A jealous Genevieve.
A/n: Jared's kids are named Austin/ shepherd and Thomas aka Tom.
And i have nothing against gen i love her like a sister.
Your pov:
My forever annoying alarm clock went off on the side of the bed.
I slam my fist into the clock to turn it off and go directly to the bathroom.
I hop in the shower and put on the outfit i set out for myself last night.(media.)
I know its gonna be a long flight so i wanted to wear something cute but comfortable.
I grab my purse and put some snacks,magazines and (whatever you want.) .
After getting ready and double checking to make sure i have everything i need.
I hear the doorbell ring.
"Its open!" I yell.
The door opens and i hear the sound of two children as well as Jared talking.
I rush towards them. "Hey guys!"
"Hey Ms. Sweets!"
Austin and Thomas said in unison.
I look at Jared. "Did you tell them to call me that?" I asked.
"Yea." He said smiling.
"Oh you little!!-" i had to remember
'Kids are here be a good role model!'
"Brat!" I yelled.
Jared giggles and got my stuff and put it in the trunk.
Then came back inside.
"Do you guys remember when you're mommy let me watch you guys?!" I asked bending down.
Thomas nodded frantically but shep shook his head no shyly behind his cute little teddy bear.
"You gave us cotton candy!!!" Thomas yelled.
'Uh oh, busted!!'
"You were the one who gave them cotton candy after i said no?!"
I got up and slowly faced Jared "Hehe busted?" I said.
Jared gave me that scolding look.
"Sorry i mean you weren't there and i was watching them and they asked me if they could have some and i was just like what could a little cotton candy do to them its not that bad so i just gave them a teeny tiny bit!" I ramble.
Tom and shep giggle at me.
"Well the hadn't even ate breakfast yet you're lucky they didn't get tummy aches."
"Hehe sorry." I said.
"All's forgiven considering it was last year ill let it slide."Jared said.
"Yay! Now lets go eat breakfast I'm hungy!" I say in a child's voice while looking at te kids.
They giggle.
"Can i hold your hand?" Tom asked.
'Awwwwwww yesss!!'
I get down to his level"how about a piggyback ride?" I asked.
I giggle and get down so he can get on my back.
Once i was sure he was on and safe i wrap his little legs around my waist and began to playfully stomp to the car.
"I am a giant and Thomas is my tiny friend!" I say in the deepest voice i could manage.
I hear him giggle as his grip around my neck tightens.
He was getting heavy. He has surely grown since the last time i saw him.
Soon we arrive at the car thank god. Jared opens the door and i turn around and let Thomas down into the car seat.
"Alright Ms.Sweets the giant let me buckle him in!" Jared chuckled.
"I got it!" I reassure him. I tickle tom to make him laugh and he did this made me laugh as well i buckle him in and get in on the passenger side. I look back"is everyone ready?!" I asked smiling.
"Yea!!" Thomas said excitedly.
Jared giggled and started up the car.
On the way to his house we sung little Einstein's it was cute and funny.
Once we arrived i carried shep into the house while Jared gave Thomas a piggyback ride.
We made a very quick breakfast together full if oopsies and laughter. Then Genevieve had to come get the kids.
*knock knock.*
"Ill volunteer as tribute!" I say running towards the door once i open it there she is.
I for some reason felt really nervous. "H-hi Genevieve."
She looked at me very confused. "Sweets why the hell are you at Jared's house and why are you covered in flour?!"
"Um Jared in-invited me over for breakfast come in." I say opening the door.
Genevieve pushes pass me abruptly and goes over to the kids.
"Hey babies." She said giving them a kiss.
"Hey mommy!" They both said.
"Ready to go home?!"
"What'd you guys do?!"
"We went to the arcade and to the movies and this morning we made pancakes with Ms. Sweets!!" Thomas exclaimed.
Genevieve looked at me not so nice look.
'What did do?'
Jared comes from the bathroom.
"Hey Jared." She said obviously faking enthusiasm due to the fact children were here.
"Hey Gen, You met sweets right?"
"Yea she's a PA on set can i talk to you alone?" She asked.
"Yea sure." He agreed
Gen looked at me. "You know how to use a car seat right?" She asked,
I didn't know how to feel about comment. "Uh yea,"
"Good do me a favor and take the kids stuff and put them in my car after that buckle them in if I'm not done talking to Jared." She said smiling.
"Um sure ok." I grab the kids bags and put them in the trunk.
Jared's pov:
"What's the problem?" i asked
"What is a PA doing here?"
"I invited her over for breakfast."
"Why of all the people to invite you invite the superstar wanna be from set yknow she's just using you for money right?!"
"No Gen that's what you do an she not a superstar wanna be she has a part on the show!!"
"And why did you let that around my kids!!"
"They aren't just yours they are mine too I'm not careless like you and let whoever around the kids she is good with kids and is really nice!!"
"Money whore!"
"Yea that's exactly what you are get the kids and go i have to get to set with (y/n)"
"So that's her real name sounds whorish to me but OK!" She turns around and walks over out the room.
I shook my head in shame.
Your pov:
I finally got sheps final bag in the car. Who knew a 3yr old would need so much! I went inside and was about to get the kids when i seen Gen standing the with her arms crossed next to the kids.
"Ya done?" She asked
"Uh yea!" I said smiling.
"Good cause i be out!" She grabbed the kids hands and walked out of the door. But shep let go and ran over to me and hugged my leg and ran back.
I decided to go and help Genevieve buckle in the kids she buckled in shep and i buckled in Thomas he also gave me a tight little hug.
"Be good OK?" I say sweetly.
"OK." He said smiling.
Jared gave them hugs and Gen drove off.
"Well she was really nice." I say sarcastically.
"Yea she is isn't she."
"You obviously didn't sense my sarcasm."
"Oh trust me you didn't even need to tell me i know I've been married to her for 4 yrs,"
"Well we have places to be ready to hit the road?"
We got everything we needed and went to set.
~~~~~~after arriving and doing many scenes.~~~~~~
We were doing the final take of our last scene.
"Look sam, i know you said that you are just not ready for a relationship. But . I Can see through that. You are ready hell you way past ready you are ready to drop all the hunter crap once and for all and go live the apple pie life! But you're afraid that once you finally get there something's gonna go wrong. Dean's gonna show up like he did all those years ago and drag you back into the game then dragging anyone you love into it.with a possible chance of dying. I understand that. But i also understand people die all the time every minute someone is born someone dies. And just because someone around you dies doesn't mean its your fault it just means it was meant to be nature is taking its course and that is natural I'm sorry that you've lost many along the way but that just meant it was there time .sure you have escaped many fates but not everyone's a Winchester." I say in a serious tone.
Jared looks at me like he's at a loss for words and he searching for an answer and an argument.
I chuckle and look up at the sky. "Alright Sammy boy think on that for a while. Im gonna go get some sleep." I say walking away from Jared.
"Aaand cut that's a wrap get going!!!!!" Robert yells.
Me and Jared ran to the suv forgetting we still had on our characters clothes and we drove off we realized it just minutes after we were down the road we had no time for stops so we would just go on the plane the way we are,
"So you are really good wit kids do you have some i don't know about?" He joked.
"No no no i babysit my nephew from time to time. You are a really awesome dad yknow that?"
"Yea shep made me a poster that said best dad with a picture of me on it."
We laughed and once we got to the airport we got on the plane and had a 5 hour flight.
After arriving at the hotel Eric made hotel arrangements so he didn't have to buy too many rooms.
Mark was with Jensen
Misha was with Eric
And I you guessed it was with Jared.
Why. WHY?!?!?
I was so tired i didn't feel like complaining i immediately went to our hotel room without a word and crashed on the nearest bed.
I hate flying!!!
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