her of all people!!!
Your pov:
We were now done with the panel and about to head out everyone made sure we had everything and we were read to go out of the door when i saw her.....
My cousin Lisa.
When she saw me she gasped in excitement and squealed. "Oh my gosh cousin!!!!!!!!!" She ran up to hug me.
"Oh Lisa!!" I say faking enthusiasm.
She hugged me tightly.
"I am so glad you finally came down to new york I've been trying to tweet out to you!!"
"Oh i turned off my twitter notifications because the fans blow up up my twitter!" I lied.
"What about facebook i sent you a friend request and you denied it."
"Oh that was you i didn't know well i have to go!" I say grabbing Jared's hand.
"Hey wait (y/n) lets take a picture!!"
"Sorry Lisa i really have to go."
"Well ill text you later come by my house!!"
"OK bye!!" I say running out of the building.
"That was your cousin?" Jared asked.
"She was really nice what's so bad about her?"
"One she's mean as a snake and very manipulative."
"I think you may be overreacting."
"Trust me i know her that's why I'm glad we are leaving tomorrow.now lets go collab."
We got in the uber and drove to the hotel where mark was staying.
He i knocked on the hotel door we heard 3 men yelling.
"Ah fuck my balls!!"
"Maybe we have the wrong hotel room." Jared said.
"No we have the right one did you text jenny the room number?"
"Yea he said he should be here shortly."
I knock again.and this time mark opens the door. "Hey glad you could make it sorry we we just got done doing a challenge video for pewdiepie channel."
"What kind of challenge shock my balls challenge."
"That had to hurt!" Jared said.
"It did, well come in Sawyer arrived before you guys he just went downstairs to get something from his car."
We came in and there we saw Jacksepticeye and pewdiepie.
"Hello." I say.
"Hi!!" They say.
"Wait a minute aren't you (y/n) and Jared off of supernatural?!" Sean asked.
"Yep that's us and you are Jacksepticeye!"
"Oh my gosh it is so nice to meet you guys!!" He said excitedly.
"Its nice to meet you too!"
"So what are you guys doing here?" Pewdiepie asked.
"Oh we are here to do a collab we have Jensen coming soon and we are gonna do a YouTuber and supernatural cast extravaganza vid" i joke.
"Mark told us that you guys had a convention down here how did it go?" Sean asked.
"It was amazing and it was her first time and she did amazing." Jared said.
I blushed.
"So are you two together now?" Mark asked.
"Just not gonna tell the fans." Jared said.
"OK i see well congrats guys!!" Mark says.
"Thanks." We both said.
"So do you have an idea for a challenge video?" Mark asked.
"No i was kinda hoping you did."
"Don't worry we can coming up with something im sure."
"How about the whisper challenge?" Jacksepticeye suggested.
"Yea and it could be YouTubers vs The Spn cast." I say.
"I'm sorry i don't understand anything that is going on right now." Jared says.
"Don worry when it comes down to it you'll see." I say.
"Well you guys have fun with that I'm gonna go to my hotel room."
"Hey can i take a picture with you?" I asked
"Sure i didn't know you were a bro!"
Me and pewdiepie take a photo and he leaves.
Then sawyer comes in as well as jenny.
"Hey guys!" Sawyer says.
"Hey!" We all say.
"Everyone's here shall we get started?" Mark says.
"We friggin shall!" I say.
We had a blast and we ate lunch and sawyer vlogged.
"Hey guys sawyer here and believe it or not here with right now i have Jared Padalecki."
"Hello internet!"Jared jokes.
"Beside him is my lovely bestie (y/n)."
"Hai guuuys!" I wave and go back to eating my burger.
"Jensen Ackles."
"Woah Markiplier and Jacksepticeye what are you two doing here?"
"I dont know i was in my hotel room and i ended up here!" Mark jokes.
Sean giggle and waves. "Hello."
"But guys we just did and awesome YouTubers vs Spn cast vid go check it out on Marks channel we did one round on each channel I'm working on getting (y/n) one."
"I don't know guys i would but I'm busy now i would've if i were still a PA but now I'm on spn i cant tend to a YouTube channel right now maybe ill do vlogging maybe." I say.
"Oooh thats works!"
"Yknow misha has a YouTube channel!" Jared said,
"Really?" I said in shock.
Then we finished lunch.
"Hey guys can i get pictures with like everyone? Cause believe it or or before all this i was a huge fan." I say.
Everyone agrees and we take a group picture. Then we all went our separate ways but promised to keep in touch.
We were in the uber on the way back to the hotel.
"Soo are we gonna go see your cousin?" Jared asked.
I laugh but then stop when i realize he wasn't laughing. "You're serious?"
"Yes maybe Lisa has changed."
"Do i really need to stop by there."
"Yes (y/n) people can change you know give her a chance."
I sigh. "Fiiine." I give the uber my cousins address and we arrive at her apartment complex. I knock on her door.
"If things go bad you owe me dinner." I say.
"I'm gonna take you out on a date anyway." Jared say wrapping his hands around my waist and kissing my neck.
I giggle "stop it!" Right then Lisa opens the door and Jared pulls away.
"Hey Lisa!" I say faking enthusiasm.
"Hii I'm sooo glad you came by come on in and oh who is this handsome fella?!"
"This us Jared my co star on the show."
"Oh you play sam!!" She says.
"Yea i do, (y/n) has told me all about you." He said shaking her hand.
"Big hands ya got there!" She giggles "me and her were always so close after her parents got mugged."
"Lisa!" I say.
"What you didn't tell me that!" Jared said.
"You never told him?! It is a sensitive topic for ya!"
"Because i wasn't ready to tell you I'm sorry."
"Its fine, i understand." He said smiling at me.
"Yea that's why i had to live with my aunt and my cousins for the rest of my life."
"So how about you two come in sit down nd get comfy!!" She says,
We sit down together in her mix match living room.
"So hows the supernatural life treatin ya couz?"
"Its been amazing." I say.
"You know I'm an actress as well?" She says.
'A struggling one.'
"Oh yea i forgot!!" I lied.
"Oh ya I've been in a extra in a few major productions i was walker on the walking dead one of the nerds on the heathers musical i was even a teacher on matilda the remake.."
"Oh wow you have done alot!!"
"Yea i was wondering if you could hook me up with a better agent."
"Oh I'm sorry i cant do that."
'Because you've hooked up with too many guys in the past i wouldn't want you to pass anything you may have on to some innocent man who didn't deserve it.'
"Oh its OK, I'm done with the acting business anyways that's your thing so I'm taking on YouTube i just got finished vlogging."
"Oh cool!"
"Ya i have 25 subs i started like last year."
I was holding back a laugh."Oh wow" Jared gave me a scolding look and i stopped
"So what do you vlog about?" Jared asked.
"I vlog about my life my day to day life."
"What was the most eventful thing you caught on camera?" I asked.
"I saved a puppy." She says.
I was about to laugh my as off. "I need to go to the bathroom excuse me."
I went to the bathroom and laughed so hard.
Jareds pov:
When (y/n) left it was just me and lisa.
"So you and my cousin huh?" She asked.
"Excuse me?" I say politely.
"Don't act like that i seen you kiss all on her neck from behind you know my cousin is really weak and stupid and you i can tell by the look in your eyes your are a strong man who needs a strong woman!"
"I'm not sure i follow."
"Oh don't play dumb you need a woman like me!"
Your pov:
After gathering myself i came out of the bathroom to see Lisa basically suffocating Jared with her mouth and Jared trying to get her off of him.
I've had had enough of my slutty cousin stealing every man from me ever since junior year of high school shed find a way to steal each guy id ever had. Well not this time bitch!!
I grab her off of him and punch her so hard she lands to the ground."alright you whorish cock sucker keep your nitty gritty semen covered hands off my man!!"
"You crazy bitch!"
"At least I'm sure i don't have STDs" i shot back.
"Go ahead he looks like a moose anyways."
"A very handsome one thank you very much. Come on Jared we will be leaving now."
Me and Jared and get to the hotel.
"Sorry i didn't-"
"Don't worry i already know lets just go to bed." I say
He climbs in his bed. I turn off all the light and join him in his bed which surprises him.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too." He kissed me passionately and then had a small make out session before falling asleep.
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