lunch with mother in law
Your pov:
Jared and i told everyone about our proposal. Everyone was happy for us! Especially Jensen. But his mother has been calling him like 6 times a day. No exaggeration. It gets a bit annoying but i can't say anything about it.
I was in the kitchen painting out the venue i have in mind cause I'm bored.
Not on a canvas or anything just on a simple sheet of paper. When Jared came behind me.
"Hey." I say.
"Hey what ya doing?"
"I'm painting."
"Well i think its time you take a break." Jared picked me up and carried me over his shoulder.
"No wait i cant let it dry too long!!" I giggle.
Jared places me on the couch and showers me with kisses and tickles.
"Jared stop!!" I beg squirming underneath him.
"Nope I'm enjoying this."
The house phone beside us on the side table went off.
I pick it up.
"Jared and (y/n)'s house." I say,
"Oh i didn't know you moved in!" She laughed it was Jared's mother.
"Hey Mrs,Padalecki! Hold on Jared's right here."
"No i actually wanted to ask if you wanted to have lunch just me and you."
"Really?!" I asked. I was quite surprised.
"Yes how about today?"
Jared continued to kiss and tickle me. "Jared stop I'm on the phone with your mom. Um I'm actually kind of busy with something right now can you pick another time?"
"How about tomorrow at 12?"
"That sounds great see ya then!!" I say.
"Great bye," she hung up.
"What'd she want?" Jared asked
"She wanted to have lunch with me tomorrow at 12."
"See i told you she liked you."
Still not 100% sure though.
The next day.....
This morning i spent most of my time trying to find the perfect outfit for this occasion its just me and his mother. Jared went off to work of course.
But after a bunch of going back and forth and indecisive-ness i finally decided on a dress.
I got ready for lunch and then i drove to the place she told me to come to named the ivy.
When i arrived i realized how fancy it looked i felt a bit under dressed because everyone looked well so fancy and above me. The place was very earthy and open.
I waited at the waiters smallish stand and waited to be seated. The waitress finally came.
"Hi my name is anne how may i help you?"
"Hi I'm here for a reservation under Padalecki." I say.
"Oh right this way."
She showed me to the table. before i was within distance Jared's mother stood up along with two of what i can guess are her friends they both looked at me with a look of disapproval. They looked me up and down as if to say. 'Your son the great actor is getting married to this?'
Which i kept my calm and brushed off.
"(Middle name.)" Jared's mother said with open in arms what I'm guessing in a manner of welcoming me.
But the thing is i don't like people calling me by my middle name. "Hi i didn't know we were having more people in our party!" I say smiling.
"Oh no these are my great friends viola and charity. Girls meet my new daughter in law she used to be a Personal assistant before all this."
Woah um ok not really there business but ok.
"Hi, its nice to meet you." I say holding out my hand.
"It was nice to see you again Marianne." One of them said and with that they left.
"Don't mind them (y/n) come on sit sit we have lots to talk about!!" Jared's mother said.
"Ok." I sit down and smile.
"So how are you?" She asked.
"I'm doing grea-"
"Oh that great i have a few ideas for your wedding!!"
"Oh great I'd love to see them!" I say smiling.
" great!! I have made an entire scrap book for it.!!" She pulls out a scrap book that looks like a 3 tier wedding cake with a picture of Jared and i or what it seemed like. It was really another persons wedding photo with our head overlapping theirs.
"Oh. Uh wow. Is that me and Jared?" I leaned forward to look closer at the picture but she opened the book almost hitting my nose.
"So i was thinking you could have the wedding at a big chapel i always thought Jared looked like Jesus." She said taking off her reading glasses and looking at the sky majestically.
"Actually Jared and i have been talking about having a non religious wedding for the sake of some of our gay and or lesbian friends." I say.
"That's fine!! Then you could have the wedding at my house!! Oh you have something in your hair!!"
I reached for my hair.
"Let me get it darling." She reached for something and yanked out one of my hairs on accident. I yelped and rubbed the spot she yanked the hair.
"Uh thanks."
Just in time the waiter came and asked for our order.
"I will have a chicken Caesar salad absolutely no nuts non fat low salary dressing and for the drink i would an evion." Jared mother ordered.
"Alright and for you?" The waiter asked,
"Oh um ill just have a garden burger and a side of fries."
"Coming right up!"
"I don't understand, don't you wanna fit your wedding dress?"
"The dress is being made to fit me not the other way around."
"Oh i wish i had that kind of confidence when i wed."
"Yea I'm allergic to blueberries and nuts so i wanted to stick to what i know doesn't have any of that in there."
Gosh all this marriage talk is making me a bit nervous.
I start to bite my finger nails.
"Oh no dear that's a nasty habit!!" She lightly popped my hand and i stopped,
"So um is that all your suggestions?"
"Oh no actually i was thinking your wedding could be peach i also know these amazing caterers with the best recipe for a peach wedding cake and oh present time from your new momma." She pulled out a medium velvet box.
I was in awe.
She then handed it to me, "thank you," i say smiling. I open it and it is a giant bronze cross with jesus on it.and you could see every detail, i didn't like it but i didn't want to be rude. "Oh um thanks its huge it you can see the thorns." I say smiling.
"Oh an idea just hit me!! Instead of a peach colored wedding you should have a Hollywood themed wedding!! At everyone will where men will wear black tuxs and woman will wear loong dresses of there choice!! And you can walk down a red carpet instead of a white one!and you can ride off to your honeymoon in a carriage with white horses and coachmen in white with black top hats and on the exact moment of i do you can release pigeons!!!-"
She just kept talking and talking and overwhelming me with ideas without giving me time to even think about her idea it was pressuring me "ok wait!!wait just hold on for a second please!" I accidentally yell.
She looked at me in shock.
"Thank you but no. Thank you but no to the carriage and the coachmen. Thank you but no to the theme .thank you but no to the pigeons or any other any you are thinking of releasing that day. I appreciate your help but its not necessary i have it all under control." I say.
She then starts to panic. "I cant oh my go- oh"
"Marianne?!" I say worried
She then falls off her chair and faints.
"Oh my god is she dead?!" Someone asked,
I checked her pulse, "no she's fine somebody call 911!!"
Jared's gonna have my head for this.
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