fine though what's up?
J: oh well i just miss you alot the house seems alot bigger without you here can you come here?
Y: yea i cant sleep without you either.
J: *laughs* great see you shortly.
Y: yea love you.
J: love you too.
End of call.
I get a bag and pack some clothes and toiletries. After that i get in my car and drive to Jared's.
When i arrive Jared opens the door immediately before i even knock and gives me a hug.
"Wow you missed me more than anything huh?"
"Maaybe." Jared said.
I laugh.
"Come in and let me take that." He grabs my bag for me.
"Thanks babe." I give him a quick kiss.
"No problem have anything you have to do before we go to bed?"
"No now I'm just really tired and i wanna cuddle and go sheepy by." I say in a childs voice.
"Ok then that we will do." He carries me upstairs into his room we cuddle and fall asleep.
The next morning i got up and Jared wasn't beside me. I guessed he was downstairs and i was right. He was downstairs watching tv.
(What you were expecting him to be cooking you breakfast? Well not this time.)
I jump over the couch and lay my head in his lap. "Good morning." I say.
He gives me a quick kiss. "Morning, what you wanna do today?"
"I don't know nothing I'm feeling lazy and hungry so I'm gonna go cook something." I get up and go to the kitchen look through through the fridge. "What do you feel like eating?"
"Make me a sandwich!"
"..." i look at him.
"I was joking babe."
"Mhmm." I grab pancake mix and bacon as well as some fruits.
When i looked back at the couch Jared was gone must've went to the bathroom, oh well.
I cook everything and then cut the fruit for a small fruit salad. "Jared food ready!!"
"Ok I'm coming down!" He comes down stairs and sits at the table where i sat his plate. We eat." Taste great babe."
"Thanks." We continue eating.
"Soo you know how you've been staying here alot recently. Its basically your secondary home right?"
I see where this is going. "Yea why is something wrong with that?"
"No no i love having you here with me but i just...want this place to be your permanent home. Instead of secondary home. It feels weird without you here."
He slides something across the table to me. It was a key. I smile and go on his side to give him a hug. "Yes! I will move in with you!!" At this point i was basically sitting in his lap.
"Great also i got you this." He pulled out velvet box and hands it to me.
Please don't be a ring please don't be a ring please don't be a ring I'm not ready!!!!
"Oh." I say nervously. I open it and its a diamond necklace. Sigh in relief. (Media.)
"What wrong you don't like it?"
"No no i love it its just that.wooh"
"You thought i was proposing?"
"Oh not yet its a little too early for that not that i wouldn't. Though I'd love to marry you one day."
"Me too, thank you its beautiful." I wrap my arms around his neck and places his on y waist. I give a quick kiss.
"Here let put it on." He takes the necklace and puts it on me.
I rub heart in my hand. "I love it." I give him another kiss.
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